Label Capture Session

Defined under the namespace Scandit.Datacapture.Label

class LabelCaptureSession

Added in version 7.2.0

Holds the ongoing state of capturing data contained in one or more labels. An instance of this class is passed to LabelCaptureListener.didUpdateSession() when new labels are captured, or existing labels are updated or lost.


The capture session should only be accessed from within didUpdateSession() to which it is provided as an argument. It is not safe to be accessed from anywhere else since it may be concurrently modified.

Specifically no reference to capturedLabels should be kept and traversed outside of didUpdateSession(). Instead a copy of the list should be made to avoid concurrent modification. The individual labels can be referenced without copying as they are not further modified.

get capturedLabels(): CapturedLabel[]

Added in version 7.2.0

List of currently captured labels.

get lastProcessedFrameId(): number

Added in version 7.2.0

The identifier of the last processed frame.

get canShowLocations(): boolean

Added in version 7.2.0

Whether the locations of the captured labels can be shown.

get frameSequenceId(): number

Added in version 7.2.0

The identifier of the current frame sequence.