Spotlight Viewfinder
Defined in namespace Scandit.DataCapture.Core.UI.Viewfinder
Deprecated since version 6.8.0: Use RectangularViewfinder with style Rounded or Square and non-zero Dimming instead.
- SpotlightViewfinder
class SpotlightViewfinder : IViewfinder
Added in version 6.2.0
Spotlight viewfinder with an embedded Scandit logo. The spotlight is always centered on the point of interest of the view.
The spotlight viewfinder is always displayed but the color of the border around the spotlight changes depending on whether the data capture mode is enabled or not.
To use this viewfinder, create a new instance and assign it to the overlay, e.g. the barcode capture overlay by assigning to the BarcodeCaptureOverlay.Viewfinder property.
- Create()
static SpotlightViewfinder Create()
Added in version 6.2.0
Returns a new spotlight viewfinder with default parameters.
- SizeWithUnitAndAspect
SizeWithUnitAndAspect SizeWithUnitAndAspect { get; }
Added in version 6.2.0
The size and sizing mode of the viewfinder.
- SetSize()
SetSize(SizeWithUnit size)Added in version 6.2.0
Sets the horizontal and vertical size of the viewfinder to the provided value. When the unit is relative (unit in either x or y is MeasureUnit.Fraction) the size is computed relative to the view size minus the scan area margins.
- SetWidthAndAspectRatio()
SetWidthAndAspectRatio(FloatWithUnit width,nfloat
heightToWidthAspectRatio)Added in version 6.2.0
Sets the width of the viewfinder and compute height automatically based on the provided height/width aspect ratio. When the unit is relative (MeasureUnit.Fraction), the width is computed relative to the view size minus the scan area margins.
- SetHeightAndAspectRatio()
SetHeightAndAspectRatio(FloatWithUnit height,nfloat
widthToHeightAspectRatio)Added in version 6.2.0
Sets the height of the viewfinder and compute width automatically based on the provided width/height aspect ratio. When the unit is relative (MeasureUnit.Fraction), the height is computed relative to the view size minus the scan area margins.
- EnabledBorderColor
UIColor EnabledBorderColor { get;set; }
Added in version 6.2.0
The color used to draw the spotlight border when the data capture mode is enabled.