Image Frame Source

Defined in framework ScanditDataCaptureCore

@interface SDCImageFrameSource : NSObject <SDCFrameSource>

Added in version 6.3.0

To emit the frame set this object as the frame source for the SDCDataCaptureContext and turn it on by changing the desired state to SDCFrameSourceStateOn. This frame source will turn off automatically after the frame is emitted.

+ imageFrameSourceFromJSONString:error:
+ (nullable instancetype)imageFrameSourceFromJSONString:(nonnull NSString *)JSONString
                                                  error:(NSError **)error

Added in version 6.14.0

Constructs a new SDCImageFrameSource from the provided JSON, which should have the format {“image”:”<base64>”}, where <base64> is the Base64 encoding of an image.

+ frameSourceWithImage:
+ (nonnull instancetype)frameSourceWithImage:(nonnull UIImage *)image

Added in version 6.3.0

Constructs a new SDCImageFrameSource from the provided UIImage.

The provided UIImage should have one of the following configuration:

Gray color space:

8 bits per pixel

8 bits per component


RGB color space:

32 bits per pixel

8 bits per component


32 bits per pixel

8 bits per component


32 bits per pixel

8 bits per component


32 bits per pixel

8 bits per component


- switchToDesiredState:
- (void)switchToDesiredState:(SDCFrameSourceState)state

Added in version 6.3.0

Convenience method for SDCFrameSource.switchToDesiredState:completionHandler:: it is same as calling SDCFrameSource.switchToDesiredState:completionHandler: with the second argument set to nil.