Run the samples

The Example project on GitHub comes with six demos:

  • simplesample: shows how to use the barcode scanner in a stand-alone activity.
  • extended: allows the user to configure the barcode scanner as well as the UI from the application itself.
  • textrecognitionsample: shows how to use our OCR plugin (you will need to request to to enable your account for OCR).

Running and Building the Samples from the Command-Line

These instructions show how the sample application can be run from the command-line. First, you will have to download the titanium module for the Scandit BarcodeScanner SDK from the download page. Then execute the following commands on the command-line.

``` cd extended appc new –name=ExtendedSample –id=com.scandit.test –import –no-services appc alloy install plugin

asumes that the packages have been downloaded to the Downloads folder. Adjust accordingly

unzip ~/Downloads/scandit-barcodescanner-titanium*.zip appc run –platform=android –target=device ```

For iOS, you need to specify the provisioning profile (--pp-uuid) and developer name (--developer-name) for deploying to the device. The complete command will look something like this: `appc run –platform=ios –target=device –developer-name='Your Name (LASW8D4321)' –pp-uuid='aaaaaaaa-bbbb-cccc-dddd-eeeeeeeeeeee'. To figure out the parameters, just run it once without–developer-nameand–pp-uuid` options, which will prompt the available options. Depending on the Appcelerator version, you might need to create a special certificate to sign the application, because automatic signing is not supported. See this ticket for details.