
Barcode Selection Deserializer

Defined in framework ScanditBarcodeCapture


The deserialization API is not yet stable and will still change over the coming releases.


This deserializer is not thread-safe, subsequent calls for the same settings, mode or overlay have to be called on the same thread.

@interface SDCBarcodeSelectionDeserializer : NSObject <SDCDataCaptureModeDeserializer>

Added in version 6.10.0

A deserializer to construct barcode selection from JSON. For most use cases it is enough to use SDCBarcodeSelection.barcodeSelectionFromJSONString:context:error: which internally uses this deserializer. Using the deserializer gives the advantage of being able to listen to the deserialization events as they happen and potentially influence them. Additionally warnings can be read from the deserializer that would otherwise not be available.

Related topics: Serialization.

+ barcodeSelectionDeserializer
+ (instancetype)barcodeSelectionDeserializer

Added in version 6.10.0

Creates a new deserializer object.

@property (nonatomic, weak, nullable) id<SDCBarcodeSelectionDeserializerDelegate> delegate

Added in version 6.10.0

The object informed about deserialization events.

@property (nonatomic, readonly) NSArray<NSString *> *warnings

Added in version 6.10.0

The warnings produced during deserialization, for example which properties were not used during deserialization.

- modeFromJSONString:withContext:error:
- (nullable SDCBarcodeSelection *)modeFromJSONString:(NSString *)JSONString
                                         withContext:(SDCDataCaptureContext *)context
                                               error:(NSError **)error

Added in version 6.10.0

Deserializes barcode selection from JSON.

An error is set if the provided JSON does not contain required properties or contains properties of the wrong type.

- updateMode:fromJSONString:error:
- (nullable SDCBarcodeSelection *)updateMode:(SDCBarcodeSelection *)barcodeSelection
                              fromJSONString:(NSString *)JSONString
                                       error:(NSError **)error

Added in version 6.10.0

Takes an existing barcode selection and updates it by deserializing new or changed properties from JSON. See Updating from JSON for details of how updates are being done.

An error is set if the provided JSON does not contain required properties or contains properties of the wrong type.

- settingsFromJSONString:error:
- (nullable SDCBarcodeSelectionSettings *)
  settingsFromJSONString:(NSString *)JSONString
                   error:(NSError **)error

Added in version 6.10.0

Deserializes barcode selection settings from JSON.

An error is set if the provided JSON does not contain required properties or contains properties of the wrong type.

- updateSettings:fromJSONString:error:
- (nullable SDCBarcodeSelectionSettings *)updateSettings:(SDCBarcodeSelectionSettings *)
                                          fromJSONString:(NSString *)JSONString
                                                   error:(NSError **)error

Added in version 6.10.0

Takes existing barcode selection settings and updates them by deserializing new or changed properties from JSON. See Updating from JSON for details of how updates are being done.

An error is set if the provided JSON does not contain required properties or contains properties of the wrong type.

- basicOverlayFromJSONString:withMode:error:
- (nullable SDCBarcodeSelectionBasicOverlay *)
  basicOverlayFromJSONString:(NSString *)JSONString
                    withMode:(SDCBarcodeSelection *)mode
                       error:(NSError **)error

Added in version 6.10.0

Deserializes a barcode selection basic overlay from JSON.

An error is set if the provided JSON does not contain required properties or contains properties of the wrong type.

- updateBasicOverlay:fromJSONString:error:
- (nullable SDCBarcodeSelectionBasicOverlay *)
  updateBasicOverlay:(SDCBarcodeSelectionBasicOverlay *)overlay
      fromJSONString:(NSString *)JSONString
               error:(NSError **)error

Added in version 6.10.0

Takes an existing barcode selection basic overlay and updates it by deserializing new or changed properties from JSON. See Updating from JSON for details of how updates are being done.

An error is set if the provided JSON does not contain required properties or contains properties of the wrong type.