Deprecation warning

Please note that this is outdated documentation for an older release of the Scandit Barcode Scanner SDK.

We are deprecating the 5.x API on all platforms (except Linux). Release 5.19 in April 2021 will be our final. Applications running 5.x will continue to work, and we will continue to release critical bug fixes and security patches only, for one year. We encourage you to migrate to 6.x and take advantage of our latest / advanced features and improved performance.

You'll find the updated documentation at: Data Capture SDK Documentation for iOS

ScanditSDKOverlayController Class Reference

Inherits SBSOverlayController.


id< ScanditSDKOverlayControllerDelegatedelegate
UISearchBar * manualSearchBar
UIToolbar * toolBar
id< SBSOverlayControllerDidCancelDelegatecancelDelegate
SBSGuiStyle guiStyle

Sound Configuration

Customize the scan sound.

(void) - setBeepEnabled:
(void) - setVibrateEnabled:
(BOOL) - setScanSoundResource:ofType:

Torch Configuration

Enable and customize appearance of the torch icon.

(void) - setTorchEnabled:
(BOOL) - setTorchOnImage:pressed:
(BOOL) - setTorchOnImageResource:pressedResource:ofType:
(BOOL) - setTorchOffImage:pressed:
(BOOL) - setTorchOffImageResource:pressedResource:ofType:
(void) - setTorchButtonLeftMargin:topMargin:width:height:
(void) - setTorchOffButtonAccessibilityLabel:hint:
(void) - setTorchOnButtonAccessibilityLabel:hint:

Camera Switch Configuration

Enable camera switch and set icons

(void) - setCameraSwitchVisibility:
(BOOL) - setCameraSwitchImage:pressed:
(BOOL) - setCameraSwitchImageResource:pressedResource:ofType:
(void) - setCameraSwitchButtonRightMargin:topMargin:width:height:
(void) - setCameraSwitchButtonBackAccessibilityLabel:hint:
(void) - setCameraSwitchButtonFrontAccessibilityLabel:hint:

Viewfinder Configuration

Customize the viewfinder where the barcode location is highlighted.

(void) - drawViewfinder:
(void) - setViewfinderHeight:width:landscapeHeight:landscapeWidth:
(void) - setViewfinderPortraitWidth:height:
(void) - setViewfinderLandscapeWidth:height:
(void) - setViewfinderColor:green:blue:
(void) - setViewfinderDecodedColor:green:blue:
(void) - resetUI

Toolbar Configuration

Customize toolbar appearance

(void) - showToolBar:
(void) - setToolBarButtonCaption:

Camera Permission Configuration

Customize the text shown if the camera can not be aquired.

(void) - setMissingCameraPermissionInfoText:

Torch Configuration

Enable and customize appearance of the torch icon.

(BOOL) - setTorchOnImageResource:ofType:
(void) - setTorchButtonRelativeX:relativeY:width:height:

Camera Switch Configuration

Enable camera switch and set icons

(BOOL) - setCameraSwitchImageResource:ofType:
(void) - setCameraSwitchButtonRelativeInverseX:relativeY:width:height:

Viewfinder Configuration

Customize the viewfinder where the barcode location is highlighted.

(void) - setViewfinderHeight:width:

Logo Configuration

Customize the scanning by Scandit logo - Note that including the logo in the UI is mandatory.

(void) - setLogoXOffset:yOffset:landscapeXOffset:landscapeYOffset:
(void) - setInfoBannerOffset:
(BOOL) - setBannerImageWithResource:ofType:

Searchbar Configuration

Customize searchbar appearance

(void) - showSearchBar:
(void) - setSearchBarActionButtonCaption:
(void) - setSearchBarCancelButtonCaption:
(void) - setSearchBarPlaceholderText:
(void) - setSearchBarKeyboardType:
(void) - setMinSearchBarBarcodeLength:
(void) - setMaxSearchBarBarcodeLength:


Deprecated methods.

(void) - showMostLikelyBarcodeUIElement:
(void) - setTextForInitialScanScreenState:
(void) - setTextForBarcodePresenceDetected:
(void) - setTextForBarcodeDecodingInProgress:
(void) - setTextWhenNoBarcodeWasRecognized:
(void) - setTextToSuggestManualEntry:
(void) - setTextForMostLikelyBarcodeUIElement:
(void) - setViewfinderFontSize:
(void) - setUIFont:
(void) - drawStaticViewfinder:
(void) - drawViewfinderTextHook:
(void) - setScanFlashEnabled:

Detailed Description

controls the scan screen user interface.

The overlay controller can be used to configure various scan screen UI elements such as search bar, toolbar, torch, camera switch icon, scandit logo and the viewfinder.

Developers can inherit from the ScanditSDKOverlayController to implement their own scan screen user interfaces.


Method Documentation

- (BOOL) setTorchOnImageResource: (NSString *)  fileName
ofType: (NSString *)  extension 

Sets the image which is being drawn when the torch is on.

If you want this to be displayed in proper resolution on high resolution screens, you need to also provide a resource with the same name but \2x appended and in higher resolution (like flashlight-turn-on-icon\2x.png).

File needs to be placed in Resources folder.

By default this is: "flashlight-turn-on-icon.png"

fileNameThe file name for when the torch is on (without suffix).
extensionThe file type.
Whether the change was successful.
- (void) setTorchButtonRelativeX: (float)  x
relativeY: (float)  y
width: (float)  width
height: (float)  height 

Sets the position at which the button to enable the torch is drawn.

The X and Y coordinates are relative to the screen size, which means they have to be between 0 and 1.

There are no defaults as the margins are now set through setTorchButtonLeftMargin:topMargin:width:height:.

xRelative x coordinate.
yRelative y coordinate.
widthWidth in points.
heightHeight in points.
- (BOOL) setCameraSwitchImageResource: (NSString *)  fileName
ofType: (NSString *)  extension 

Sets the image which is being drawn when the camera switch button is visible.

If you want this to be displayed in proper resolution on high resolution screens, you need to also provide a resource with the same name but \2x appended and in higher resolution (like flashlight-turn-on-icon\2x.png).

File needs to be placed in Resources folder.

By default this is: "camera-swap-icon.png"

fileNameThe file name of the camera swap button's image (without suffix).
extensionThe file type.
Whether the change was successful.
- (void) setCameraSwitchButtonRelativeInverseX: (float)  x
relativeY: (float)  y
width: (float)  width
height: (float)  height 

Sets the position at which the button to switch the camera is drawn.

The X and Y coordinates are relative to the screen size, which means they have to be between 0 and 1. Be aware that the x coordinate is calculated from the right side of the screen and not the left like with the torch button.

By default this is set to x = 0.04, y = 0.02, width = 40 and height = 40.

xRelative x coordinate (from the right screen edge).
yRelative y coordinate.
widthWidth in points.
heightHeight in points.
- (void) setViewfinderHeight: (float)  h
width: (float)  w 

Deprecated: Sets the size of the viewfinder relative to the size of the screen size.

Changing this value does not(!) affect the area in which barcodes are successfully recognized. It only changes the size of the box drawn onto the scan screen.

By default the width is 0.6 and the height is 0.25

hHeight of the viewfinder rectangle.
wWidth of the viewfinder rectangle.
- (void) setLogoXOffset: (int)  xOffset
yOffset: (int)  yOffset
landscapeXOffset: (int)  landscapeXOffset
landscapeYOffset: (int)  landscapeYOffset 

Sets the x and y offset at which the scanning by Scandit logo is drawn for both portrait and landscape orientation.

Please note that the standard Scandit SDK license do not allow you to hide the logo.

By default this is set to xOffset = 0, yOffset = 0, landscapeXOffset = 0, landscapeYOffset = 0.

xOffsetx offset in pixels in portrait mode
yOffsety offset in pixels in portrait mode
landscapeXOffsetx offset in pixels in landscape mode
landscapeYOffsety offset in pixels in landscape mode
- (void) setInfoBannerOffset: (int)  offset

Deprecated: Sets the y offset at which the Scandit logo should be drawn.

Please note that the standard Scandit SDK licenses do not allow you to hide the logo. Do not use this method to hide the poweredby logo.

offsetvertical offset in pixels by which logo should be moved

By default this is: 0

- (BOOL) setBannerImageWithResource: (NSString *)  fileName
ofType: (NSString *)  extension 

Sets the "scanning by Scandit" image which is being drawn at the bottom of the scan screen.

Use this method to show an alternative scanning by Scandit logo provided for your application by the Scandit team. Do not use this method without consulting with the Scandit team.

Note: This feature is only available with the Scandit SDK Enterprise Packages.

By default this is: "poweredby.png"

fileNameof poweredby logo (without suffix)
extensionfile type
boolean indicating whether the change was successful.
- (void) showSearchBar: (BOOL)  show

Shows (or hides) a search bar at the top of the scan screen.

showWhether the search bar should be visible.
- (void) setSearchBarActionButtonCaption: (NSString *)  caption

Sets the caption of the search button at the top of the numerical keyboard.

By default this is: "Go"

captionCaption of the search button.
- (void) setSearchBarCancelButtonCaption: (NSString *)  caption

Sets the caption of the manual entry at the top.

By default this is: "Cancel"

captionCaption of the cancel button.
- (void) setSearchBarPlaceholderText: (NSString *)  text

Sets the text shown in the manual entry field when nothing has been entered yet.

By default this is: "Scan barcode or enter it here"

textA placeholder text shown when the search bar is empty.
- (void) setSearchBarKeyboardType: (UIKeyboardType)  keyboardType

Sets the type of keyboard that is shown to enter characters into the search bar.

By default this is: UIKeyboardTypeNumberPad

keyboardTypeType of keyboard that is shown when user uses search bar.
- (void) setMinSearchBarBarcodeLength: (NSInteger)  length

Sets the minimum size that a barcode entered in the manual searchbar has to have to possibly be valid.

By default this is set to 8.

lengthMinimum number of input characters.
- (void) setMaxSearchBarBarcodeLength: (NSInteger)  length

Sets the maximum size that a barcode entered in the manual searchbar can have to possibly be valid.

By default this is set to 100.

lengthMaximum number of input characters.
- (void) showMostLikelyBarcodeUIElement: (BOOL)  show

Deprecated: Add the 'most likely barcode' UI element.

This element is displayed below the viewfinder when the barcode engine is not 100% confident in its result and asks for user confirmation. This element is seldom displayed - typically only when decoding challenging barcodes with fixed focus cameras.

showwhether to show the most likely barcode element.
- (void) setTextForInitialScanScreenState: (NSString *)  text

Deprecated: Sets the text that will be displayed above the viewfinder to tell the user to align it with the barcode that should be recognized.

textThe text to use.
- (void) setTextForBarcodePresenceDetected: (NSString *)  text

Deprecated: Sets the text that will be displayed above the viewfinder to tell the user to align it with the barcode and hold still because a potential code seems to be on the screen.

textThe text to use.
- (void) setTextForBarcodeDecodingInProgress: (NSString *)  text

Deprecated: Sets the text that will be displayed above the viewfinder when decoding is in progress.

textThe text to use.
- (void) setTextWhenNoBarcodeWasRecognized: (NSString *)  text

Deprecated: Sets the text that will be displayed if the engine was unable to recognize the barcode.

textThe text to use.
- (void) setTextToSuggestManualEntry: (NSString *)  text

Deprecated: Sets the text that will be displayed if the engine was unable to recognize the barcode and it is suggested to enter the barcode manually.

textThe text to use.
- (void) setTextForMostLikelyBarcodeUIElement: (NSString *)  text

Deprecated: Sets the text that is displayed alongside the 'most likely barcode' UI element that is displayed when the barcode engine is not 100% confident in its result and asks for user confirmation.

By default this is: "Tap to use"

textThe text to use.
- (void) setViewfinderFontSize: (float)  fontSize

Sets the font size of the text in the view finder.

Note: This feature is only available with the Scandit SDK Enterprise Packages.

fontSizethe font size to use
- (void) setUIFont: (NSString *)  font

Sets the font of all text displayed in the UI.

Note: This feature is only available with the Scandit SDK Enterprise Packages.

fontThe font to use.
- (void) drawStaticViewfinder: (BOOL)  draw

Deprecated: Sets whether the overlay controller draws the static viewfinder (i.e. white rectangle) when no code was detected yet.

drawWhether the static view finder should be drawn.
- (void) drawViewfinderTextHook: (BOOL)  draw

Deprecated: Sets whether to draw the hook at the top of the viewfinder that displays text.

drawWhether view finder text hook should be drawn.
- (void) setScanFlashEnabled: (BOOL)  enabled

Deprecated: Enables (or disables) the "flash" when a barcode is successfully scanned.

enabledWhether the scan flash should be enabled.
- (void) setBeepEnabled: (BOOL)  enabled

Enables (or disables) the sound when a barcode is recognized. If the phone's ring mode is set to muted or vibrate, no beep will be played regardless of the value.

Enabled by default.

enabledWhether the beep is enabled.
- (void) setVibrateEnabled: (BOOL)  enabled

Enables or disables the vibration when a code was recognized. If the phone's ring mode is set to muted, no beep will be played regardless of the value.

Enabled by default.

enabledWhether vibrate is enabled.
- (BOOL) setScanSoundResource: (nonnull NSString *)  path
ofType: (nonnull NSString *)  extension 

Sets the audio sound played when a code has been successfully recognized.

File needs to be placed in Resources folder.

Note: This feature is only available with the Scandit SDK Enterprise Packages.

The default is: "beep.wav"

pathThe file name of the sound file (without suffix).
extensionThe file type.
Whether the change was successful.
- (void) setTorchEnabled: (BOOL)  enabled

Enables or disables the torch toggle button for all devices/cameras that support a torch.

By default it is enabled. The torch icon is never shown when the camera does not have a torch (most tablets, front cameras, etc).

enabledWhether the torch button should be shown.
- (BOOL) setTorchOnImage: (nonnull UIImage *)  torchOnImage
pressed: (nonnull UIImage *)  torchOnPressedImage 

Sets the images which are being drawn when the torch is on.

By default these are "flashlight-turn-off-icon.png" and "flashlight-turn-off-icon-pressed.png" which come with the framework's resource bundle.

torchOnImageThe image for when the torch is on.
torchOnPressedImageThe image for when the torch is on and it is pressed.
Whether the change was successful.
- (BOOL) setTorchOnImageResource: (nonnull NSString *)  fileName
pressedResource: (nonnull NSString *)  pressedFileName
ofType: (nonnull NSString *)  extension 

Sets the images which are being drawn when the torch is on.

If you want this to be displayed in proper resolution on high resolution screens, you need to also provide a resource with the same name but \2x appended and in higher resolution (like flashlight-turn-on-icon\2x.png).

File needs to be placed in Resources folder.

By default this is: "flashlight-turn-off-icon.png" and "flashlight-turn-off-icon-pressed.png"

fileNameThe file name for when the torch is on (without suffix).
pressedFileNameThe file name for when the torch is on and it is pressed (without suffix).
extensionThe file type.
Whether the change was successful.
- (BOOL) setTorchOffImage: (nonnull UIImage *)  torchOffImage
pressed: (nonnull UIImage *)  torchOffPressedImage 

Sets the images which are being drawn when the torch is off.

By default this is: "flashlight-turn-on-icon.png" and "flashlight-turn-on-icon-pressed.png" which come with the framework's resource bundle.

torchOffImageThe image for when the torch is off.
torchOffPressedImageThe image for when the torch is off and it is pressed.
Whether the change was successful.
- (BOOL) setTorchOffImageResource: (nonnull NSString *)  fileName
pressedResource: (nonnull NSString *)  pressedFileName
ofType: (nonnull NSString *)  extension 

Sets the images which are being drawn when the torch is off.

If you want this to be displayed in proper resolution on high resolution screens, you need to also provide a resource with the same name but \2x appended and in higher resolution (like flashlight-turn-on-icon\2x.png).

By default this is: "flashlight-turn-on-icon.png" and "flashlight-turn-on-icon-pressed.png"

fileNameThe file name for when the torch is off (without suffix).
pressedFileNameThe file name for when the torch is off and it is pressed (without suffix).
extensionThe file type.
Whether the change was successful.
- (void) setTorchButtonLeftMargin: (float)  leftMargin
topMargin: (float)  topMargin
width: (float)  width
height: (float)  height 

Sets the position at which the button to enable the torch is drawn.

By default the margins are 15 and width and height are 40.

leftMarginLeft margin in points.
topMarginTop margin in points.
widthWidth in points.
heightHeight in points.
- (void) setTorchOffButtonAccessibilityLabel: (nonnull NSString *)  label
hint: (nonnull NSString *)  hint 

Sets the accessibility label and hint for the torch button while the torch is off.

The accessibility label and hint give vision-impaired users voice over guidance for the torch button while the torch is turned on. The default label is "Torch Switch (Currently Off)", the default hint "Double-tap to switch the torch on"

labelThe accessibility label.
hintThe accessibility hint.
- (void) setTorchOnButtonAccessibilityLabel: (nonnull NSString *)  label
hint: (nonnull NSString *)  hint 

Sets the accessibility label and hint for the torch button while the torch is on.

The accessibility label and hint give vision-impaired users voice over guidance for the torch button while the torch is turned on. The default label is "Torch Switch (Currently On)", the default hint "Double-tap to switch the torch off"

labelThe accessibility label.
hintThe accessibility hint.
- (void) setCameraSwitchVisibility: (SBSCameraSwitchVisibility visibility

Sets when the camera switch button is visible for devices that have more than one camera.

By default it is CameraSwitchVisibility::CAMERA_SWITCH_NEVER.

visibilityThe visibility of the camera switch button (SBSCameraSwitchVisibilityNever, SBSCameraSwitchVisibilityOnTablet, SBSCameraSwitchVisibilityAlways
- (BOOL) setCameraSwitchImage: (nonnull UIImage *)  cameraSwitchImage
pressed: (nonnull UIImage *)  cameraSwitchPressedImage 

Sets the images which are being drawn when the camera switch button is visible.

By default this is "camera-swap-icon.png" and "camera-swap-icon-pressed.png" which come with the framework's resource bundle.

cameraSwitchImageThe image for the camera swap button.
cameraSwitchPressedImageThe image for the camera swap button when pressed.
Whether the change was successful.
- (BOOL) setCameraSwitchImageResource: (nonnull NSString *)  fileName
pressedResource: (nonnull NSString *)  pressedFileName
ofType: (nonnull NSString *)  extension 

Sets the images which are being drawn when the camera switch button is visible.

If you want this to be displayed in proper resolution on high resolution screens, you need to also provide a resource with the same name but \2x appended and in higher resolution (like flashlight-turn-on-icon\2x.png).

File needs to be placed in Resources folder.

By default this is: "camera-swap-icon.png" and "camera-swap-icon-pressed.png"

fileNameThe file name of the camera swap button's image (without suffix).
pressedFileNameThe file name of the camera swap button's image when pressed (without suffix).
extensionThe file type.
Whether the change was successful.
- (void) setCameraSwitchButtonRightMargin: (float)  rightMargin
topMargin: (float)  topMargin
width: (float)  width
height: (float)  height 

Sets the position at which the button to switch the camera is drawn.

Be aware that the x coordinate is calculated from the right side of the screen and not the left like with the torch button.

By default this is set to x = 15, y = 15, width = 40 and height = 40.

rightMarginRight margin in points.
topMarginTop margin in points
widthWidth in points.
heightHeight in points.
- (void) setCameraSwitchButtonBackAccessibilityLabel: (nonnull NSString *)  label
hint: (nonnull NSString *)  hint 

Sets the accessibility label and hint for the camera switch button while the back-facing camera is active.

The accessibility label and hint give vision-impaired users voice over guidance for the camera switch button while the back-facing camera is active. The default label is "Camera Switch (Currently back-facing)", the default hint "Double-tap to switch to the front-facing camera".

labelThe accessibility label.
hintThe accessibility hint.
- (void) setCameraSwitchButtonFrontAccessibilityLabel: (nonnull NSString *)  label
hint: (nonnull NSString *)  hint 

Sets the accessibility label and hint for the camera switch button while the front-facing camera is active.

The accessibility label and hint give vision-impaired users voice over guidance for the camera switch button while the front-facing camera is active. The default label is "Camera Switch (Currently front-facing)", the default hint "Double-tap to switch to the back-facing camera".

labelThe accessibility label.
hintThe accessibility hint.
- (void) drawViewfinder: (BOOL)  draw

Shows/hides viewfinder rectangle and highlighted barcode location in the scan screen UI.

Note: This feature is only available with the Scandit SDK Enterprise Packages.

By default this is enabled.

drawWhether the viewfinder rectangle should be drawn.
- (void) setViewfinderHeight: (float)  h
width: (float)  w
landscapeHeight: (float)  lH
landscapeWidth: (float)  lW 

Sets the size of the viewfinder relative to the size of the screen size.

Changing this value does not(!) affect the area in which barcodes are successfully recognized. It only changes the size of the box drawn onto the scan screen. To restrict the active scanning area, use the methods listed below.

See also
- restrictActiveScanningArea: (ScanditSDKBarcodePicker)
- setScanningHotSpotToX:andY: (ScanditSDKBarcodePicker)
- setScanningHotSpotHeight: (ScanditSDKBarcodePicker)

By default the width is 0.8, height is 0.4, landscapeWidth is 0.6, landscapeHeight is 0.4

hHeight of the viewfinder rectangle in portrait orientation.
wWidth of the viewfinder rectangle in portrait orientation.
lHHeight of the viewfinder rectangle in landscape orientation.
lWWidth of the viewfinder rectangle in landscape orientation.
- (void) setViewfinderPortraitWidth: (float)  w
height: (float)  h 

Sets the size of the viewfinder relative to the size of the screen size in portrait orientation.

Changing this value does not(!) affect the area in which barcodes are successfully recognized. It only changes the size of the box drawn onto the scan screen. To restrict the active scanning area, use the methods listed below.

See also
- restrictActiveScanningArea: (ScanditSDKBarcodePicker)
- setScanningHotSpotToX:andY: (ScanditSDKBarcodePicker)
- setScanningHotSpotHeight: (ScanditSDKBarcodePicker)

By default the width is 0.8, height is 0.4

wWidth of the viewfinder rectangle in portrait orientation.
hHeight of the viewfinder rectangle in portrait orientation.
- (void) setViewfinderLandscapeWidth: (float)  w
height: (float)  h 

Sets the size of the viewfinder relative to the size of the screen size in landscape orientation.

Changing this value does not(!) affect the area in which barcodes are successfully recognized. It only changes the size of the box drawn onto the scan screen. To restrict the active scanning area, use the methods listed below.

See also
- restrictActiveScanningArea: (ScanditSDKBarcodePicker)
- setScanningHotSpotToX:andY: (ScanditSDKBarcodePicker)
- setScanningHotSpotHeight: (ScanditSDKBarcodePicker)

By default the width is 0.6, height is 0.4

wWidth of the viewfinder rectangle in landscape orientation.
hHeight of the viewfinder rectangle in landscape orientation.
- (void) setViewfinderColor: (float)  r
green: (float)  g
blue: (float)  b 

Sets the color of the viewfinder before a bar code has been recognized.

Note: This feature is only available with the Scandit SDK Enterprise Packages.

By default this is: white (1.0, 1.0, 1.0)

rRed component (between 0.0 and 1.0).
gGreen component (between 0.0 and 1.0).
bBlue component (between 0.0 and 1.0).
- (void) setViewfinderDecodedColor: (float)  r
green: (float)  g
blue: (float)  b 

Sets the color of the viewfinder once the bar code has been recognized.

Note: This feature is only available with the Scandit SDK Enterprise Packages.

By default this is: light blue (0.222, 0.753, 0.8)

rRed component (between 0.0 and 1.0).
gGreen component (between 0.0 and 1.0).
bBlue component (between 0.0 and 1.0).
- (void) resetUI

Resets the scan screen user interface to its initial state.

This resets the animation showing the barcode locations to its initial state.

- (void) showToolBar: (BOOL)  show

Adds (or removes) a tool bar to/from the bottom of the scan screen.

showboolean indicating whether toolbar should be shown.
- (void) setToolBarButtonCaption: (nonnull NSString *)  caption

Sets the caption of the toolbar button.

By default this is: "Cancel"

captionstring used for cancel button caption
- (void) setMissingCameraPermissionInfoText: (nonnull NSString *)  infoText

Sets the text shown if the camera can not be aquired because the app does not have permission to access the camera.

By default this is: "The Barcode Picker was unable to access the device's camera.\n\nGo to Settings -> Privacy -> Camera and check that this app has permission to use the camera."

infoTextText shown if the camera can not be aquired.

Property Documentation

- (id<ScanditSDKOverlayControllerDelegate>) delegate

The overlay controller delegate that handles callbacks such as didScanBarcode or didCancelWithStatus.

As of Scandit SDK 4.7.0, ScanditSDKBarcodePicker::scanDelegate is the preferred way to listen to successful scan events, and ScanditSDKBarcodePicker::cancelDelegate to listen to cancel events.

- (UISearchBar*) manualSearchBar

The manual search bar that can be shown at the top of the scan sreen.

- (UIToolbar*) toolBar

The tool bar that can be shown at the bottom of the scan screen.

- (id<SBSOverlayControllerDidCancelDelegate>) cancelDelegate

The overlay controller delegate that handles the didCancelWithStatus callback.

- (SBSGuiStyle) guiStyle

The GUI style drawn to display the indicator where the code should be scanned and the visualization of recognized codes.

By default this is SBSGuiStyleDefault.


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