Scandit Data Capture SDK 6.24 Release Notes (May 8, 2024)

See also the System Requirements of the Scandit Data Capture SDK across all platforms.

New Features


  • Introduced Smart Scan Intention, a new algorithm that intelligently identifies and then scans the barcode that the user intends to capture, reducing errors. It is enabled in SparkScan by default (see SparkScanSettings.ScanIntention) and it can be manually set in Barcode Capture (see BarcodeCaptureSettings.ScanIntention:).

  • In both SparkScan and Barcode Capture, the scanning range for 1D barcodes on Electronic Shelf Labels (ESL) and paper shelf labels was improved up to 30-40% in both Full HD and 4K without compromising scanning speed. This significant enhancement enables Scandit to deliver the fastest and most ergonomic scanning experience for tiny barcodes and ESLs, particularly those placed on top or bottom shelves.

  • In SparkScan it is now possible to switch to the user facing camera for scanning. This is useful in specific use-cases in which the rear camera is not accessible or barcodes are hard to reach otherwise. See SparkScanView.CameraSwitchButtonVisible.

  • Added support for decoding misprinted Symbology.AustralianPost codes.


  • Added support for per state thresholds in id verification and removed the hardcoded number of features. This is a breaking change, old verification models will not work.

  • Modified how IIdCaptureListener.OnIdCaptureTimedOut() is emitted, the callback is invoked whenever a document is localized for a period of time, but could not be captured.

  • Fixed truncated surnames in US driver’s licenses using magnetic stripe format.

  • Newly Supported Documents for MRZ Scanning:

    • Mexico: Matrícula Consular

  • Newly Supported Documents for Front of Card/VIZ Scanning:

    • USA

      • District of Columbia - Driver License & ID Card (2023 version)

      • Idaho - Driver License & ID Card (2023 version)

      • North Dakota - Driver License & ID Card (2023 version)

      • West Virginia - Driver License & ID Card (2023 version)

      • Wisconsin - Driver License & ID Card (2023 version)

    • Mexico:

      • Consular Voter ID


Behavioral Changes


Performance Improvements


  • Improved capture performance for US driver’s license PDF417 barcodes with printing defects, in particular from Ohio, Lousiana, and Florida.

Bug Fixes


  • Fixed the “Tap to Focus” animation when the size of the view changes.


  • Fixed a crash when scanning a passport MRZ then a non-passport VIZ.

  • Fixed an issue that caused the century of the dates of birth, issue dates and expiry dates to be returned incorrectly when scanning the VIZ of European IDs, Swiss driver’s licenses and UAE IDs.

  • Fixed instances where information was incorrectly extracted from British Columbia PDF417.


Scandit Data Capture SDK 6.24.1 Bug Fixes (June 7, 2024)

Scandit Data Capture SDK 6.24.2 Bug Fixes (TBD)

  • Fixed an error 255 that would prevent capturing MRZ for some licenses, for which this feature should be enabled.