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ImageLayout Enumeration

Specifies the format of the pixel data.

Namespace:  Scandit.Recognition
Assembly:  Scandit.Recognition (in Scandit.Recognition.dll) Version: (
public enum ImageLayout
  Member nameValueDescription
Unknown0Image layout is unknown.
Gray8U1Single-channel 8-bit gray scale image
Rgb8U2RGB image with 8bit per color channel.
Rgba8U4RGBA image with 8bit per color channel.
YpCbCr8U8YpCbCr 4:2:0 image format, a bi-planar format with separate Y and CbCr planes.
YpCrCb8U16YpCrCb 4:2:0 image format, a bi-planar format with separate Y and CrCb planes.
Yuyv8U328-bit YUYV 4:2:2 image format.
The image layout enumeration is used to the describe the
Version Information

Supported in: 1.0
See Also