Rectangular Location Selection
Defined in namespace Scandit.DataCapture.Core.Area
- RectangularLocationSelection
class RectangularLocationSelection : ILocationSelection
Added in version 6.8.0
Location selection for selecting codes inside a rectangle centered on the point of interest. Any object that is fully inside the rectangle is returned, objects that are partially or entirely outside of the rectangle are filtered out.
- Create()
static RectangularLocationSelection Create(SizeWithUnit size)
Added in version 6.8.0
Creates a new rectangular location selection instance with the specified horizontal and vertical size. When the unit is relative (unit in either x or y is MeasureUnit.Fraction) the size is computed relative to the view size minus the scan area margins.
- CreateWithWidthAndAspectRatio()
static RectangularLocationSelection CreateWithWidthAndAspectRatio(FloatWithUnit width,
heightToWidthAspectRatio)Added in version 6.8.0
Creates a new rectangular location selection instance with the specified width and computes the height based on the provided height/width aspect ratio. When the unit is relative (MeasureUnit.Fraction), the width is computed relative to the view size minus the scan area margins.
- CreateWithHeightAndAspectRatio()
static RectangularLocationSelection CreateWithHeightAndAspectRatio(FloatWithUnit height,
widthToHeightAspectRatio)Added in version 6.8.0
Creates a new rectangular location selection instance with the specified height and computes the width based on the provided width/height aspect ratio. When the unit is relative (MeasureUnit.Fraction), the height is computed relative to the view size minus the scan area margins.
- SizeWithUnitAndAspect
SizeWithUnitAndAspect SizeWithUnitAndAspect { get; }
Added in version 6.8.0
The size and sizing mode of the location selection.