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Barcode Fields

The Barcode type exposes the following members.

Public fieldCompositeFlag
Indicates whether the barcode is part of a composite pair
Public fieldDataEncoding
Character encoding of the raw data in ranges.
Public fieldIsGs1DataCarrier
True if the code is a GS1 data carrier, false if not.
Public fieldIsRecognized
True when this code represents a recognized barcode/2d code, false if the code has been localized but not recognized.
Public fieldLocation
The location of the barcode/2d code in the image defined by four corners.
Public fieldRawData
The data encoded in the barcode as an array of bytes. Depending on the type of barcode/2d code, the data may be binary, or a simple ASCII/UTF-8 string. If you are only expecting utf-8 data, use Data instead.
Public fieldSymbology
The symbology of the barcode. For a barcode which has been localized but not recognized, the symbology is set to ScSymbology.Unknown.
Public fieldUniqueId
Unique identifier of this barcode.
See Also