ID Capture Document
Defined under the namespace Scandit.Datacapture.Id
- IdCaptureDocumentType
Added in version 7.0.0
Types associated with the document classes below
- DriverLicense
Added in version 7.0.0
Driver license identification document. Associated with DriverLicense.
- RegionSpecific
Added in version 7.0.0
Region specific identification document. Associated with RegionSpecific.
- ResidencePermit
Added in version 7.0.0
Residence Permit. Associated with ResidencePermit.
- HealthInsuranceCard
Added in version 7.0.0
Health insurance card. Associated with HealthInsuranceCard.
- IdCaptureDocument
abstract class IdCaptureDocument
Added in version 7.0.0
A category of documents, such as ID cards, driver’s licenses, or passports.
- region
get region(): Region
Added in version 7.0.0
Specifies the region (e.g., country) where the document was issued.
- documentType
readonly documentType: IdCaptureDocumentType
Added in version 7.0.0
Enum IdCaptureDocumentType associated with this instance.
- isIdCard()
isIdCard(): boolean
Added in version 7.0.0
Indicates whether the document is of type IdCard
- isDriverLicense()
isDriverLicense(): boolean
Added in version 7.0.0
Indicates whether the document is of type DriverLicense.
- isPassport()
isPassport(): boolean
Added in version 7.0.0
Indicates whether the document is of type Passport.
- isVisaIcao()
isVisaIcao(): boolean
Added in version 7.0.0
Indicates whether the document is of type VisaIcao.
- isRegionSpecific()
isRegionSpecific(): boolean
Added in version 7.0.0
Indicates whether the document is of type RegionSpecific.
- isResidencePermit()
isResidencePermit(): boolean
Added in version 7.0.0
Indicates whether the document is of type ResidencePermit.
- isHealthInsuranceCard()
isHealthInsuranceCard(): boolean
Added in version 7.0.0
Indicates whether the document is of type HealthInsuranceCard.
ID Card
- IdCard
class IdCard : IdCaptureDocument
Added in version 7.0.0
A category of state-issued documents primarily designed to confirm a citizen’s identity, voting rights, or age. This category includes documents commonly referred to as ID Cards, Voting IDs, and Proof of Age Cards. It also encompasses Passport Cards issued by certain jurisdictions, which provide limited travel rights.
While other documents (e.g., driver’s licenses, passports, residence permits) may serve as identification in certain regions, they are not included in this category.
- constructor(region)
constructor(region: Region)
Added in version 7.0.0
Creates a new IdCard instance.
- region
get region(): Region
Added in version 7.0.0
Specifies the region (e.g., country) where the document was issued.
- documentType
readonly documentType: IdCaptureDocumentType
Added in version 7.0.0
Enum IdCaptureDocumentType associated with this instance.
Driver License
- DriverLicense
class DriverLicense : IdCaptureDocument
Added in version 7.0.0
A category of documents that confirms the holder’s right to drive or operate vehicles.
- constructor(region)
constructor(region: Region)
Added in version 7.0.0
Creates a new DriverLicense instance.
- region
get region(): Region
Added in version 7.0.0
Specifies the region (e.g., country) where the document was issued.
- documentType
readonly documentType: IdCaptureDocumentType
Added in version 7.0.0
Enum IdCaptureDocumentType associated with this instance.
- Passport
class Passport : IdCaptureDocument
Added in version 7.0.0
A category of official government-issued documents that verify a person’s identity and nationality, enabling international travel.
Passport Cards and other documents used for regional travel are not included in this category.
- constructor(region)
constructor(region: Region)
Added in version 7.0.0
Creates a new Passport instance.
- region
get region(): Region
Added in version 7.0.0
Specifies the region (e.g., country) where the document was issued.
- documentType
readonly documentType: IdCaptureDocumentType
Added in version 7.0.0
Enum IdCaptureDocumentType associated with this instance.
Visa (ICAO)
- VisaIcao
class VisaIcao : IdCaptureDocument
Added in version 7.0.0
A category of travel documents that temporarily permit a foreigner to enter, remain in, or leave the issuing jurisdiction. Only documents that comply with the ICAO Machine Readable Travel Document (MRTD) standard are included in this category.
This category does not include documents that grant similar privileges but do not adhere to the ICAO MRTD standard, such as the US Border Crossing Card or travel permits for autonomous regions like Hong Kong and Macao issued by China.
- constructor(region)
constructor(region: Region)
Added in version 7.0.0
Creates a new VisaIcao instance.
- region
get region(): Region
Added in version 7.0.0
Specifies the region (e.g., country) where the document was issued.
- documentType
readonly documentType: IdCaptureDocumentType
Added in version 7.0.0
Enum IdCaptureDocumentType associated with this instance.
Region Specific
- RegionSpecific
class RegionSpecific : IdCaptureDocument
Added in version 7.0.0
A category of documents that do not fall into other established categories and lack a recognized international standard. These documents grant privileges or serve specific purposes within a particular region or jurisdiction, often related to local regulations or services.
- constructor(subtype)
constructor(subtype: RegionSpecificSubtype)
Added in version 7.0.0
Creates a new RegionSpecific instance.
- region
get region(): Region
Added in version 7.0.0
Specifies the region (e.g., country) where the document was issued.
- documentType
readonly documentType: IdCaptureDocumentType
Added in version 7.0.0
Enum IdCaptureDocumentType associated with this instance.
- subtype
readonly subtype: RegionSpecificSubtype
Added in version 7.0.0
Enum RegionSpecificSubtype indicating the region-specific subtype associated with this instance.
Residence Permit
- ResidencePermit
class ResidencePermit : IdCaptureDocument
Added in version 7.0.0
A category of documents issued to confirm the identity of non-citizens and their right to reside for an extended period within a given jurisdiction. These are sometimes referred to as Resident IDs or Alien IDs.
- constructor(region)
constructor(region: Region)
Added in version 7.0.0
Creates a new ResidencePermit instance.
- region
get region(): Region
Added in version 7.0.0
Specifies the region (e.g., country) where the document was issued.
- documentType
readonly documentType: IdCaptureDocumentType
Added in version 7.0.0
Enum IdCaptureDocumentType associated with this instance.
Health Insurance Card
- HealthInsuranceCard
class HealthInsuranceCard : IdCaptureDocument
Added in version 7.0.0
A category of documents that provide proof of an individual’s health insurance coverage, typically issued by a health insurer or government agency.
- constructor(region)
constructor(region: Region)
Added in version 7.0.0
Creates a new HealthInsuranceCard instance.
- region
get region(): Region
Added in version 7.0.0
Specifies the region (e.g., country) where the document was issued.
- documentType
readonly documentType: IdCaptureDocumentType
Added in version 7.0.0
Enum IdCaptureDocumentType associated with this instance.