Data Capture Context Deserializer Result
Defined in package com.scandit.datacapture.core.capture.serialization
The deserialization API is not yet stable and will still change over the coming releases.
- DataCaptureContextDeserializerResult
class DataCaptureContextDeserializerResult
Added in version 6.1.0
The result of a data capture context deserialization.
- dataCaptureContext
@NonNull DataCaptureContext getDataCaptureContext()
Added in version 6.1.0
The context created or updated through the deserialization.
- view
@Nullable DataCaptureView getView()
Added in version 6.1.0
The view created or updated through the context deserialization.
- components
@NonNull List<@NonNull DataCaptureComponent> getComponents()
Added in version 6.3.0
All components created or updated through the context deserialization.