Captured Label

Defined under the namespace Scandit.Datacapture.Label

class CapturedLabel

Added in version 7.2.0

A captured label tracked over multiple frames. This class holds the list of label fields as well as the predicted boundary of the label. Each instance of a found label has a unique tracking Id which remains constant over multiple frames.

get fields(): LabelField[]

Added in version 7.2.0

List of fields in the form. For each field in the label description, exactly one captured field is returned.

get name(): string

Added in version 7.2.0

The name of this label, e.g. label-a. This property can be used in case multiple different label definitions are used at the same time.

get isComplete(): boolean

Added in version 7.2.0

Whether the label has been completely scanned. True as soon as all the required fields are present. Optional fields do not need to be present for this property to be true.

get predictedBounds(): Quadrilateral

Added in version 7.2.0

The predicted label bounds in image coordinates. These coordinates will need to be converted to view coordinates before they can be visualized.

get deltaTimeToPrediction(): number

Added in version 7.2.0

The delta time used for predicting the label bounds (predictedBounds) as well as the field locations (available as LabelField.predictedLocation).

get trackingId(): number

Added in version 7.2.0

The tracking identifier for this label.