Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12345]
 CFieldThe parsed value of the field
 CIBarcodePickerInterface for Scandit BarcodePicker
 CIParserInterface for Parser
 CIScanditLicenseInterface for ScanditLicense
 CParserResultHolds the result of a successfully parsed data string
 CBarcodeA recognized or localized barcode.
 CPointAn integer point structure.
 CQuadAn arbitrary 2D quadrilateral with integer vertex coordinates.
 CRectRectangle structure
 CScanditServiceCross platform Scandit implemenations
 CScanOverlayScan UI on top of the video preview stream
 CScanSessionHolds recognized and localized codes and allows to control the scanning process
 CScanSettingsHolds settings that affect the recognition of barcodes, such as enabled barcode symbologies, scanning hot spot etc
 CSizeSize structure
 CSymbologySettingsClass to hold symbology-specific settings
 CFrameAn extended abstraction of a frame that is being processed by the MatrixScan
 CIMatrixScanListenerAn interface used by MatrixScan instance
 CMatrixScanAn high-level abstraction of the Scandit Matrix Scan
 CMatrixScanOverlayA FrameLayout extension that overlays need to further extend so that they could be added to the MatrixScan instance
 CSimpleMatrixScanOverlayA simple implementation of the abstract MatrixScanOverlay class, that draws colorful, rectangle overlays on top of tracked barcodes
 CISimpleMatrixScanOverlayListenerInterface that can be used to set a onCodeTouched action or define a custom augmentation color for every tracked barcode
 CViewBasedMatrixScanOverlayAn implementation of the abstract MatrixScanOverlay class, that uses View class instances as augmentations for all of the tracked barcodes
 CIViewBasedMatrixScanOverlayListenerInterface that can be used to set a onCodeTouched action or to set a custom offset for every tracked barcode or to define a custom view for every barcode
 CDataFormatData formats understood by the parser library
 CFieldA particular parsed field
 CParserDefines the interface for a data string parser
 CParserResultHolds the result of a successfully parsed data string
 CBarcodeRepresents a recognized/localized barcode/2D code
 CQuadrilateralA 2-dimensional polygon with 4 corners
 CSymbologySettingsContains settings that affect the decoding of a specific symboloy
 CTrackedBarcodeRepresents a recognized/localized barcode/2D code that is being tracked over multiple frames
 CBarcodePickerThe main interface for scanning barcodes with the Scandit BarcodeScanner SDK
 CBarcodePickerActivityBarcode Picker Activity that can be configured through an intent
 CIOnScanListenerInterface definition for a callback to be invoked when one or more barcodes were recognized
 CIProcessFrameListenerCallback interface for adding custom logic after every time frame has been processed by the recognition engine
 CIScanSessionInterface for a scan session
 CPropertyChangeListenerInterface for a state change listener
 CScanditLicenseInterface to set the scandit barcode scanner app key
 CScanOverlayAbstract scan UI class
 CScanSettingsHolds settings that affect the recognition of barcodes, such as enabled barcode symbologies, scanning hot spot etc
 CTextRecognitionSettingsHolds settings that affect the recognition of barcodes, such as enabled barcode symbologies, scanning hot spot etc
 CBarcodeRepresents a recognized/localized barcode/2D code
 CBarcodePickerControls the camera and orchestrates the barcode scanning process
 CCancelDelegateProtocol cancel events
 CCharacterSetRepresents a set of characters
 CIScanSessionHolds all barcodes that were decoded in the current session
 CLicenseHolds settings that are needed to verify a Scandit Barcode Scanner license
 CParserDefines the interface for a data string parser
 CParserFieldA particular field of the parsed result
 CParserResultThe SPLParserResult holds the result of a successfully parsed data string
 CProcessFrameDelegateProtocol for accessing the processed sample buffers
 CPropertyObserverDefines the protocol for an observer of property changes
 CQuadrilateralQuadrilateral represented by 4 corners
 CRecognizedTextRepresents text recognized in a frame
 CScanCaseStart a scanner for the Scandit case
 CScanCaseDelegateCalls the Protocol for events fired by ScanCase, e.g
 CScanCaseSessionHolds all barcodes that were decoded in the current session
 CScanCaseSettingsHolds settings that affect the recognition of barcodes, such as enabled barcode symbologies, scanning hot spot etc
 CScanDelegateCalls the Protocol for a scan event delegate
 CScanOverlayControls the scan screen user interface
 CScanSettingsHolds settings that affect the recognition of barcodes, such as enabled barcode symbologies, scanning hot spot etc
 CSymbologySettingsHolds settings specific to a single symbology such as checksums and active symbol count
 CTextRecognitionDelegateDelegate for handling text recognition related events
 CTextRecognitionSettingsContains settings to control the text recognition engine
 CTrackedBarcodeRepresents a recognized/localized barcode/2D code that is being tracked over multiple frames