Text Capture Session

Defined in framework ScanditTextCapture

@interface SDCTextCaptureSession : NSObject

Added in version 6.1.0

Deprecated since version 6.26.0.

The text capture session is responsible for determining the list of relevant texts by filtering out duplicates. This filtering of duplicates is completely time-based and doesn’t use any information about the location of the text. By default, all the texts captured in a frame are always reported. It is possible to filter out texts recently captured by changing SDCTextCaptureSettings.duplicateFilter.

When the text capture mode is disabled, the session’s duplicate filter is reset.


The tracking session should only be accessed from within textCapture:didCaptureInSession:frameData: to which it is provided as an argument. It is not safe to be accessed from anywhere else since it may be concurrently modified.

Specifically no reference to newlyCapturedTexts should be kept and traversed outside of textCapture:didCaptureInSession:frameData:. Instead a copy of the list should be made to avoid concurrent modification. The individual captured texts can be referenced without copying as they are not further modified.

@property (nonatomic, nonnull, readonly) NSArray<SDCCapturedText *> *newlyCapturedTexts

Added in version 6.1.0

List of texts that were newly captured in the last processed frame.

@property (nonatomic, readonly) NSInteger frameSequenceId

Added in version 6.1.0

The identifier of the current frame sequence.


As long as there is no interruptions of frames coming from the camera, the frameSequenceId will stay the same.

@property (nonatomic, nonnull, readonly) NSString *JSONString

Added in version 6.4.0

Returns the JSON representation of the text capture session.