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This page describes how to integrate the Scandit Data Capture SDK into your iOS project. The SDK can be added via:


Before you begin, make sure you have the following prerequisites in place:

  • Latest version of Xcode
  • iOS project with a deployment target of iOS 14.0+
  • Scandit license key, sign up for a free trial if you don't already have a license key

Internal Dependencies

Some of the Scandit Data Capture SDK modules depend on others to work:

ModuleDependenciesOptional Dependencies

When using ID Capture or Label Capture, consult the respective module's getting started guides to identify the optional dependencies required for your use case. The modules you need to include will vary based on the features you intend to use.

Please be aware that your license may only cover a subset of Barcode and/or ID Capture features. If you require additional features, contact us.

Install via Package Manager

CocoaPods is a dependency manager for Swift and Objective-C Cocoa projects. To integrate the Scandit Data Capture SDK into your Xcode project using CocoaPods, specify the required pods for your use case, detailed above in Internal Dependencies, in your Podfile:

pod 'ScanditCaptureCore',
# Add the necessary pods based on the features needed for your use case

Add the Frameworks Manually

Adding the frameworks manually is a single step process when using the XCFramework archives.

All you need to do is drag the frameworks into the Frameworks, Libraries, and Embedded Content section of your target. Make sure to select Embed and Sign for the Embed option.

Please note that you will always need at least ScanditCaptureCore.xcframework which contains the shared functionality used by the other data capture modules.

Add Frameworks Manually


When building the project, by default Xcode will look for the frameworks in the root folder of the project.

If you choose to copy the frameworks in a different location, don’t forget to update the FRAMEWORK_SEARCH_PATHS build setting accordingly.

Import in Source Code

To import the Scandit Data Capture SDK into your source code, add the following import statement:

import ScanditCaptureCore
import ScanditBarcodeCapture
import ScanditLabelCapture
import ScanditIdCapture
import ScanditParser

Additional Information

Third-party Licenses

The Scandit Data Capture SDK relies on several third-party, open-source software libraries. Your application must display the license information for these libraries in many cases.

The Scandit SDK provides a convenient API that you can use to fetch the corresponding text and attributions for all third-party software:

  • DataCaptureContext.openSourceSoftwareLicenseInfo()