China One-Way Permit to Hong Kong/Macau Back MRZ Result

Defined in namespace Scandit.DataCapture.ID.Data

class ChinaOneWayPermitBackMrzResult

Added in version 6.20.0

Information obtained from the Machine Readable Zone (MRZ) present on the back of a One-Way Permit to Hong Kong/Macau issued by the People’s Republic of China.

string DocumentCode { get; }

Added in version 6.20.0

The document type code. Always “QS”.

bool NamesAreTruncated { get; }

Added in version 6.20.0

Indicates whether the first or the last names are truncated. For more information please refer to the official specification.

string CapturedMrz { get; }

Added in version 6.20.0

The full MRZ text as it appears on a document.