  • Public
  • Public/Protected
  • All

A barcode picker element used to get and show camera input and perform scanning operations.

The barcode picker will automatically fit and scale inside the given originElement.

Each barcode picker internally contains a Scanner object with its own WebWorker thread running a separate copy of the external Scandit Data Capture library. To optimize loading times and performance it's recommended to reuse the same picker and to already create the picker in advance (hidden) and just display it when needed whenever possible.

As the loading of the external Scandit Data Capture library can take some time, the picker always starts inactive (but showing GUI and video) and then activates, if not paused, as soon as the library is ready to scan. The on method targeting the ready event can be used to set up a listener function to be called when the library is loaded. The picker will be ready to start scanning when the library is fully loaded.

By default the external Scandit Data Capture library is preloaded in order to reduce the initialization time as much as possible.

The picker can also operate in Single Image Mode: letting the user click/tap to take a single image to be scanned via the camera (mobile) or a file select dialog (desktop). This is provided automatically as fallback by default when the OS/browser only supports part of the needed features and cannot provide direct access to the camera for video streaming and continuous scanning, or can also be forced on/off. This behaviour can be set up on creation via the singleImageModeSettings option. Note that in this mode some of the functions provided by the picker will have no effect.

By default an alert is shown if an internal error during scanning is encountered which prevents the scanning procedure from continuing when running on a local IP address. As this uses the built-in scanError event functionality, if unwanted it can be disabled by calling removeAllListeners on the BarcodePicker instance (right after creation).

In accordance with our license terms, the Scandit logo displayed in the bottom right corner of the barcode picker must be displayed and cannot be hidden by any method. Workarounds are not allowed.


  • BarcodePicker



Static cameraAccessError

  • cameraAccessError(error: Error): void
  • Fired when an error occurs during camera access.




    • error: Error

      The Error that was triggered.

    Returns void

Static processFrame

  • Fired when a new frame is processed by the external Scandit Data Capture library. This event is fired on every frame, independently from the number of recognized barcodes or texts (can both be none). The returned barcodes and texts are affected by ScanSettings's codeDuplicateFilter and TextRecognitionSettings's textDuplicateFilter options.




    • scanResult: ScanResult

      The result of the scanning operation on the image.

    Returns void

Static ready

  • ready(): void
  • Fired when the external Scandit Data Capture library has been loaded and the barcode picker can thus start to scan barcodes or texts.



    Returns void

Static scan

  • Fired when new barcodes or texts are recognized in the image frame. The returned barcodes and texts are affected by ScanSettings's codeDuplicateFilter and TextRecognitionSettings's textDuplicateFilter options.




    • scanResult: ScanResult

      The result of the scanning operation on the image.

    Returns void

Static scanError

  • scanError(error: Error): void
  • Fired when an error occurs during scanning initialization and execution. The barcode picker will be automatically paused when this happens.




    • error: Error

      The ScanditEngineError that was triggered.

    Returns void

Static submitFrame

  • Fired when a new frame is submitted to the external Scandit Data Capture library to be processed. As the frame is not processed yet, the ScanResult.barcodes property will always be empty (no results yet).




    • scanResult: ScanResult

      The result of the scanning operation on the image.

    Returns void



  • Access the currently set or default camera, requesting user permissions if needed. This method is meant to be used after the picker has been initialized with disabled camera access (accessCamera=false) or after pauseScanning has been called with the pause camera stream option. Calling this doesn't do anything if the camera is already being accessed.

    Depending on device features and user permissions for camera access, any of the following errors could be the rejected result of the returned promise:

    • AbortError
    • NoCameraAvailableError
    • NotAllowedError
    • NotFoundError
    • NotReadableError
    • SecurityError

    In Single Image Mode this method has no effect.

    Returns Promise<BarcodePicker>

    A promise resolving to the updated BarcodePicker object when the camera is accessed.


  • addListener(eventName: EventName, listener: ListenerFn<any[]>, once?: boolean): BarcodePicker
  • See the on method.


    • eventName: EventName

      The name of the event to listen to.

    • listener: ListenerFn<any[]>

      The listener function.

    • Optional once: boolean
      Default = false
      Whether the listener should just be triggered only once and then discarded.

    Returns BarcodePicker

    The updated BarcodePicker object.


  • Try to apply new settings to the currently used camera for video input, if no settings are passed the default ones are set.

    If camera access is enabled, the camera is updated and accessed with the new settings. If not, the camera settings are stored and used for the future initial camera access.

    Depending on device features and user permissions for camera access, any of the following errors could be the rejected result of the returned promise:

    • AbortError
    • NoCameraAvailableError
    • NotAllowedError
    • NotFoundError
    • NotReadableError
    • SecurityError

    In Single Image Mode this method has no effect.


    • Optional cameraSettings: CameraSettings

      The new camera options used when accessing the camera, by default hd resolution is used.

    Returns Promise<BarcodePicker>

    A promise resolving to the updated BarcodePicker object when the camera is updated (and accessed, if camera access is currently enabled).


  • Apply a new set of scan settings to the internal scanner (replacing old settings).


    • scanSettings: ScanSettings

      The scan configuration object to be applied to the scanner.

    Returns BarcodePicker

    The updated BarcodePicker object.


  • Clear the internal scanner session.

    This removes all recognized barcodes/texts from the scanner session and allows them to be scanned again in case a custom codeDuplicateFilter and/or textDuplicateFilter option was set in ScanSettings or TextRecognitionSettings.

    Returns BarcodePicker

    The updated BarcodePicker object.


  • Create a new parser object.


    • dataFormat: DataFormat

      The format of the input data for the parser.

    Returns Parser

    The newly created parser.


  • destroy(destroyScanner?: boolean): void
  • Stop scanning and displaying video output, remove HTML elements added to the page, destroy the internal Scanner (by default) and destroy the barcode picker itself; ensuring complete cleanup.

    This method should be called after you don't plan to use the picker anymore, before the object is automatically cleaned up by JavaScript. The barcode picker must not be used in any way after this call.

    If the Scanner is or will be in use for other purposes, the relative option can be passed to prevent its destruction.


    • destroyScanner: boolean = true

      Whether to destroy the internally used Scanner or not.

    Returns void


  • getActiveCamera(): undefined | Camera
  • Returns undefined | Camera

    The currently active camera.


  • Returns Scanner

    The internally used initialized (and possibly configured) Scanner object instance.


  • isCameraSwitcherEnabled(): boolean
  • Returns boolean

    Whether a GUI button to switch between different cameras is shown (when available).


  • isMirrorImageEnabled(): boolean
  • Returns boolean

    Whether the currently selected camera's video is mirrored along the vertical axis.


  • isPinchToZoomEnabled(): boolean
  • Returns boolean

    Whether camera zoom control via pinching gesture on the video is enabled (when available, only Chrome).


  • isPlaySoundOnScanEnabled(): boolean
  • Returns boolean

    Whether a sound should be played on barcode/text recognition (iOS requires user input). Note that the sound is played if there's at least a barcode or text not rejected via ScanResult.rejectCode or ScanResult.rejectText.


  • isReady(): boolean
  • Returns boolean

    Whether the barcode picker has loaded the external Scandit Data Capture library and is ready to scan.


  • isScanningPaused(): boolean
  • Returns boolean

    Whether the scanning is currently paused.


  • isTapToFocusEnabled(): boolean
  • Returns boolean

    Whether manual camera focus when clicking/tapping on the video is enabled (when available, only Chrome).


  • isTorchToggleEnabled(): boolean
  • Returns boolean

    Whether a GUI button to toggle device torch on/off is shown (when available, only Chrome).


  • isVibrateOnScanEnabled(): boolean
  • Returns boolean

    Whether the device should vibrate on barcode/text recognition (only Chrome & Firefox, requires user input). Note that the vibration is triggered if there's at least a barcode or text not rejected via ScanResult.rejectCode or ScanResult.rejectText.


  • isVisible(): boolean
  • Returns boolean

    Whether the picker is in a visible state or not.


  • on(eventName: EventName, listener: ListenerFn<any[]>, once?: boolean): BarcodePicker
  • on(eventName: "ready", listener: () => void): BarcodePicker
  • on(eventName: "submitFrame", listener: (scanResult: ScanResult) => void, once?: boolean): BarcodePicker
  • on(eventName: "processFrame", listener: (scanResult: ScanResult) => void, once?: boolean): BarcodePicker
  • on(eventName: "scan", listener: (scanResult: ScanResult) => void, once?: boolean): BarcodePicker
  • on(eventName: "scanError", listener: (error: Error) => void, once?: boolean): BarcodePicker
  • on(eventName: "cameraAccessError", listener: (error: Error) => void, once?: boolean): BarcodePicker
  • Add the listener function to the listeners array for an event.

    No checks are made to see if the listener has already been added. Multiple calls passing the same listener will result in the listener being added, and called, multiple times.


    • eventName: EventName

      The name of the event to listen to.

    • listener: ListenerFn<any[]>

      The listener function.

    • Optional once: boolean
      Default = false
      Whether the listener should just be triggered only once and then discarded.

    Returns BarcodePicker

    The updated BarcodePicker object.

  • Add the listener function to the listeners array for the ready event, fired when the external Scandit Data Capture library has been loaded and the barcode picker can thus start to scan barcodes or texts. If the library has already been loaded the listener is called immediately.

    No checks are made to see if the listener has already been added. Multiple calls passing the same listener will result in the listener being added, and called, multiple times.


    • eventName: "ready"

      The name of the event to listen to.

    • listener: () => void

      The listener function.

        • (): void
        • Returns void

    Returns BarcodePicker

    The updated BarcodePicker object.

  • Add the listener function to the listeners array for the submitFrame event, fired when a new frame is submitted to the external Scandit Data Capture library to be processed. As the frame is not processed yet, the ScanResult.barcodes and ScanResult.texts properties will always be empty (no results yet).

    No checks are made to see if the listener has already been added. Multiple calls passing the same listener will result in the listener being added, and called, multiple times.


    • eventName: "submitFrame"

      The name of the event to listen to.

    • listener: (scanResult: ScanResult) => void

      The listener function, which will be invoked with a ScanResult object.

    • Optional once: boolean
      Default = false
      Whether the listener should just be triggered only once and then discarded.

    Returns BarcodePicker

    The updated BarcodePicker object.

  • Add the listener function to the listeners array for the processFrame event, fired when a new frame is processed. This event is fired on every frame, independently from the number of recognized barcodes or texts (can both be none). The returned barcodes and texts are affected by ScanSettings's codeDuplicateFilter and TextRecognitionSettings's textDuplicateFilter options.

    No checks are made to see if the listener has already been added. Multiple calls passing the same listener will result in the listener being added, and called, multiple times.


    • eventName: "processFrame"

      The name of the event to listen to.

    • listener: (scanResult: ScanResult) => void

      The listener function, which will be invoked with a ScanResult object.

    • Optional once: boolean
      Default = false
      Whether the listener should just be triggered only once and then discarded.

    Returns BarcodePicker

    The updated BarcodePicker object.

  • Add the listener function to the listeners array for the scan event, fired when new barcodes or texts are recognized in the image frame. The returned barcodes and texts are affected by ScanSettings's codeDuplicateFilter and TextRecognitionSettings's textDuplicateFilter options.

    No checks are made to see if the listener has already been added. Multiple calls passing the same listener will result in the listener being added, and called, multiple times.


    • eventName: "scan"

      The name of the event to listen to.

    • listener: (scanResult: ScanResult) => void

      The listener function, which will be invoked with a ScanResult object.

    • Optional once: boolean
      Default = false
      Whether the listener should just be triggered only once and then discarded.

    Returns BarcodePicker

    The updated BarcodePicker object.

  • Add the listener function to the listeners array for the scanError event, fired when an error occurs during scanning initialization and execution. The barcode picker will be automatically paused when this happens.

    No checks are made to see if the listener has already been added. Multiple calls passing the same listener will result in the listener being added, and called, multiple times.


    • eventName: "scanError"

      The name of the event to listen to.

    • listener: (error: Error) => void

      The listener function, which will be invoked with an ScanditEngineError object.

        • (error: Error): void
        • Parameters

          • error: Error

          Returns void

    • Optional once: boolean
      Default = false
      Whether the listener should just be triggered only once and then discarded.

    Returns BarcodePicker

    The updated BarcodePicker object.

  • Add the listener function to the listeners array for the cameraAccessError event, fired when an error occurs during camera access..

    No checks are made to see if the listener has already been added. Multiple calls passing the same listener will result in the listener being added, and called, multiple times.


    • eventName: "cameraAccessError"

      The name of the event to listen to.

    • listener: (error: Error) => void

      The listener function, which will be invoked with an Error object.

        • (error: Error): void
        • Parameters

          • error: Error

          Returns void

    • Optional once: boolean
      Default = false
      Whether the listener should just be triggered only once and then discarded.

    Returns BarcodePicker

    The updated BarcodePicker object.


  • Pause the recognition of codes/texts in the input image.

    By default video from the camera is still shown, if the pauseCamera option is enabled the camera stream is paused (camera access is fully interrupted) and will be resumed when calling resumeScanning, setActiveCamera, setCameraType or accessCamera, possibly requesting user permissions if needed.

    In Single Image Mode the input for submitting a picture is disabled.


    • pauseCamera: boolean = false

      Whether to also pause the camera stream.

    Returns BarcodePicker

    The updated BarcodePicker object.


  • reassignOriginElement(originElement: HTMLElement): BarcodePicker
  • Reassign the barcode picker to a different HTML element.

    All the barcode picker elements inside the current origin element will be moved to the new given one.

    If an invalid element is given, a NoOriginElementError error is thrown.


    • originElement: HTMLElement

      The HTMLElement into which all the necessary elements for the picker will be moved.

    Returns BarcodePicker

    The updated BarcodePicker object.


  • Remove all listeners from the given event's listener array.


    • eventName: EventName

      The name of the event from which to remove all listeners.

    Returns BarcodePicker

    The updated BarcodePicker object.


  • removeListener(eventName: EventName, listener: ListenerFn<any[]>): BarcodePicker
  • Remove the specified listener from the given event's listener array.


    • eventName: EventName

      The name of the event from which to remove the listener.

    • listener: ListenerFn<any[]>

      The listener function to be removed.

    Returns BarcodePicker

    The updated BarcodePicker object.


  • Resume the recognition of codes/texts in the input image.

    If the camera stream was stopped when calling pauseScanning, the camera stream is also resumed and user permissions are requested if needed to resume video input.

    In Single Image Mode the input for submitting a picture is enabled.

    Returns Promise<BarcodePicker>

    The updated BarcodePicker object.


  • Select a camera to be used for video input, if no camera is passed, the default one (based on cameraType) is selected.

    If camera access is enabled, the camera is enabled and accessed. If not, the camera is stored and used for the future initial camera access.

    Depending on device features and user permissions for camera access, any of the following errors could be the rejected result of the returned promise:

    • AbortError
    • NoCameraAvailableError
    • NotAllowedError
    • NotFoundError
    • NotReadableError
    • SecurityError

    In Single Image Mode this method has no effect.


    • Optional camera: Camera

      The new camera to be used, by default the automatically detected back camera is used.

    • Optional cameraSettings: CameraSettings

      The camera options used when accessing the camera, by default hd resolution is used.

    Returns Promise<BarcodePicker>

    A promise resolving to the updated BarcodePicker object when the camera is set (and accessed, if camera access is currently enabled).


  • Show or hide a GUI button to switch between different cameras (when available).

    In Single Image Mode this method has no effect.


    • enabled: boolean

      Whether to show a GUI button to switch between different cameras.

    Returns BarcodePicker

    The updated BarcodePicker object.


  • Select a camera to be used for video input by specifying the wanted camera type (facing mode/direction): the main camera detected for the given camera type will be used.

    If camera access is enabled, the camera is enabled and accessed. If not, the camera type is stored and used for the future initial camera access.

    If the target camera is already in use or no camera with the given type is found this method has no effect.

    Depending on device features and user permissions for camera access, any of the following errors could be the rejected result of the returned promise:

    • AbortError
    • NoCameraAvailableError
    • NotAllowedError
    • NotFoundError
    • NotReadableError
    • SecurityError


    • cameraType: Type

      The new camera type (facing mode/direction) to be used for video input and Single Image Mode (when available).

    Returns Promise<BarcodePicker>

    A promise resolving to the updated BarcodePicker object when the camera is updated (and accessed, if camera access is currently enabled).


  • Set the GUI style for the picker.

    In Single Image Mode this method has no effect.

    When the GUI style is set to laser or viewfinder, the GUI will flash on barcode/text recognition. Note that the GUI will flash if there's at least a barcode or text not rejected via ScanResult.rejectCode or ScanResult.rejectText.


    • guiStyle: GuiStyle

      The new GUI style to be applied.

    Returns BarcodePicker

    The updated BarcodePicker object.


  • Set the area of the laser displayed when the GUI style is set to laser (the laser will match the width and be vertically centered). Note that this functionality affects UI only and doesn't change the actual searchArea option set via ScanSettings. If no area is passed, the default automatic size behaviour is set, where the laser will match the current area of the image in which barcodes/texts are searched, controlled via the searchArea option in ScanSettings.


    • Optional area: SearchArea

      The new search area, by default the area will match ScanSettings's searchArea option.

    Returns BarcodePicker

    The updated BarcodePicker object.


  • Enable or disable camera video mirroring along the vertical axis. By default front cameras are automatically mirrored. This setting is applied per camera and the method has no effect if no camera is currently selected.

    In Single Image Mode this method has no effect.


    • enabled: boolean

      Whether the camera video is mirrored along the vertical axis.

    Returns BarcodePicker

    The updated BarcodePicker object.


  • Enable or disable camera zoom control via pinching gesture on the video (when available, only Chrome).

    In Single Image Mode this method has no effect.


    • enabled: boolean

      Whether to enable camera zoom control via pinching gesture on the video.

    Returns BarcodePicker

    The updated BarcodePicker object.


  • Enable or disable playing a sound on barcode/text recognition (iOS requires user input).

    The sound is played if there's at least a barcode or text not rejected via ScanResult.rejectCode or ScanResult.rejectText.


    • enabled: boolean

      Whether a sound should be played on barcode/text recognition.

    Returns BarcodePicker

    The updated BarcodePicker object.


  • Enable or disable manual camera focus when clicking/tapping on the video (when available, only Chrome).

    In Single Image Mode this method has no effect.


    • enabled: boolean

      Whether to enable manual camera focus when clicking/tapping on the video.

    Returns BarcodePicker

    The updated BarcodePicker object.


  • Set the target frames per second to be processed by the external Scandit Data Capture library.

    The final speed is limited by the camera framerate (usually 30 FPS) and the frame processing time of the device. By setting this to lower numbers devices can save power by performing less work during scanning operations, depending on device speed (faster devices can "sleep" for longer periods).

    In Single Image Mode this method has no effect.


    • targetScanningFPS: number

      The target frames per second to be processed. Must be a number bigger than 0, by default set to 30.

    Returns BarcodePicker

    The updated BarcodePicker object.


  • Enable or disable the torch/flashlight of the device (when available, only Chrome). Changing active camera or camera settings will cause the torch to become disabled.

    A button on the BarcodePicker GUI to let the user toggle this functionality can also be set on creation via the enableTorchToggle option (enabled by default, when available).

    In Single Image Mode this method has no effect.


    • enabled: boolean

      Whether the torch should be enabled or disabled.

    Returns Promise<BarcodePicker>

    A promise resolving to the updated BarcodePicker object when the torch is enabled/disabled.


  • Show or hide a GUI button to toggle device torch on/off (when available, only Chrome).

    In Single Image Mode this method has no effect.


    • enabled: boolean

      Whether to show a GUI button to toggle device torch on/off.

    Returns BarcodePicker

    The updated BarcodePicker object.


  • Enable or disable vibrating the device on barcode/text recognition (only Chrome & Firefox, requires user input).

    The vibration is triggered if there's at least a barcode or text not rejected via ScanResult.rejectCode or ScanResult.rejectText.


    • enabled: boolean

      Whether the device should vibrate on barcode/text recognition.

    Returns BarcodePicker

    The updated BarcodePicker object.


  • Set the fit type for the video element of the picker.

    If the "cover" type is selected the maximum available search area for barcode/text detection is (continuously) adjusted automatically according to the visible area of the picker.

    In Single Image Mode this method has no effect.


    • objectFit: ObjectFit

      The new fit type to be applied.

    Returns BarcodePicker

    The updated BarcodePicker object.


  • Set the area of the viewfinder displayed when the GUI style is set to viewfinder. Note that this functionality affects UI only and doesn't change the actual search area set via ScanSettings. If no area is passed, the default automatic size behaviour is set, where the viewfinder will match the current area of the image in which barcodes/texts are searched, controlled via the searchArea option in ScanSettings.


    • Optional area: SearchArea

      The new search area, by default the area will match the ScanSettings's searchArea.

    Returns BarcodePicker

    The updated BarcodePicker object.


  • Enable or disable picker visibility.

    Note that this does not affect camera access, frame processing or any other picker logic.


    • visible: boolean

      Whether the picker is in a visible state or not.

    Returns BarcodePicker

    The updated BarcodePicker object.


  • Set the zoom level of the device (when available, only Chrome). Changing active camera or camera settings will cause the zoom to be reset.

    In Single Image Mode this method has no effect.


    • zoomPercentage: number

      The percentage of the max zoom (between 0 and 1).

    Returns Promise<BarcodePicker>

    The updated BarcodePicker object.

Static create

  • create(originElement: HTMLElement, parameters?: { accessCamera?: boolean; camera?: Camera; cameraRecoveryText?: string; cameraSettings?: CameraSettings; cameraType?: Type; enableCameraSwitcher?: boolean; enablePinchToZoom?: boolean; enableTapToFocus?: boolean; enableTorchToggle?: boolean; guiStyle?: GuiStyle; laserArea?: SearchArea; playSoundOnScan?: boolean; scanSettings?: ScanSettings; scanner?: Scanner; scanningPaused?: boolean; singleImageModeSettings?: SingleImageModeSettings; targetScanningFPS?: number; vibrateOnScan?: boolean; videoFit?: ObjectFit; viewfinderArea?: SearchArea; visible?: boolean }): Promise<BarcodePicker>
  • Create a BarcodePicker instance, creating the needed HTML in the given origin element. If the accessCamera option is enabled (active by default) and the picker is not in Single Image Mode, the available cameras are accessed and camera access permission is requested to the user if needed. This object expects that at least a camera is available. The active camera is accessed and kept active during the lifetime of the picker (also when hidden or scanning is paused), and is only released when destroy is called.

    It is required to having configured the library via configure before this object can be created.

    Depending on library configuration, parameters, device/browser features and user permissions for camera access, any of the following errors could be the rejected result of the returned promise:

    • AbortError
    • LibraryNotConfiguredError
    • NoCameraAvailableError
    • NoOriginElementError
    • NotAllowedError
    • NotFoundError
    • NotReadableError
    • SecurityError
    • UnsupportedBrowserError


    • originElement: HTMLElement

      The HTMLElement inside which all the necessary elements for the picker will be added.

    • parameters: { accessCamera?: boolean; camera?: Camera; cameraRecoveryText?: string; cameraSettings?: CameraSettings; cameraType?: Type; enableCameraSwitcher?: boolean; enablePinchToZoom?: boolean; enableTapToFocus?: boolean; enableTorchToggle?: boolean; guiStyle?: GuiStyle; laserArea?: SearchArea; playSoundOnScan?: boolean; scanSettings?: ScanSettings; scanner?: Scanner; scanningPaused?: boolean; singleImageModeSettings?: SingleImageModeSettings; targetScanningFPS?: number; vibrateOnScan?: boolean; videoFit?: ObjectFit; viewfinderArea?: SearchArea; visible?: boolean } = {}
      • Optional accessCamera?: boolean
        Default = true
        Whether to immediately access the camera (and requesting user permissions if needed) on picker creation.
      • Optional camera?: Camera
        Default = undefined
        The initial camera to be used for video input, if not specified the camera automatically selected depending on the cameraType option will be used.
      • Optional cameraRecoveryText?: string
        Default = "Tap/click to resume scanning"
        The text to display to indicate to the user a necessary tap/click action on the picker to recover camera access.
      • Optional cameraSettings?: CameraSettings
        Default = undefined
        The camera options used when accessing the camera, by default hd resolution is used.
      • Optional cameraType?: Type
        Default = Camera.Type.BACK
        The preferred initial camera type (facing mode/direction) to be used for video input and Single Image Mode (when available), by default the back or only camera will be used. If the camera option is provided then cameraType is ignored.
      • Optional enableCameraSwitcher?: boolean
        Default = true
        Whether to show a GUI button to switch between different cameras (when available).
      • Optional enablePinchToZoom?: boolean
        Default = true
        Whether to control the zoom of the camera when doing a pinching gesture on the video (when available, only Chrome).
      • Optional enableTapToFocus?: boolean
        Default = true
        Whether to trigger a manual focus of the camera when clicking/tapping on the video (when available, only Chrome).
      • Optional enableTorchToggle?: boolean
        Default = true
        Whether to show a GUI button to toggle device torch on/off (when available, only Chrome).
      • Optional guiStyle?: GuiStyle
        Default = GuiStyle.LASER
        The GUI style for the picker.
      • Optional laserArea?: SearchArea
        Default = undefined
        The area of the laser displayed when the GUI style is set to laser (the laser will match the width and be vertically centered), by default the area will match the current ScanSettings's searchArea option.
      • Optional playSoundOnScan?: boolean
        Default = false
        Whether a sound is played on barcode/text recognition (iOS requires user input).
      • Optional scanSettings?: ScanSettings
        Default = new ScanSettings()
        The configuration object for scanning options to be applied to the scanner (all symbologies disabled by default).
      • Optional scanner?: Scanner
        Default = undefined
        The scanner object responsible for scanning via the external Scandit Data Capture library (a new scanner will be created and initialized if not provided).
      • Optional scanningPaused?: boolean
        Default = false
        Whether the picker starts in a paused scanning state.
      • Optional singleImageModeSettings?: SingleImageModeSettings
        Default = 
          desktop: {
            usageStrategy: SingleImageModeSettings.UsageStrategy.FALLBACK,
            informationElement: <HTMLElement>,
            buttonElement: <SVGElement>,
            containerStyle: { backgroundColor: "#333333" },
            informationStyle: { color: "#FFFFFF" },
            buttonStyle: { borderColor: "#FFFFFF", color: "#FFFFFF", fill: "#FFFFFF" }
          mobile: {
            usageStrategy: SingleImageModeSettings.UsageStrategy.FALLBACK,
            informationElement: <HTMLElement>,
            buttonElement: <SVGElement>,
            containerStyle: { backgroundColor: "#333333" },
            informationStyle: { color: "#FFFFFF" },
            buttonStyle: { borderColor: "#FFFFFF", color: "#FFFFFF", fill: "#FFFFFF" }
        Settings for Single Image Mode: an alternative/fallback mode for a barcode picker to provide single camera pictures to be scanned instead of continuous camera video stream access. In Single Image Mode users click/tap to directly take a picture with the camera (mobile) or upload a file (desktop). Its usage depends on the given settings and the camera video stream features provided by the OS/browser.
      • Optional targetScanningFPS?: number
        Default = 30
        The target frames per second to be processed, the final speed is limited by the camera framerate (usually 30 FPS) and the frame processing time of the device. By setting this to lower numbers devices can save power by performing less work during scanning operations, depending on device speed (faster devices can "sleep" for longer periods). Must be a number bigger than 0.
      • Optional vibrateOnScan?: boolean
        Default = false
        Whether the device vibrates on barcode/text recognition (only Chrome & Firefox, requires user input).
      • Optional videoFit?: ObjectFit
        Default = ObjectFit.CONTAIN
        The fit type for the video element of the picker.
      • Optional viewfinderArea?: SearchArea
        Default = undefined
        The area of the viewfinder displayed when the GUI style is set to viewfinder, by default the area will match the current ScanSettings's searchArea option.
      • Optional visible?: boolean
        Default = true
        Whether the picker starts in a visible state.

    Returns Promise<BarcodePicker>

    A promise resolving to the created ready BarcodePicker object.

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