Barcode Result
Defined under the namespace Scandit.Datacapture.Id
- BarcodeResult
class BarcodeResult
Added in version 7.0.0
This class represents the data extracted from a document’s barcode. It aggregates information from various barcode types supported by the library. Some properties may not apply to certain document types and will be set to null if the corresponding data is not encoded in the barcode. For a complete overview of supported barcode types, refer to our supported documents.
- aamvaVersion
get aamvaVersion(): number | null
Added in version 7.0.0
The version level of the PDF417 barcode format. See the AAMVA DL/ID Card Design Standard for more details.
- aliasFamilyName
get aliasFamilyName(): string | null
Added in version 7.0.0
Other family name by which cardholder is known.
- aliasGivenName
get aliasGivenName(): string | null
Added in version 7.0.0
Other given name by which cardholder is known.
- aliasSuffixName
get aliasSuffixName(): string | null
Added in version 7.0.0
Other suffix name by which cardholder is known.
- bloodType
get bloodType(): string | null
Added in version 7.0.0
The blood type of the holder in the Rh system (A+, A-, B+, B-, O+, O-, AB+ or AB-).
- branchOfService
get branchOfService(): string | null
Added in version 7.0.0
The holder’s branch of service.
- cardInstanceIdentifier
get cardInstanceIdentifier(): string | null
Added in version 7.0.0
Machine-generated code that is used for security purposes.
- cardRevisionDate
get cardRevisionDate(): DateResult | null
Added in version 7.0.0
Card revision date.
- champusEffectiveDate
get champusEffectiveDate(): DateResult | null
Added in version 7.0.0
The CHAMPUS effective date.
- champusExpiryDate
get champusExpiryDate(): DateResult | null
Added in version 7.0.0
The CHAMPUS expiration date.
- citizenshipStatus
get citizenshipStatus(): string | null
Added in version 7.0.0
Whether the holder is a citizen or a permanent resident.
- civilianHealthCareFlagCode
get civilianHealthCareFlagCode(): string | null
Added in version 7.0.0
The code of the civilian health care privilege/benefit flag.
- civilianHealthCareFlagDescription
get civilianHealthCareFlagDescription(): string | null
Added in version 7.0.0
The description of the civilian health care privilege/benefit flag.
- commissaryFlagCode
get commissaryFlagCode(): string | null
Added in version 7.0.0
The code of the commissary privilege/benefit flag.
- commissaryFlagDescription
get commissaryFlagDescription(): string | null
Added in version 7.0.0
The description of the commissary privilege/benefit flag.
- countryOfBirth
get countryOfBirth(): string | null
Added in version 7.0.0
The human-readable name of the holder’s country of birth.
- countryOfBirthIso
get countryOfBirthIso(): string | null
Added in version 7.0.0
The three-letter country code (ISO 3166-1) of the holder’s country of birth.
- deersDependentSuffixCode
get deersDependentSuffixCode(): number | null
Added in version 7.0.0
The code of the relationship of a dependent to his or her sponsor.
- deersDependentSuffixDescription
get deersDependentSuffixDescription(): string | null
Added in version 7.0.0
The description of the relationship of a dependent to his or her sponsor.
- directCareFlagCode
get directCareFlagCode(): string | null
Added in version 7.0.0
The code of the direct care privilege/benefit flag.
- directCareFlagDescription
get directCareFlagDescription(): string | null
Added in version 7.0.0
The description of the direct care privilege/benefit flag.
- documentCopy
get documentCopy(): string | null
Added in version 7.0.0
Identifies if the document has been duplicated.
- documentDiscriminatorNumber
get documentDiscriminatorNumber(): string | null
Added in version 7.0.0
The document discriminator number.
- driverNamePrefix
get driverNamePrefix(): string | null
Added in version 7.0.0
The name prefix of the card holder.
- driverNameSuffix
get driverNameSuffix(): string | null
Added in version 7.0.0
The name suffix of the card holder.
- driverRestrictionCodes
get driverRestrictionCodes(): number[]
Added in version 7.0.0
The driver restriction codes. Empty array means that there is no restrictions. Number 1 stands for glasses/contact lenses. Number 2 stands for artificial limbs.
- ediPersonIdentifier
get ediPersonIdentifier(): string | null
Added in version 7.0.0
The holder’s DEERS-assigned numeric identifier.
- endorsementsCode
get endorsementsCode(): string | null
Added in version 7.0.0
The endorsement code.
- exchangeFlagCode
get exchangeFlagCode(): string | null
Added in version 7.0.0
The code of the exchange privilege/benefit flag.
- exchangeFlagDescription
get exchangeFlagDescription(): string | null
Added in version 7.0.0
The description of the exchange privilege/benefit flag.
- familySequenceNumber
get familySequenceNumber(): number | null
Added in version 7.0.0
Used to distinguish among sponsors who have the same SSN.
- firstNameTruncation
get firstNameTruncation(): string | null
Added in version 7.0.0
The first name truncation. A code that indicates whether a field has been truncated (‘T’), has not been truncated (‘N’), unknown whether truncated (‘U’), or the information is not present in the document (null).
- firstNameWithoutMiddleName
get firstNameWithoutMiddleName(): string | null
Added in version 7.0.0
The first name of the document holder. It doesn’t contain middle name(s).
- genevaConventionCategory
get genevaConventionCategory(): string | null
Added in version 7.0.0
The sponsor’s appropriate Geneva Convention Category.
- heightCm
get heightCm(): number | null
Added in version 7.0.0
The height of the card holder in centimeters.
- heightInch
get heightInch(): number | null
Added in version 7.0.0
The height of the card holder in inches.
get IIN(): string | null
Added in version 7.0.0
The Issuer Identification Number which uniquely identifies the issuing jurisdiction.
- identificationType
get identificationType(): string | null
Added in version 7.0.0
The identification type of the driver’s license.
- issuingJurisdiction
get issuingJurisdiction(): string | null
Added in version 7.0.0
The human readable name of the issuing jurisdiction (for example: an issuing state, territory or federal district for USA, or an issuing province or territory for Canada).
- issuingJurisdictionIso
get issuingJurisdictionIso(): string | null
Added in version 7.0.0
The ISO code of the issuing jurisdiction (for example: an issuing state, territory or federal district for USA, or an issuing province or territory for Canada).
- jpegData
get jpegData(): string | null
Added in version 7.0.0
A compressed version of the photograph printed on the front of the card.
- jurisdictionVersion
get jurisdictionVersion(): number | null
Added in version 7.0.0
The jurisdiction specific version number of the implementation.
- lastNameTruncation
get lastNameTruncation(): string | null
Added in version 7.0.0
The last name truncation. A code that indicates whether a field has been truncated (‘T’), has not been truncated (‘N’), unknown whether truncated (‘U’), or the information is not present in the document (null).
- licenseCountryOfIssue
get licenseCountryOfIssue(): string | null
Added in version 7.0.0
The name of the country, where the Driver’s License was issued.
- middleName
get middleName(): string | null
Added in version 7.0.0
The middle name of the card holder.
- middleNameTruncation
get middleNameTruncation(): string | null
Added in version 7.0.0
The middle name truncation. A code that indicates whether a field has been truncated (‘T’), has not been truncated (‘N’), unknown whether truncated (‘U’), or the information is not present in the document (null).
- mwrFlagCode
get mwrFlagCode(): string | null
Added in version 7.0.0
The code of the Morale, Welfare & Recreation (MWR) privilege/benefit flag.
- mwrFlagDescription
get mwrFlagDescription(): string | null
Added in version 7.0.0
The description of the Morale, Welfare & Recreation (MWR) privilege/benefit flag.
- payGrade
get payGrade(): string | null
Added in version 7.0.0
The pay grade of the sponsor. Available since version 2.
- payPlanGradeCode
get payPlanGradeCode(): string | null
Added in version 7.0.0
The holder’s pay plan grade code.
- personDesignatorDocument
get personDesignatorDocument(): number | null
Added in version 7.0.0
The person’s designator identifier (usually, the cardholder’s SSN).
- personDesignatorTypeCode
get personDesignatorTypeCode(): string | null
Added in version 7.0.0
The card’s person designator type code.
- personMiddleInitial
get personMiddleInitial(): string | null
Added in version 7.0.0
The holder’s middle name initial.
- personalIdNumber
get personalIdNumber(): string | null
Added in version 7.0.0
The personal ID number of this Driver’s License holder.
- personalIdNumberType
get personalIdNumberType(): string | null
Added in version 7.0.0
The kind of personal ID number used - “02” means the number of the South Africa ID card.
- personnelCategoryCode
get personnelCategoryCode(): string | null
Added in version 7.0.0
The holder’s personnel category code.
- personnelEntitlementConditionType
get personnelEntitlementConditionType(): string | null
Added in version 7.0.0
The holder’s personnel entitlement condition type code.
- placeOfBirth
get placeOfBirth(): string | null
Added in version 7.0.0
The place of birth of the card holder.
- professionalDrivingPermit
get professionalDrivingPermit(): ProfessionalDrivingPermit | null
Added in version 7.0.0
Whether the holder of this License is allowed to transport goods, dangerous goods or passengers for an income.
- relationshipCode
get relationshipCode(): string | null
Added in version 7.0.0
The code of the dependent’s relationship to the sponsor.
- relationshipDescription
get relationshipDescription(): string | null
Added in version 7.0.0
The description of the dependent’s relationship to the sponsor.
- restrictionsCode
get restrictionsCode(): string | null
Added in version 7.0.0
The restriction code.
- sponsorFlag
get sponsorFlag(): string | null
Added in version 7.0.0
Indicates whether the card holder is sponsor or dependent.
- sponsorPersonDesignatorIdentifier
get sponsorPersonDesignatorIdentifier(): number | null
Added in version 7.0.0
The sponsor’s designator identifier (Usually, the cardholder’s SSN).
- statusCodeDescription
get statusCodeDescription(): string | null
Added in version 7.0.0
The description of the the code of the status of the sponsor.
- vehicleRestrictions
get vehicleRestrictions(): VehicleRestriction[]
Added in version 7.0.0
The categories of motor vehicles that the holder of this License is permitted to drive.
- weightKg
get weightKg(): number | null
Added in version 7.0.0
The weight of the card holder in kilograms.
- weightLbs
get weightLbs(): number | null
Added in version 7.0.0
Thw weight of the card holder in pounds.
- isRealId
get isRealId(): boolean | null
Added in version 7.0.0
Returns true if the document is a Real ID.
- firstName
get firstName(): string | null
Added in version 7.2.0
The first name of the document holder.
- lastName
get lastName(): string | null
Added in version 7.2.0
The last name of the document holder.
- dateOfBirth
get dateOfBirth(): DateResult | null
Added in version 7.2.0
The date of birth of the document holder.
- nationality
get nationality(): string | null
Added in version 7.2.0
The nationality of the document holder.
- documentNumber
get documentNumber(): string | null
Added in version 7.2.0
The document number of the ID.
- dateOfExpiry
get dateOfExpiry(): DateResult | null
Added in version 7.2.0
The expiry date of the document.
- dateOfIssue
get dateOfIssue(): DateResult | null
Added in version 7.2.0
The issue date of the document.
- barcodeDataElements
get barcodeDataElements(): Record<string, string>
Added in version 7.0.0
The mappings between all the barcode data element IDs and their values. The keys of this collection are the element IDs as defined in the AAMVA Driver License/Identification specification. For example, the specification defines a data element “Customer First Name” with the ID “DAC”. Therefore if a scanned barcode contains a string “DACMICHAEL”, then this collection will contain a mapping with “DAC” as the key and “MICHAEL” as the value. This collection contains all the data elements of the barcode - including those that are exposed also explicitly as fields of this class.
See Barcode Data Elements for all the possible keys and their meaning.
- barcodeMetadata
get barcodeMetadata(): BarcodeMetadata | null
Added in version 6.28.2
Additional metadata about the scanned barcode.
Barcode Data Elements
Mandatory Fields for spec version 1 (2000)
Following data fields are always present in a version 1 code:
Data Element ID |
Meaning |
Parsed Content |
Driver License Name |
Driver Mailing Street Address 1 |
Driver Mailing City |
Driver Mailing Jurisdiction Code |
Driver Mailing Postal Code |
A ZIP code is parsed as a dictionary with following key/value pairs:
Note that only certain jurisdictions encode the full 9-digit ZIP codes. Therefore the ‘9digit’ field is often empty or contains the padded 5-digit codes. Generally you will want to use the 5-digit code as it is reliably present. Both fields may be empty. |
Driver License/ID Number |
Driver License Classification Code |
Driver License Restriction Code |
Driver License Endorsements Code |
Driver License Expiration Date |
A date is parsed as a dictionary with following key/value pairs:
where DD, MM and YYYY are two-digit, respectively four-digit integers. Can be null because some versions do not follow the AAMVA specification and do not provide this field. |
Date of Birth |
the same as ‘DBA’ |
Driver Sex (‘F’ or ‘M’) |
Driver License or ID Document Issue Date |
the same as ‘DBA’ |
Optional Fields for spec version 1 (2000)
Following data fields are sometimes present in a version 1 code:
Data Element ID |
Meaning |
Parsed Content |
Height (in feet and inches) |
A dictionary with following key/value pairs:
where X is the heigth in inches and Y is the height in cm. |
Weight (in pounds) |
Integer |
Eye Color |
Hair Color |
Social Security Number |
Driver Permit Classification Code |
Driver Permit Expiration Date |
see ‘DBA’ |
Permit Identifier |
Driver Permit Issue Date |
see ‘DBA’ |
Driver Permit Restriction Code |
Driver Permit Endorsement Code |
Driver Last Name |
Driver First Name |
Driver Middle Name or Initial |
Driver Name Suffix |
Driver Name Prefix |
Driver Mailing Street Address 2 |
Driver Residence Street Address 1 |
Driver Residence Street Address 2 |
Driver Residence City |
Driver Residence Jurisdiction Code |
Driver Residence Postal Code |
see ‘DAK’ |
Height (in cm, format state-dependent) |
see ‘DAU’ |
Weight (in kg) |
Issue Timestamp |
Number of Duplicates |
Integer |
Medical Indicator/Codes |
Organ Donor |
Non-Resident Indicator |
Unique Customer Identifier |
Driver ‘AKA’ Date Of Birth |
see ‘DBA’ |
Driver ‘AKA’ Social Security Number |
Driver ‘AKA’ Name |
Driver ‘AKA’ Last Name |
Driver ‘AKA’ First Name |
Driver ‘AKA’ Middle Name |
Driver ‘AKA’ Suffix |
Driver ‘AKA’ Prefix |
Mandatory Fields for spec version 2 and later (2003+)
Following data fields are sometimes present in a version >=2 code:
Data Element ID |
Meaning |
Present in Versions |
Parsed Content |
Jurisdiction-specific vehicle class/group code |
>=2 |
Jurisdiction-specific codes that represent restrictions to driving privileges |
>=2 |
Jurisdiction-specific codes that represent additional privileges granted to the cardholder beyond the vehicle class |
>=2 |
Expiration Date |
>=2 |
A date is parsed as a dictionary with following key/value pairs:
where DD, MM and YYYY are two-digit, respectively four-digit integers. Can be null because some versions do not follow the AAMVA specification and do not provide this field. |
Family name |
>=2 |
Given name (all names other than the family name) |
2 and 3 |
First name |
>=4 |
Middle Name(s), separated by a comma |
>=4 |
Date on which the document was issued. |
>=2 |
see ‘DBA’ |
Date of Birth Date |
>=2 |
see ‘DBA’ |
Gender of the cardholder |
>=2 |
String. One of the following:
Eye color |
>=2 |
One of the following:
Height of cardholder. |
>=2 |
A dictionary with following key/value pairs:
where X is the heigth in inches and Y is the height in cm. |
Street portion of the cardholder address. |
>=2 |
City portion of the cardholder address. |
>=2 |
State portion of the cardholder address. |
>=2 |
Postal code portion of the cardholder address. |
>=2 |
A ZIP code is parsed as a dictionary with following key/value pairs:
Note that only certain jurisdictions encode the full 9-digit ZIP codes. Therefore the ‘9digit’ field is often empty or contains the padded 5-digit codes. Generally you will want to use the 5-digit code as it is reliably present. Both fields may be empty. |
Customer ID |
>=2 |
Document Discriminator Number |
>=2 |
Country (‘USA’ or ‘CAN’) |
>=2 |
Federal Commercial Vehicle Codes |
2 and 3 |
Family name truncation. A code that indicates whether a field has been truncated (‘T’), has not been truncated (‘N’), or unknown whether truncated (‘U’). |
>=4 |
First name truncation. A code that indicates whether a field has been truncated (‘T’), has not been truncated (‘N’), or unknown whether truncated (‘U’). |
>=4 |
Middle name truncation. A code that indicates whether a field has been truncated (‘T’), has not been truncated (‘N’), or unknown whether truncated (‘U’). |
>=4 |
Optional Fields for spec version 2 and later (2003+)
Following data fields are sometimes present in a version >=2 code:
Data Element ID |
Meaning |
Parsed Content |
Second line of street portion of the cardholder address. |
Hair color |
Place of birth |
Audit information |
Inventory control number |
Alias/AKA Family Name |
Alias/AKA Given Name |
Alias/AKA Suffix Name |
Name Suffix (can be ‘JR’, ‘SR’, ‘1ST’, ‘2ND’, ‘3RD’, ‘4TH’, ‘5TH’, ‘6TH’, ‘7TH’, ‘8TH’, ‘9TH’, ‘I’, ‘II’, ‘III’, ‘IV’, ‘V’, ‘VI’, ‘VII’, ‘VIII’ or ‘IX’) |
Weight Range
Integer |
D-20 Code for Race/Ethnicity |
Standard vehicle classification |
Standard endorsement code |
Standard restriction code |
Jurisdiction-specific vehicle classification description |
Jurisdiction-specific endorsement code description |
Jurisdiction-specific restriction code description |
Compliance Type, ‘F’ = fully compliant and ‘N’ = non-compliant. |
Card Revision Date |
see ‘DBA’ |
Date on which the hazardous material endorsement granted by the document is no longer valid |
see ‘DBA’ |
Indicator that the cardholder has temporary lawful status, can be ‘true’ or ‘false’. |
String |
Weight in pounds |
Integer |
Weight in kilograms |
Integer |
Date on which the cardholder turns 18 |
see ‘DBA’ |
Date on which the cardholder turns 19 |
see ‘DBA’ |
Date on which the cardholder turns 21 |
see ‘DBA’ |
Indicator that the cardholder is an organ donor, can be ‘1’ or ‘0’ |
Integer |
Indicator that the cardholder is a veteran, can be ‘1’ or ‘0’ |
Integer |
Jurisdiction-Specific Fields
Different jurisdictions can include custom data elements if desired. These data element must have an id starting with the letter ‘Z’. The Scandit parsing library also exposes these fields without any parsing.