Deprecation warning

Please note that this is outdated documentation for an older release of the Scandit Barcode Scanner SDK.

We encourage you to migrate to 6.x and take advantage of our latest / advanced features and improved performance.

You'll find the updated documentation at: Data Capture SDK Documentation for iOS

Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
 CSBSBarcodePickerControls the camera and orchestrates the barcode scanning process
 CSBSBarcodePickerBaseImplements the base functionality for the pre-4.7 and 4.7+ picker
 CSBSBarcodePickerManagerManages a barcode picker instance, allocating and releasing it dependent on need
 CSBSBarcodePickerViewWraps an SBSBarcodePicker instance, exposing simple settings through the Interface Builder
 CSBSCodeRepresents a recognized/localized barcode/2D code
 CSBSLicenseHolds settings that are needed to verify a Scandit Barcode Scanner license
 CSBSOverlayControllerControls the scan screen user interface
 C<SBSOverlayControllerDidCancelDelegate>Protocol cancel events
 C<SBSProcessFrameDelegate>Protocol for accessing the processed sample buffers
 CSBSQuadrilateralQuadrilateral represented by 4 corners
 CSBSScanCaseStart a scanner for the Scandit case
 C<SBSScanCaseDelegate>Calls the Protocol for events fired by SBSScanCase, e.g. when new codes are scanned
 CSBSScanCaseSessionHolds all barcodes that were decoded in the current session
 CSBSScanCaseSettingsHolds settings that affect the recognition of barcodes (e.g. enabled barcode symbologies)
 C<SBSScanDelegate>Defines the Protocol for a scan event delegate
 CSBSScanSessionHolds all barcodes that were decoded in the current session
 CSBSScanSettingsHolds settings that affect the recognition of barcodes, such as enabled barcode symbologies, scanning hot spot etc
 CSBSSymbologySettingsHolds settings specific to a single symbology such as checksums and active symbol count
 CScanditSDKBarcodePickerAcquires camera frames, decodes barcodes in those camera frames and updates the ScanditSDKOverlayController
 C<ScanditSDKNextFrameDelegate>Protocol to receive individual frame from barcode picker
 CScanditSDKOverlayControllerControls the scan screen user interface
 C<ScanditSDKOverlayControllerDelegate>Protocol to handle barcode scan, cancel and manual search events