Scandit Data Capture SDK 6.5 Release Notes (October 1, 2020)

Version 6.5 marks the initial release of Scandit Data Capture SDK for React Native. It is a major update over the 5.x Scandit SDK and introduces new APIs and additional features. This release is not compatible with 5.x and will require code changes in your application. Take a look at our migration guide for how to upgrade your app from 5.x to 6.x.

See also the System Requirements of the Scandit Data Capture SDK across all platforms.

New Features

  • Modernized and modularized API for more fine-grained control and better extensibility for future data capture technologies.

  • Improved use of multi core architectures of mobile devices with speedup of 2-3x depending on settings and number of cores.

  • Simplified interface for configuring the scan area and code selection.

Behavioral Changes

This section contains a list of behavioral changes between 5.x and 6.x

  • The short 43 character legacy app keys supported in 4.x and 5.x have been deprecated and are not compatible with 6.x anymore. Please contact to get your new license keys.

  • It is now an error to enable symbologies that are not supported by your app key. In 5.x, these symbologies would silently be disabled without any warning.

  • EAN13 and UPCA used to be separate symbologies in Scandit SDK 5.x, but are now merged into one symbology called EAN13/UPCA.

  • Barcode capture: The default code duplicate filter has been changed from 500ms to 0ms, meaning that codes that are scanned are reported every frame.


Scandit Data Capture SDK 6.5.1 Bug Fixes (October 21, 2020)

  • Fixed decoding of MicroQR symbols with an abbreviated terminator.

  • Increased the maximum configurable Code39 symbol count from 40 to 50.

  • Fixed a bug where there was missing sound feedback on some devices.

  • Fixed an issue causing the same warning to be displayed multiple times.

  • DLID parser: Some states can provide dates in two different formats: YYYYMMDD and MMDDYYYY. The parser handles both cases now.

  • DLID parser: Fixed parsing the expiration date for some Arizona codes.

  • DLID parser: Fixed parsing the issuer field for North Carolina and Arizona states as well as Newfounland and Labrador province.

  • HIBC parser: Fixed the issue that parsing secondary data with an additional lot field immidiately after 5-digit Julian date were treated as an error.

Scandit Data Capture SDK 6.5.2 Bug Fixes (October 22, 2020)

Contains no bug fixes for this platform.

Scandit Data Capture SDK 6.5.3 Bug Fixes (November 5, 2020)

  • Fixed a PDF417 scanning performance regressions introduced in 6.5.0.