Barcode Count View Deserializer
Defined in package com.scandit.datacapture.barcode.count.serialization
The deserialization API is not yet stable and will still change over the coming releases.
This deserializer is not thread-safe, subsequent calls for the same settings, mode or overlay have to be called on the same thread.
- BarcodeCountViewDeserializer
class BarcodeCountViewDeserializer
Added in version 6.17.0
A deserializer to construct barcode count views from JSON.
- BarcodeCountViewDeserializer()
Added in version 6.17.0
Creates a new deserializer object.
- viewFromJson(context, dataCaptureContext, mode, json)
@NonNull BarcodeCountView viewFromJson( @NonNull Context context, @NonNull DataCaptureContext dataCaptureContext, @NonNull BarcodeCount mode, @NonNull String json)
Added in version 6.17.0
Constructs a new barcode count view with the provided JSON serialization.
- updateViewFromJson(view, json)
updateViewFromJson(@NonNull BarcodeCountView view, @NonNull String json)Added in version 6.17.0
Updates the view according to a JSON serialization.