Barcode Batch Advanced Overlay Listener

Defined in namespace Scandit.DataCapture.Barcode.Batch.UI.Overlay


Using this class requires the MatrixScan AR add-on.

interface IBarcodeBatchAdvancedOverlayListener

Added in version 7.0.0

View ViewForTrackedBarcode(BarcodeBatchAdvancedOverlay overlay, TrackedBarcode trackedBarcode)

Added in version 7.0.0

View to be drawn corresponding to the given TrackedBarcode. This method will be called before AnchorForTrackedBarcode() and OffsetForTrackedBarcode(). Beware that this view can be overridden with BarcodeBatchAdvancedOverlay.SetViewForTrackedBarcode() method. This method will only be called for new tracked barcodes that do not have a view yet, e.g. a view set by a call to BarcodeBatchAdvancedOverlay.SetViewForTrackedBarcode().

Called from the main thread.


Requires a special license key to support rendering any kind of images since this feature is available only in limited countries. Please contact for details

Anchor AnchorForTrackedBarcode(BarcodeBatchAdvancedOverlay overlay, TrackedBarcode trackedBarcode)

Added in version 7.0.0

Anchor point that should be used for the view corresponding to the given TrackedBarcode. This method will be called after ViewForTrackedBarcode() and before OffsetForTrackedBarcode(). Beware that this anchor can be overridden with BarcodeBatchAdvancedOverlay.SetAnchorForTrackedBarcode() method. This method will only be called for new tracked barcodes that do not have an anchor yet, e.g. an anchor set by a call to BarcodeBatchAdvancedOverlay.SetAnchorForTrackedBarcode().

Called from the main thread.

PointWithUnit OffsetForTrackedBarcode(BarcodeBatchAdvancedOverlay overlay, TrackedBarcode trackedBarcode, View view)

Added in version 7.0.0

Offset to be set to the view corresponding to the given TrackedBarcode. The offset is relative to the anchor point of the tracked barcode. This method will be called after ViewForTrackedBarcode() and AnchorForTrackedBarcode(). Beware that this offset can be overridden with BarcodeBatchAdvancedOverlay.SetOffsetForTrackedBarcode() method. This method will only be called for new tracked barcodes that do not have an offset yet, e.g. an offset set by a call to BarcodeBatchAdvancedOverlay.SetOffsetForTrackedBarcode().

Called from the main thread.