Data Structures
Here are the data structures with brief descriptions:
CScArucoDictionary | ArUco Symbology Dictionary |
CScBarcode | A located or recognized barcode/ 2d code in an image |
CScBarcodeArray | A fixed-size array of barcode objects |
CScBarcodeGenerator | A 1d/2d barcode generator |
CScBarcodeScanner | Scans barcodes in images |
CScBarcodeScannerSession | An opaque barcode scanner session object |
CScBarcodeScannerSettings | An opaque data structure holding configuration options for the barcode scanner |
CScByteArray | A null terminated array of bytes |
CScCamera | Opaque handle to a camera object |
CScCameraProperties | Platform specific camera properties |
CScEncodingArray | An array of encoding ranges |
CScEncodingRange | Character encoding of a range of bytes |
CScError | Structure for holding error information |
CScField | Parser result field |
CScFramerate | Describes a framerate |
CScImageBuffer | A 2-dimensional bitmap/image |
CScImageDescription | Describes dimensions as well as internal memory layout of an image buffer |
CScObjectTracker | Opaque pointer type for an object tracker |
CScObjectTrackerSession | An opaque object tracker session object |
CScParser | Parser interface |
CScParserResult | Parser result |
CScPoint | A 2-dimensional point with integer precision |
CScPointF | A 2-dimensional point with floating point precision |
CScProcessFrameResult | Result status and frame id |
CScPropertyCollection | Handle to a collection of properties |
CScPropertyValue | Represents a typed settings property value |
CScPropertyValue.__unnamed__ | |
CScQuadrilateral | A 2-dimensional polygon with 4 corners |
CScQuadrilateralF | A 2-dimensional polygon with 4 corners described as relative float coordinates |
CScRecognitionContext | Opaque recognition context data structure |
CScRectangleF | A 2-dimensional rectangle with floating point precision |
CScSize | A 2-dimensional unsigned size |
CScSizeF | A 2-dimensional size with floating point precision |
CScStepwiseFramerate | A step-wise description of a framerate |
CScStepwiseResolution | A unsigned step-wise description of a size |
CScSymbologySettings | Contains symbology-specific settings |
CScTrackedObject | Opaque pointer type for an object tracker |
CScTrackedObjectMap | An container that stores tracked objects in association with their corresponding ID |