Batch Scanning
Scandit's unparalleled batch scanning capabilities (MatrixScan) are available as a low-level API as well as use-case optimized workflows with built-in camera controls, dialed-in performance and extensively user-tested UI.
Low-level API
Batch scanning, implemented via the BarcodeTracking
API, enables you to build applications and workflows for capturing and interacting with multiple barcodes simultaneously.
Purpose-built Workflows
Scandit provides ready-to-use implementations of MatrixScan for the following workflows and use-cases:
- Information Lookup & Sorting via MatrixScan Augment-Reality Overlays
- Counting & Receiving via MatrixScan Count
- Picking via MatrixScan Pick
- Search & Find via MatrixScan Find
- Capturing multiple barcodes and text data via Smart Label Capture