Deprecation warning

Please note that this is outdated documentation for an older release of the Scandit Barcode Scanner SDK.

We are deprecating the 5.x API on all platforms (except Linux). Release 5.19 in April 2021 will be our final. Applications running 5.x will continue to work, and we will continue to release critical bug fixes and security patches only, for one year. We encourage you to migrate to 6.x and take advantage of our latest / advanced features and improved performance.

You'll find the updated documentation at: Data Capture SDK Documentation for iOS

SBSScanAreaSettings Class Reference

Inherits NSObject.

Class Methods

(nonnull instancetype) + defaultPortraitSettings
(nonnull instancetype) + defaultLandscapeSettings
(nullable instancetype) + settingsWithDictionary:error:


CGRect searchArea
CGRect wideCodesLocationArea
SBSCodeLocationConstraint wideCodesLocationConstraint
CGRect squareCodesLocationArea
SBSCodeLocationConstraint squareCodesLocationConstraint
SBSDirection primaryDirection

Detailed Description

Scanning area settings control where codes are to be searched in images/frames.

The areas as well as the hot-spot is specified in relative coordinates. The coordinates are rotated with the device: The top-left corner of the camera preview is 0,0, whereas 1,1 is the bottom-right corner. Coordinates specified outside of the supported range raise an exception.

For most use-cases, the "active scanning area portrait/active scanning area landscape" available as part of the SBSScanSettings is sufficient and is simpler to use. We only recommend to use the SBSScanAreaSettings if you have very specific needs for your application that can't be met with the "active scanning area" interface.

This class allows to control the areas separately for wide and square symbologies. Classification of symbologies into square and wide is according to their aspect ratio: symbologies that have a width/height ratio different from one (1d codes, PDF417, etc.) are classified as wide, symbologies whose width/height aspect ratio is close to 1.0 (QR, Aztec etc.) are classified as square. Symbologies whose aspect ratio can vary, e.g. DataMatrix, or DataBar, are classified according to their pre-dominant aspect ratio.

This interface is not part of the stable API yet and is subject to change. Functionality may dissappear, or change in future releases.

Method Documentation

◆ defaultPortraitSettings

+ (nonnull instancetype) defaultPortraitSettings

Returns a new instance with default settings for portrait scanning.


◆ defaultLandscapeSettings

+ (nonnull instancetype) defaultLandscapeSettings

Returns a new instance with default settings for landscape scanning.


◆ settingsWithDictionary:error:

+ (nullable instancetype) settingsWithDictionary: (nonnull NSDictionary< NSString *, id > *)  dict
error: (NSError *_Nullable *_Nullable)  error 

Create scan area settings from a JSON object.

dictthe JSON object. The following keys are understood: wideCodeLocationArea and squareCodeLocationArea can be used to specify the code location area rectangles. The rectangles can either be objects with x, y, width and height key-value pairs, or a list of four floating-point values ordered as [x, y, width, height]. squareCodeLocationConstraint and wideCodeLocationConstraint can be used to set the the respective constraint for the areas. The strings restrict and hint are mapped to their enum counter-part. primaryDirection can either be set to vertical or horizontal to specify the primary direction for scanning. Additional keys are ignored. Keys which are not set are left as default values.
errorin case of an invalid JSON dictionary, error will contain more details on the error.
The scan area settings, or null if it could not be parsed.

Property Documentation

◆ searchArea

- (CGRect) searchArea

The area in which codes are searched.

By default, codes are searched in the whole image.


◆ wideCodesLocationArea

- (CGRect) wideCodesLocationArea

Code location area for wide codes.


◆ wideCodesLocationConstraint

- (SBSCodeLocationConstraint) wideCodesLocationConstraint

Code location constraint for wide codes.


◆ squareCodesLocationArea

- (CGRect) squareCodesLocationArea

Code location area for square codes.


◆ squareCodesLocationConstraint

- (SBSCodeLocationConstraint) squareCodesLocationConstraint

Code location constraint for square codes.


◆ primaryDirection

- (SBSDirection) primaryDirection

The primary direction to be used for scanning.

The primary direction for scanning. By default, preference is given to codes in horizontal direction. Change this to SBSDirectionVertical to optimize the engine for scanning vertical codes. This only incluences recognition of wide codes and has no influence on square codes.


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