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Migrate to Data Capture SDK 7.x

This guide will help you migrate from versions 6.x of the Scandit Smart Data Capture SDK to version 7.x.

Version 7.0 deprecates and removes many APIs from versions 6.x, as well as making many of the existing APIs more intuitive, resulting in a simpler and quicker integration experience.

While not all features and functionalities are impacted, it is likely you will need to modify your app. If you are unsure about how to perform the migration or the feature you are using is not covered in this migration guide, please reach out to our support team.

Updating for Deprecated APIs

Version 5.x Users

If your app is still using version 5.x of the Scandit Barcode Scanner SDK, you will need to first migrate to version 6.x before migrating to version 7.x. Please refer to the migration guide from 5.x to 6.x for more information.

Version 7.0 includes the removal of all APIs that were deprecated throughout the 6.x series. For the simplest migration process, we recommend you:

  • Update your app to the latest 6.28.x version. This version includes warnings for all deprecated APIs.
  • Address all deprecation warnings in your app.
  • Update to version 7.0.

Barcode Capture Changes

Beginning with version 7.0, Scan Intention is set to SMART by default.


When using a single image frame source, you must set the scan intention to MANUAL to ensure correct behavior.


In version 7.0, we are introducing the second generation of our ready-to-use barcode scanning UI, SparkScan. This new UI is more intuitive and provides a more modern look and feel, as well as bringing more customization options.

As part of these changes, there have been various deprecations, modifications, and additions to the SparkScan APIs, as detailed below.


All previously deprecated APIs have been removed and the following APIs have been deprecated in version 7.0 and should be removed or replaced in your app:

Deprecated APIDetails
torchButtonVisibleThe torch button has been moved to the mini preview. Use torchControlVisible instead.
stopCapturingTextThe trigger button no longer displays any text.
startCapturingTextThe trigger button no longer displays any text.
resumeCapturingTextThe trigger button no longer displays any text.
scanningCapturingTextThe trigger button no longer displays any text.
cameraButtonBackgroundColorUse triggerButtonCollapsedColor, triggerButtonExpandedColor, and triggerButtonAnimationColor instead.
captureButtonTintColorUse triggerButtonTintColor instead.
captureButtonActiveBackgroundColorNo longer needed.
handModeButtonVisibleThe trigger is fully floating now, eliminating the concept of left or right positioning.
defaultHandModeNo longer needed.
soundModeButtonVisibleNo longer needed.
hapticModeButtonVisibleNo longer needed.
shouldShowScanAreaGuidesNo longer needed.
fastFindButtonVisibleRenamed to barcodeFindButtonVisible.

Changes and Additions

The following changes and additions have been made to the SparkScan APIs:

SparkScanViewStateNew API to set the initial state of the SparkScan UI.
defaultMiniPreviewSizeNew API to set the default size of the mini preview.
miniPreviewCloseControlVisibleNew API to show or hide the close button in the mini preview.
triggerButtonVisibleNew API to show or hide the trigger button. See also:
triggerButtonCollapseTimeoutDefault value changed from -1 to 5 for the new UI.


Version 7.0 introduces new naming conventions for the MatrixScan APIs that better reflect the functionality they provide. This includes renaming the core MatrixScan functionality (previously BarcodeTracking) and the upcoming separation of the MatrixScan Augmented Reality (AR) functionality (AdvancedOverlay) into a separate module.


The BarcodeTracking API has been renamed to BarcodeBatch. Apart from the name change, the API remains largely the same and simply requires updating the class name in your code for migration.


If your application uses of any BarcodeTracking APIs alongside another product (e.g. MatrixScan Count), you must update any mentions to conform with this naming change.


The AdvancedOverlay API will be deprecated in version 8.x. No changes are required for version 7.0, but you should be aware of the upcoming changes.

In version 7.1, a new ready-to-use solution - MatrixScan Check - will be released that enables fast and easy integration of Advanced Overlay features into your application.

ID Capture Changes

Version 7.0 introduces a completely redesigned ID Capture and Validation API. This new API provides a more intuitive and flexible way to capture and validate IDs, along with enhanced configuration options and improved result structures.

Document Selection

Using the new ID Capture API, you can now select the document type(s) you want to capture or exclude based on geographic regions, along with the sections of the document(s) to be captured. This allows you to create a more tailored and efficient ID capture experience for your users.

The tables below indicate the corresponding API and configurations for the previous ID Capture API in version 6.x and the new ID Capture API in version 7.0.

Front and Back ID Capture

Previously you would need to configure the supportedSides for your desired document types. In version 7.0, you select the scannerType to be used:

Version 6.xVersion 7.0

Document Type Selection

Previously there were separate document types based upon the zone(s) you wanted to capture, for example the VIZ zone or the MRZ zone. In version 7.0, this is simplified into a configuration of your scanner type based upon ending suffix in your previous configuration:

Version 6.xVersion 7.0
*_VIZSingleSideScanner.visualInspectionZone(true) or FullDocumentScanner
Multiple zonesFullDocumentScanner or SingleSideScanner with multiple zones enabled

If you need to scan certain documents in full, and others only a specific zone, we recommend using the FullDocumentScanner for all documents.

Document Category Selection

Where previously there were separate document types for a given region and ID type (e.g. Colombia Driver's License, and Colombia ID), in version 7.0 you can select the document category and region to capture (or exclude).

See ID Capture Document for more information on acceptedDocuments.

6.x API7.x API
AAMVA_BARCODEDriverLicense and IdCard
ID_CARD_MRZIdCard and/or ResidencePermit and/or certain RegionSpecific documents.
ID_CARD_VIZIdCard and/or ResidencePermit and/or certain RegionSpecific documents.
COLOMBIA_DL_BARCODEDriverLicense limited to Region.Colombia
COLOMBIA_ID_BARCODEIdCard limited to Region.Colombia
ARGENTINA_ID_BARCODEIdCard limited to Region.Argentina
SOUTH_AFRICA_DL_BARCODEDriverLicense limited to Region.SouthAfrica
SOUTH_AFRICA_ID_BARCODEIdCard limited to Region.SouthAfrica

Accepting and Rejecting Documents

Previously you would need to create your own logic for which documents to accept or reject after the capture process.

In version 7.0, you can now specify the documents you want to capture or exclude based on the document category and region directly in the IDCaptureSettings.

You can accept or reject a given subset of documents based on the document category and region. For example, you can accept only Passports but not IDs, or reject anything except Drivers License.

Setting the acceptedDocuments will automatically reject any documents not specified in the list.

Setting the rejectedDocuments will automatically reject any documents specified in the list.

Document Images

If you need to receive images of the captured document, you must migrate the IdImageType as follows:

Version 6.xVersion 7.0

There is no distinction between front and back. If using SingleSideScanner, you will receive the front, if using FullDocumentScanner, you will receive the front and back.

For the full frame of the document, you can use setShouldPassImageTypeToResult.


There are now only two callbacks used: onIdCaptured and onIdRejected.


For FullDocumentScanner, onIdCaptured will be called only when all sides are captured. The ID Capture UI automatically guides the user through the process.

If you previously relied on onIdCapturedTimedOut, you will receive the very same callback as onIdRejected with RejectionReason TIMEOUT.


Web SDK Only: If you rely on SingleImageUploader, onIdCaptured is now delivered if data from a document could be extracted and onIdRejected when it couldn’t. RejectionReason would be SINGLE_IMAGE_NOT_CAPTURED if no document could be detected in the image.

Capture Result

The structure of CapturedId has been simplified and improved. Some of the changes include:

  • The issuingCountry field is now a Region type instead of a String.
  • CapturedId::viz::capturedSides type is now named CapturedSides not SupportedSides.
  • CapturedId::documentType is now renamed to CapturedId::document and has type IdCaptureDocument. You may also use methods like CapturedId::isPassport() to determine which document is captured.

Additionally, you can access aggregate fields from the top level and also access fields extracted from individual zones by accessing CapturedId::barcode, CapturedId::mrz and CapturedId::viz. These substructures replace the previous ones that were document-specific, like aamvaBarcode.

Text Capture Changes

Text Capture has been removed from the Scandit Data Capture SDK. If your use case requires text recognition you can use Smart Label Capture.

Web SDK Changes

Starting with version 7.0, there are some critical changes in installing and hosting the Web SDK that you should be aware of:

  • NPM package scope has changed to @scandit/web-datacapture-*.
  • The public engine directory has been moved from build/engine to sdc-lib.

See the Web SDK installation guide for more information.