Deprecation warning

Please note that this is outdated documentation for an older release of the Scandit Barcode Scanner SDK.

We are deprecating the 5.x API on all platforms (except Linux). Release 5.19 in April 2021 will be our final. Applications running 5.x will continue to work, and we will continue to release critical bug fixes and security patches only, for one year. We encourage you to migrate to 6.x and take advantage of our latest / advanced features and improved performance.

You'll find the updated documentation at: Data Capture SDK Documentation for Android

Data Structures
Here are the data structures with brief descriptions:
 CScBarcodeA located or recognized barcode/ 2d code in an image
 CScBarcodeArrayA fixed-size array of barcode objects
 CScBarcodeScannerScans barcodes in images
 CScBarcodeScannerSessionAn opaque barcode scanner session object
 CScBarcodeScannerSettingsAn opaque data structure holding configuration options for the barcode scanner
 CScByteArrayA nul terminated array of bytes
 CScCameraOpaque handle to a camera object
 CScErrorStructure for holding error information
 CScFramerateDescribes a framerate
 CScImageDescriptionDescribes dimensions as well as internal memory layout of an image buffer
 CScPointA 2-dimensional point with integer precision
 CScPointFA 2-dimensional point with floating point precision
 CScProcessFrameResultResult status and frame id
 CScQuadrilateralA 2-dimensional polygon with 4 corners
 CScRecognitionContextOpaque recognition context data structure
 CScRectangleFA 2-dimensional rectangle with floating point precision
 CScSizeA 2-dimensional unsigned size
 CScSizeFA 2-dimensional size with floating point precision
 CScStepwiseFramerateA step-wise description of a framerate
 CScStepwiseResolutionA unsigned step-wise description of a size
 CScSymbologySettingsContains symbology-specific settings