Barcode Selection Listener

Defined in namespace Scandit.DataCapture.Barcode.Selection.Capture

interface IBarcodeSelectionListener

Added in version 6.11.0

The BarcodeSelection listener is the main way for hooking into BarcodeSelection. It provides a callback that is invoked when the state of selected barcodes changes.

void OnObservationStarted(BarcodeSelection barcodeSelection)

Added in version 6.11.0

Called when the listener starts observing the BarcodeSelection instance.

void OnObservationStopped(BarcodeSelection barcodeSelection)

Added in version 6.11.0

Called when the listener stops observing the BarcodeSelection instance.

void OnSelectionUpdated(BarcodeSelection barcodeSelection, BarcodeSelectionSession session, IFrameData frameData)

Added in version 6.11.0

Invoked whenever a barcode is selected or a previously selected barcode is unselected.

IFrameData is null if the camera is frozen and the selection is changed.

void OnSessionUpdated(BarcodeSelection barcodeSelection, BarcodeSelectionSession session, IFrameData frameData)

Added in version 6.11.0

Invoked after a frame has been processed by barcode selection and the session has been updated. In contrast to OnSelectionUpdated(), this method is invoked, regardless whether a code was selected or not.

IFrameData is null if the camera is frozen and the selection is changed.

class BarcodeSelectionEventArgs : EventArgs

Added in version 6.13.0

Provides data for the BarcodeSelection.SessionUpdated and BarcodeSelection.SelectionUpdated events.

BarcodeSelectionEventArgs(BarcodeSelection barcodeSelection, BarcodeSelectionSession session, IFrameData frameData)

Added in version 6.13.0

BarcodeSelection BarcodeSelection { get; }

Added in version 6.13.0

BarcodeSelectionSession Session { get; }

Added in version 6.13.0

IFrameData FrameData { get; }

Added in version 6.13.0