AAMVA Barcode Verifier
Defined under the namespace Scandit.Datacapture.Id
- AamvaBarcodeVerificationStatus
Added in version 6.28.0
The verification status returned by the barcode verifier
- Authentic
Added in version 6.28.0
The barcode is authentic
- LikelyForged
Added in version 6.28.0
The barcode is likely forged
- Forged
Added in version 6.28.0
The barcode is forged
- AamvaBarcodeVerificationResult
class AamvaBarcodeVerificationResult
Added in version 6.21.0
The result of a verification of AAMVA-compliant personal identification document done by AamvaBarcodeVerifier.
- allChecksPassed
get allChecksPassed(): boolean
Added in version 6.21.0
All checks passed and nothing suspicious about the document was detected.
- status
get status(): AamvaBarcodeVerificationStatus
Added in version 6.28.0
Verification status containing the result of the verification
- AamvaBarcodeVerifier
class AamvaBarcodeVerifier
Added in version 6.21.0
Validates the authenticity of the document by scanning the barcode on the back. This verifier supports documents that follow the Driver License/Identification Card specification by the American Association of Motor Vehicle Administrators (AAMVA). It requires either the front & back scanning mode or a single-sided scan of the back of the document. Start with creating a capture context and the verifier:
Then either initialize the front & back scanning mode:
const settings = new Scandit.IdCaptureSettings() settings.supportedDocuments = [Scandit.IdDocumentType.DLVIZ] settings.supportedSides = Scandit.SupportedSides.FrontAndBack
Or initialize single-sided scanning of the back of the document:
const settings = new Scandit.IdCaptureSettings() settings.supportedDocuments = [Scandit.IdDocumentType.AAMVABarcode]
Once the capture is complete, trigger the verification process. This process is asynchronous and the result will be delivered once the verification has been completed:
const idCaptureListener = { didCaptureId: (_, session) => { const capturedId = session.newlyCapturedId const barcode = capturedId.aamvaBarcodeResult if (barcode) { barcodeVerifier .then(verifierInstance => { verifierInstance .verify(session.newlyCapturedId) .then(result => { if (result.allChecksPassed) { // Nothing suspicious was detected. } else { // Document may be fraudulent or tampered with - proceed with caution. } }, (error) => { // Error occurred during verification } }) }) } } }
- create(context)
static create(context: DataCaptureContext): Promise<AamvaBarcodeVerifier>
Added in version 6.21.0
Creates a new instance of this verifier.
- verify(capturedId)
verify(capturedId: CapturedId): Promise<AamvaBarcodeVerificationResult>
Added in version 6.21.0
Asynchronously conduct the verification of the specified AAMVA-compliant personal identification document.