Barcode Pick View

Defined in framework ScanditBarcodeCapture


Barcode Pick is still in beta and may change in future versions of Scandit Data Capture SDK.

@protocol SDCBarcodePickViewUIDelegate <NSObject>

Added in version 6.20.0

- barcodePickViewDidTapFinishButton:
- (void)barcodePickViewDidTapFinishButton:(SDCBarcodePickView *)view

Added in version 6.20.0

Callback method that can be used to define an action that should be performed when the finish button is tapped from the view. Called from the main thread.

@interface SDCBarcodePickView : UIView

Added in version 6.19.0


- initWithFrame:context:barcodePick:settings:
- (instancetype)initWithFrame:(CGRect)frame
                      context:(SDCDataCaptureContext *)context
                  barcodePick:(SDCBarcodePick *)barcodePick
                     settings:(SDCBarcodePickViewSettings *)viewSettings

Added in version 6.19.0

Initializes a BarcodePickView

- initWithFrame:context:barcodePick:settings:cameraSettings:
- (instancetype)initWithFrame:(CGRect)frame
                      context:(SDCDataCaptureContext *)context
                  barcodePick:(SDCBarcodePick *)barcodePick
                     settings:(SDCBarcodePickViewSettings *)viewSettings
               cameraSettings:(nullable SDCCameraSettings *)cameraSettings

Added in version 6.19.0

Initializes a BarcodePickView

- start
- (void)start

Added in version 6.19.0

Starts the camera and the scanning process. Can be stopped by calling pause.

For instance, it can be called when the view controller containing the view is presented (i.e., UIViewController’s viewWillAppear).

- pause
- (void)pause

Added in version 6.19.0

Pauses the camera and the scanning process. It can be started again using start.

- freeze
- (void)freeze

Added in version 6.20.0

Freezes the camera and the highlights position to make the selection easier. The scanning can be started again using start.

- reset
- (void)reset

Added in version 6.25.0

Reset the picking flow. This will clear all picked items and restore the initial state.

- addActionListener:
- (void)addActionListener:(nonnull id<SDCBarcodePickActionListener>)listener

Added in version 6.19.0

Add a SDCBarcodePickActionListener to the mode. User actions will be notified to the listener.

- stop
- (void)stop

Added in version 6.19.0

Stops the camera and the scanning process. After this call the view should not be used anymore.

- removeActionListener:
- (void)removeActionListener:(nonnull id<SDCBarcodePickActionListener>)listener

Added in version 6.19.0

Removes a SDCBarcodePickActionListener.

@property (nonatomic, weak, nullable) id<SDCBarcodePickViewUIDelegate> UIDelegate

Added in version 6.20.0

Sets the delegate which is called whenever the finish button is tapped from the view.

- addListener:
- (void)addListener:(nonnull id<SDCBarcodePickViewListener>)listener

Added in version 6.20.0

Add a SDCBarcodePickViewListener to the mode. User actions will be notified to the listener.

- removeListener:
- (void)removeListener:(nonnull id<SDCBarcodePickViewListener>)listener

Added in version 6.20.0

Removes a SDCBarcodePickViewListener.