Data Consistency Verifier
Defined under the namespace Scandit.Datacapture.Id
- DataConsistencyCheck
Added in version 7.1.0
The verification status returned by the barcode verifier
- IssuingCountryComparison
Added in version 7.1.0
Comparison of issuing country between zones
- IssuingJurisdictionComparison
Added in version 7.1.0
Comparison of issuing jurisdiction between zones
- FullNameComparison
Added in version 7.1.0
Comparison of full name between zones
- DocumentNumberComparison
Added in version 7.1.0
Comparison of document number between zones
- DateOfBirthComparison
Added in version 7.1.0
Comparison of date of birth between zones
- DateOfExpiryComparison
Added in version 7.1.0
Comparison of date of expiry between zones
- DateOfIssueComparison
Added in version 7.1.0
Comparison of date of issue between zones
- DataConsistencyVerifier
class DataConsistencyVerifier
Added in version 7.1.0
- create(context)
static create(context: DataCaptureContext): DataConsistencyVerifier
Added in version 7.1.0
Creates a new instance of this verifier.
- verify(capturedId)
verify(capturedId: CapturedId): Promise<DataConsistencyResult | null>
Added in version 7.1.0
Compares the human-readable data of the document with the data encoded in either MRZ or barcode, and flags any suspicious differences.
- DataConsistencyResult
class DataConsistencyResult
Added in version 7.1.0
The verification result of a comparison between the human-readable data of the document with the data encoded in either MRZ or barcode. This result can be returned by DataConsistencyVerifier or performed automatically when IdCaptureSettings.rejectInconsistentData is enabled and exposed on VerificationResult
- allChecksPassed
get allChecksPassed(): boolean
Added in version 7.1.0
All checks passed and nothing suspicious about the document was detected.
- failedChecks
get failedChecks(): DataConsistencyCheck[]
Added in version 7.1.0
The checks that failed
- skippedChecks
get skippedChecks(): DataConsistencyCheck[]
Added in version 7.1.0
The checks that were skipped
- passedChecks
get passedChecks(): DataConsistencyCheck[]
Added in version 7.1.0
The checks that passed