Go to the documentation of this file.
ScBool sc_property_collection_set_bool_property(ScPropertyCollection *properties, char const *key, ScBool value)
Set a bool property to the given property collection.
ScBool sc_property_collection_is_property_known(ScPropertyCollection const *properties, char const *key)
Return whether a property with a given name is known to the collection.
ScBool sc_property_collection_get_string_property(ScPropertyCollection const *properties, char const *key, char const **out_value)
Retrieves a bool property from the given property collection.
Handle to a collection of properties.
ScBool sc_property_collection_get_int_property(ScPropertyCollection const *properties, char const *key, int *out_value)
Retrieves an int property from the given property collection.
ScBool sc_property_collection_get_bool_property(ScPropertyCollection const *properties, char const *key, ScBool *out_value)
Retrieves a bool property from the given property collection.
ScBool sc_property_collection_get_property_value(ScPropertyCollection const *properties, char const *key, ScPropertyValue *out_value)
Retrieves set property value by name.
ScBool sc_property_collection_get_float_property(ScPropertyCollection const *properties, char const *key, float *out_value)
Retrieves a float property from the given property collection.
ScBool sc_property_collection_set_int_property(ScPropertyCollection *properties, char const *key, int value)
Set an int property to the given property collection.
ScBool sc_property_collection_set_property_value(ScPropertyCollection *properties, char const *key, ScPropertyValue value)
Set custom property value.
ScBool sc_property_collection_set_string_property(ScPropertyCollection *properties, char const *key, char const *value)
Set a string property to the given property collection.
Common definitions used throughout the ScanditSDK API.
Common functions and data structures.
ScBool sc_property_collection_set_float_property(ScPropertyCollection *properties, char const *key, float value)
Set a float property to the given property collection.