ID Capture Listener

Defined under the namespace Scandit.Datacapture.Id

interface IdCaptureListener

Added in version 6.8.0

Listener interface for id capture.

didCaptureId(idCapture, session, getFrameData)
didCaptureId?(idCapture: IdCapture,
        session: IdCaptureSession,
        getFrameData: () => Promise<FrameData>): void

Added in version 6.8.0

Called whenever a document is recognized and parsed. In this callback IdCaptureSession.newlyCapturedId is guaranteed to be non-null.

didLocalizeId(idCapture, session, getFrameData)
didLocalizeId?(idCapture: IdCapture,
        session: IdCaptureSession,
        getFrameData: () => Promise<FrameData>): void

Added in version 6.11.0

Called whenever a personal identification document or its part is localized within a frame. A document or its part is considered localized when it’s detected in a frame, but its data is not yet extracted. In this callback IdCaptureSession.localizedOnlyId is guaranteed to be non-null.

didRejectId(idCapture, session, getFrameData)
didRejectId?(idCapture: IdCapture,
        session: IdCaptureSession,
        getFrameData: () => Promise<FrameData>): void

Added in version 6.11.0

Called whenever a personal identification document or its part is recognized in a frame, but rejected. A document is rejected if (a) it’s not enabled in the settings (see IdCaptureSettings.supportedDocuments), (b) it’s a barcode of a correct symbology or a Machine Readable Zone (MRZ), but the data is encoded in an unexpected/incorrect format, (c) it’s a voided document and “IdCaptureSession.RejectVoidedIds” is enabled. In this callback IdCaptureSession.newlyRejectedId is guaranteed to be non-null.

didFailWithError(idCapture, error, session, getFrameData)
didFailWithError?(idCapture: IdCapture,
        error: IdCaptureError,
        session: IdCaptureSession,
        getFrameData: () => Promise<FrameData>): void

Added in version 6.8.0

Called whenever an error occurs during the document scanning process.

didTimeoutInSession(idCapture, session, getFrameData)
didTimeoutInSession?(idCapture: IdCapture,
        session: IdCaptureSession,
        getFrameData: () => Promise<FrameData>): void

Added in version 6.17.0

Called whenever a document is localized, but could not be captured within a period of time. This can happen, for example, when the document contains defects preventing a successful scan or when the document is not supported by Scandit DataCapture.