Single Image Uploader Settings
Defined under the namespace Scandit.Datacapture.Core
- SingleImageUploaderSettings
class SingleImageUploaderSettings
Added in version 6.13.0
- constructor(settings)
constructor(settings: SingleImageUploaderSettings | null)
Added in version 6.13.0
Constructs a new SingleImageUploaderSettings object with the default settings if null is passed, or with a copy of the passed settings.
This property has no effect on desktop browsers.
When true, the selection from the device’s photo library is not possible and the device’s camera must be used to capture the image. Default value is false.
- iconElement
iconElement: HTMLElement | SVGElement
Added in version 6.13.0
An HTML or SVG element representing the icon.
- informationElement
informationElement: HTMLElement
Added in version 6.13.0
An HTML element informing the user about the process.
- buttonElement
buttonElement: HTMLElement
Added in version 6.13.0
An HTML element representing the button the user can click to analyse an image.
- containerStyle
containerStyle: CSS.Properties
Added in version 6.13.0
An object of CSS properties to style the container element wrapping the icon, information and button elements.
- iconStyle
iconStyle: CSS.Properties
Added in version 6.13.0
An object of CSS properties to style the icon element.
- informationStyle
informationStyle: CSS.Properties
Added in version 6.13.0
An object of CSS properties to style the information element.
- buttonStyle
buttonStyle: CSS.Properties
Added in version 6.13.0
An object of CSS properties to style the button element.