Deprecation warning

Please note that this is outdated documentation for an older release of the Scandit Barcode Scanner SDK.

We encourage you to migrate to 6.x and take advantage of our latest / advanced features and improved performance.

You'll find the updated documentation at: Data Capture SDK Documentation for Xamarin.Android and Data Capture SDK Documentation for Xamarin.iOS

SINextFrameDelegate Interface Reference

Public Member Functions

void DidCaptureImage (SIBarcodePicker barcodePicker, NSData image, int height, int width)

Detailed Description

protocol to receive individual frame from barcode picker


Member Function Documentation

void DidCaptureImage ( SIBarcodePicker  barcodePicker,
NSData  image,
int  height,
int  width 

Returns a jpg encoded camera image of the given height and width.

To receive this callback with the barcode picker, the sendNextFrameToDelegate() method needs to be called beforehand. We recommend to not call this method repeatedly while the barcode scanner is running, since the JPG conversion of the camera frame is very slow.

barcodePickerThe picker that captured the image.
imageThe image that was captured.
heightThe height of the image.
widthThe width of the image.

The documentation for this interface was generated from the following file:
  • ApiDefinition.cs