Barcode Capture Deserializer Listener
Defined in package com.scandit.datacapture.barcode.capture.serialization
The deserialization API is not yet stable and will still change over the coming releases.
- BarcodeCaptureDeserializerListener
interface BarcodeCaptureDeserializerListener
Added in version 6.1.0
The listener for the barcode capture deserializer.
- onModeDeserializationStarted(deserializer, mode, json)
onModeDeserializationStarted(@NonNull BarcodeCaptureDeserializer deserializer, @NonNull BarcodeCapture mode, @NonNull JsonValue json)Added in version 6.1.0
Called before the deserialization of barcode capture started. This is the point to overwrite defaults before the deserialization is performed.
- onModeDeserializationFinished(deserializer, mode, json)
onModeDeserializationFinished(@NonNull BarcodeCaptureDeserializer deserializer, @NonNull BarcodeCapture mode, @NonNull JsonValue json)Added in version 6.1.0
Called when the deserialization of barcode capture finished. This is the point to do additional deserialization.
- onSettingsDeserializationStarted(deserializer, settings, json)
onSettingsDeserializationStarted(@NonNull BarcodeCaptureDeserializer deserializer, @NonNull BarcodeCaptureSettings settings, @NonNull JsonValue json)Added in version 6.1.0
Called before the deserialization of the barcode capture settings started. This is the point to overwrite defaults before the deserialization is performed.
- onSettingsDeserializationFinished(deserializer, settings, json)
onSettingsDeserializationFinished(@NonNull BarcodeCaptureDeserializer deserializer, @NonNull BarcodeCaptureSettings settings, @NonNull JsonValue json)Added in version 6.1.0
Called when the deserialization of the barcode capture settings finished. This is the point to do additional deserialization.
- onOverlayDeserializationStarted(deserializer, overlay, json)
onOverlayDeserializationStarted(@NonNull BarcodeCaptureDeserializer deserializer, @NonNull BarcodeCaptureOverlay overlay, @NonNull JsonValue json)Added in version 6.1.0
Called before the deserialization of the barcode capture overlay started. This is the point to overwrite defaults before the deserialization is performed.
- onOverlayDeserializationFinished(deserializer, overlay, json)
onOverlayDeserializationFinished(@NonNull BarcodeCaptureDeserializer deserializer, @NonNull BarcodeCaptureOverlay overlay, @NonNull JsonValue json)Added in version 6.1.0
Called when the deserialization of the barcode capture overlay finished. This is the point to do additional deserialization.