This page describes how to integrate the Scandit Data Capture SDK into your Linux project.
The Scandit Data Capture SDK for Linux is provided as a Debian package.
Before you begin, make sure you have the following prerequisites in place:
- Meet the system requirements
- Download the Scandit SDK for Linux from the Scandit dashboard
- Have a valid Scandit license key
To install the Scandit SDK, use the following command while specifying the correct version number and architecture:
$ sudo dpkg -i libscandit-barcodescanner-X.Y.Z-architecture.deb
The architecture you need to use depends on your system:
- amd64 for 64bit x86 systems
- i386 for 32bit x86 systems
- armhf for the Raspberry Pi 2 or 3
- armv6l for the Raspberry Pi Zero
- arm64 for 64bit ARM systems such as the Nvidia Jetson TX2
For example, if using a 64bit x86 Ubuntu desktop the correct command would be:
$ sudo dpkg -i libscandit-barcodescanner-5.27.1-amd64.deb
Sample Applications
All sample applications are contained the samples directory and have the following dependencies:
Camera samples: Video4Linux2 for camera access:
$ sudo apt-get install libv4l-dev
CommandLineBarcodeScannerImageProcessingSample: SDL2 for loading images.
$ sudo apt-get install libsdl2-dev libsdl2-image-dev
- SDL2 for python3 also for image loading.
$ sudo apt-get install python3-sdl2
CommandLineBarcodeGeneratorSample: libpng for generating the output image.
$ sudo apt-get install libpng-dev
Insert your license key to all sample source files.
Compile: $ cd samples $ make
Execute the image processing sample: $ ./CommandLineBarcodeScannerImageProcessingSample ean13-code.png
Execute the camera sample: $ ./CommandLineBarcodeScannerCameraSample /dev/video0 640 480
Execute the MatrixScan sample: $ ./CommandLineMatrixScanCameraSample /dev/video1 1920 1080
Execute the barcode generator sample: $ ./CommandLineBarcodeGeneratorSample
Execute the Python image processing sample: $ python3 ean13-code.png
Raspberry Pi's
The SDK supports the Raspberry Pi 2, 3 and Zero. The camera has to support Video4Linux2 (V4L2). The following steps are required to setup V4L2:
$ sudo apt-get install v4l-utils
Put bcm2835-v4l2 into /etc/modules-load.d/modules.conf Reboot the device.
The Python bindings for the Scandit SDK are located in the zip file. To use
them, you need to ensure that they are located in a path that Python
searches for modules. One way to achieve this is to extend the PYTHONPATH
to also list the directory that contains
Note that the Python bindings are provided on a best-effort basis. They aren't an officially supported product from Scandit.
Refer to the documentation in samples/gstreamer/
OpenCV barcode scanner samples are in /opencv_py_demo folder.
These examples configure the SDK for a single image use case without any resource restrictions.
- OpenCvCppSample.cpp: OpenCV C++ API sample:
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
- OpenCV Python API sample:
- Copy ../public_api/python/ locally
- Update LD_LIBRARY_PATH variable with a path to library, e.g.
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/home/$USER/scanditsdk/lib