Data Capture Context

Defined in framework ScanditDataCaptureCore

@interface SDCDataCaptureContext : NSObject

Added in version 6.0.0

Data capture context is the main class for running data-capture related tasks. The context manages one or more capture modes, such as SDCBarcodeCapture that perform the recognition. The context itself acts as a scheduler, but does not provide any interfaces for configuring data capture capabilities. Configuration and result handling is handled by the data capture modes directly.

Each data capture context has exactly one frame source (typically a built-in camera). The frame source delivers the frames on which the capture modes should perform recognition on. When a new capture context is created, it’s frame source is nil and must be initialized for recognition to work.

Typically a SDCDataCaptureView is used to visualize the ongoing data capture process on screen together with one or more overlays. However it’s also possible to use the data capture context without a view to perform off-screen processing.

Related topics: Get Started, MatrixScan Get Started, Core Concepts <>.

+ contextForLicenseKey:
+ (instancetype)contextForLicenseKey:(nonnull NSString *)licenseKey

Added in version 6.0.0

Constructs a data capture context with the provided license key.

+ contextForLicenseKey:deviceName:
+ (instancetype)contextForLicenseKey:(nonnull NSString *)licenseKey
                          deviceName:(nullable NSString *)deviceName

Added in version 6.0.0

Constructs a data capture context with the provided license key and an optional device name.

The device name allows to optionally identify the device with a user-provided name. This name is then associated with the unique identifier of the device and displayed in the online dashboard.

See contextForLicenseKey: for details about the context instantiation.

+ contextForLicenseKey:externalID:
+ (instancetype)contextForLicenseKey:(nonnull NSString *)licenseKey
                          externalID:(nullable NSString *)externalID

Added in version 6.1.0

Constructs a data capture context with the provided license key and an optional external id. See contextForLicenseKey: for details.

The external ID is a customer defined identifier that is verified in the license key. This is an optional feature for resellers of the Scandit Data Capture SDK.

See contextForLicenseKey: for details about the context instantiation.

+ contextForLicenseKey:externalID:deviceName:
+ (instancetype)contextForLicenseKey:(nonnull NSString *)licenseKey
                          externalID:(nullable NSString *)externalID
                          deviceName:(nullable NSString *)deviceName

Added in version 6.1.0

Constructs a data capture context with the provided license key, an optional external id and an optional device name.

The external ID is a customer defined identifier that is verified in the license key. This is an optional feature for resellers of the Scandit Data Capture SDK.

The device name allows to identify the device with a user-provided name. This name is then associated with the unique identifier of the device and displayed in the online dashboard.

See contextForLicenseKey: for details about the context instantiation.

+ contextForLicenseKey:externalID:deviceName:settings:
+ (instancetype)contextForLicenseKey:(nonnull NSString *)licenseKey
                          externalID:(nullable NSString *)externalID
                          deviceName:(nullable NSString *)deviceName
                            settings:(nullable SDCDataCaptureContextSettings *)settings

Added in version 6.7.0

Constructs a data capture context with the provided license key, an optional external id, an optional device name and an optional settings.

The external ID is a customer defined identifier that is verified in the license key. This is an optional feature for resellers of the Scandit Data Capture SDK.

The device name allows to identify the device with a user-provided name. This name is then associated with the unique identifier of the device and displayed in the online dashboard.

See contextForLicenseKey: for details about the context instantiation.

@property (class, nonatomic, nullable, readonly) NSString *deviceID

Added in version 6.4.0

The unique identifier of the device as used by the Scandit Data Capture SDK. This identifier does not contain any device identifying information that would be usable outside of the context of the Scandit Data Capture SDK itself.

- setFrameSource:completionHandler:
- (void)setFrameSource:(nullable id<SDCFrameSource>)frameSource
     completionHandler:(nullable void (^)(void))completionHandler

Added in version 6.0.0

Set the frame source of this data capture context.

Frame sources produce frames to be processed by the data capture context. The user typically doesn’t create their own frame sources, but use one of the frame sources provided by the Scandit Data Capture SDK. Typical frame sources are web cams, or built-in cameras of a mobile device.

Setting the frame source to nil will effectively stop recognition of this capture context.

When the frame source changes, SDCDataCaptureContextListener.context:didChangeFrameSource: will be invoked on all registered listeners.

@property (nonatomic, nullable, readonly) id<SDCFrameSource> frameSource

Added in version 6.0.0

Readonly attribute to get the current frame source. To change the frame source use setFrameSource:completionHandler:.

- addListener:
- (void)addListener:(nonnull id<SDCDataCaptureContextListener>)listener

Added in version 6.0.0

Adds the listener to this data capture context. Context listeners receive events when new data capture modes are added, or the frame source changes.

In case the same listener is already observing this instance, calling this method will not add the listener again. The listener is stored using a weak reference and must thus be retained by the caller for it to not go out of scope.

- removeListener:
- (void)removeListener:(nonnull id<SDCDataCaptureContextListener>)listener

Added in version 6.0.0

Removes a previously added listener from this data capture context.

In case the listener is not currently observing this instance, calling this method has no effect.

- addFrameListener:
- (void)addFrameListener:(nullable id<SDCDataCaptureContextFrameListener>)listener

Added in version 6.0.0

Adds the frame listener to this data capture context. Frame listeners receive events when frames are about to be processed or have been processed by the data capture context.

In case the same listener is already observing this instance, calling this method will not add the listener again. The listener is stored using a weak reference and must thus be retained by the caller for it to not go out of scope.

- removeFrameListener:
- (void)removeFrameListener:(nullable id<SDCDataCaptureContextFrameListener>)listener

Added in version 6.0.0

Removes a previously added frame listener from this data capture context.

In case the listener is not currently observing this instance, calling this method has no effect.

- addMode:
- (void)addMode:(nonnull id<SDCDataCaptureMode>)mode

Added in version 6.0.0

Adds the specified data capture mode to this capture context. Please note that it is not possible to add a mode associated with a context to a different context. If the mode is already associated with this context, this call has no effect.

Multiple data capture modes can be associated with the same context. However, there are restrictions on which data capture modes can be used together. These restrictions are expressed in terms of capabilities that the capture modes require, .e.g. barcode scanning, tracking. No two capture modes that require the same capabilities can be used with the same data capture context. When conflicting requirements are detected, the data capture context will not process any frames and report an error.

- removeMode:
- (void)removeMode:(nonnull id<SDCDataCaptureMode>)mode

Added in version 6.0.0

Removes the mode from this capture context. If the capture mode is currently not associated to the context, this call has no effect.

- removeAllModes
- (void)removeAllModes

Added in version 6.0.0

Removes all modes from this capture context. If there currently are no captures modes associated to the context, this call has no effect.

@property (nonatomic, nullable, readonly) SDCLicenseInfo *licenseInfo

Added in version 6.4.0

Information about the license the context was created for.


This value is available with a small delay. To make sure it is available, set a listener and as soon as SDCDataCaptureContextListener.didStartObservingContext: was called, it is available.

@property (nonatomic, nullable, readonly) NSString *deviceID

Added in version 6.3.0

The unique identifier of the device as used by the Scandit Data Capture SDK. This identifier does not contain any device identifying information that would be usable outside of the context of the Scandit Data Capture SDK itself.


This value is available with a small delay. To make sure it is available, set a listener and as soon as SDCDataCaptureContextListener.didStartObservingContext: was called, it is available.

Deprecated since version 6.4.0: Replaced by deviceID.

- dispose
- (void)dispose

Added in version 6.0.0

Disposes/releases this data capture context. This frees most associated resources and can be used to save some memory. Disposed/released contexts cannot be used for recognition anymore, trying will result in a ContextStatus with error code 1025. Data capture modes and listeners remain untouched.

This method may be called multiple times on the same context. Further calls have no effect.

- applySettings:
- (void)applySettings:(nonnull SDCDataCaptureContextSettings *)settings

Added in version 6.4.0

Applies the given settings to the data capture context.

- isFeatureSupported:
- (BOOL)isFeatureSupported:(nonnull NSString *)featureName

Added in version 6.27.0

Checks if the given feature is supported.