Barcode Count View

Defined in namespace Scandit.DataCapture.Barcode.Count.UI


Added in version 6.17.0

The style of the BarcodeCountView


Added in version 6.17.0

Style that draws the highlights as icons and adds an animation for when a code newly appears.


Added in version 6.17.0

Style that draws the highlights as a dot and adds an animation for when a code newly appears.

class BarcodeCountView : RelativeLayout

Added in version 6.17.0

BarcodeCount comes with a ready-to-use UI. Add BarcodeCountView to the view hierarchy. Please note that this view should be presented full screen.

static BarcodeCountView Create(Context context, DataCaptureContext dataCaptureContext, BarcodeCount mode)

Added in version 6.17.0

Constructs a new barcode count view.

static BarcodeCountView Create(Context context, DataCaptureContext dataCaptureContext, BarcodeCount mode, BarcodeCountViewStyle style)

Added in version 6.17.0

Constructs a new barcode count view.

static BarcodeCountView Create(Context context, DataCaptureContext dataCaptureView, BarcodeCount mode)

Added in version 6.17.0

Constructs a new barcode count view. This constructor method should only be used in special cases, and its use is not recommended.

static BarcodeCountView Create(Context context, DataCaptureContext dataCaptureView, BarcodeCount mode, BarcodeCountViewStyle style)

Added in version 6.17.0

Constructs a new barcode count view. This constructor method should only be used in special cases, and its use is not recommended.

bool ShouldShowUserGuidanceView { get;set; }

Added in version 6.17.0

When set to true, user guidance and the loading view will be shown to the user. The user guidance prompts the user to scan, and to move closer or further away from the target barcodes in order to scan them properly.

By default this property is true.

bool ShouldShowListProgressBar { get;set; }

Added in version 6.25.0

When set to true, a progress bar will be shown to the user when a capture list has been set using BarcodeCount.SetBarcodeCountCaptureList(), indicating how many of the barcodes in the list have been scanned.

By default this property is true.

bool ShouldShowListButton { get;set; }

Added in version 6.17.0

When set to true, a list button will be shown to the user in the lower left hand corner of the screen. When tapped, this button will freeze the mode. This button triggers ListButtonTapped event.

By default this property is true.

bool ShouldShowExitButton { get;set; }

Added in version 6.17.0

When set to true, an exit button will be shown in the lower right hand corner of the screen. The behavior for this button is left entirely to the developer, and does nothing by default. When clicked, this button triggers ExitButtonTapped event.

By default this property is true.

bool ShouldShowShutterButton { get;set; }

Added in version 6.17.0

When set to true, a shutter button will be shown to the user centered in the bottom of the screen. This button triggers the processing of the current video feed. The same functionality can be triggered by calling BarcodeCount.StartScanningPhase().

By default this property is true.

bool ShouldShowHints { get;set; }

Added in version 6.17.0

When set to true, this view will show some messages about currently scanned barcodes.

By default this property is true.

bool ShouldShowClearHighlightsButton { get;set; }

Added in version 6.17.0

When set to true, a button will be shown above the default shutter button. This button clears all currently shown barcodes highlights. The same functionality can be triggered by calling ClearHighlights().

By default this property is false.

bool ShouldShowSingleScanButton { get;set; }

Added in version 6.17.0

When set to true, a button will be shown to the user in the lower left corner of the preview. The behavior for this button is left entirely to the developer, and does nothing by default. When clicked, this button triggers SingleScanButtonTapped event.

By default this property is false.

bool ShouldShowStatusModeButton { get;set; }

Added in version 6.18.0

When set to true, a button will be shown to the user in the lower right corner of the preview. This button toggles “status mode”, in which the normal barcode highlights will be replaced by status indicators for each barcode. The status for each barcode must be provided via a IBarcodeCountStatusProvider previously set with SetStatusProvider(). If no IBarcodeCountStatusProvider is set, clicking this button has no effect.

By default this property is false.


The Barcode Count status mode API is still in beta and may change in future versions of Scandit Data Capture SDK.

bool ShouldShowFloatingShutterButton { get;set; }

Added in version 6.17.0

When set to true, a floating shutter button will be visible on screen. This button can be dragged to any position and, when tapped, will trigger the processing of the current video feed.

By default this property is false.

bool ShouldShowToolbar { get;set; }

Added in version 6.17.0

When set to true, a collapsable toolbar will be visible at the top of the preview. This toolbar contains a set of convenience buttons for easy preference setting during scanning.

By default this property is true.

bool ShouldDisableModeOnExitButtonTapped { get;set; }

Added in version 7.0.0

When set to true, the mode will disable automatically when the default exit button is tapped.

By default this property is true.

void SetToolbarSettings(BarcodeCountToolbarSettings settings)

Added in version 6.17.0

Pass an instance of BarcodeCountToolbarSettings to configure the text and accessibility options for the toolbar.

void SetStatusProvider(IBarcodeCountStatusProvider provider)

Added in version 6.18.0

Sets a IBarcodeCountStatusProvider for this view. This provider will be queried when the “status mode” button is clicked.


The Barcode Count status mode API is still in beta and may change in future versions of Scandit Data Capture SDK.

IBarcodeCountViewListener Listener { get;set; }

Added in version 6.17.0

The listener which is called whenever a new TrackedBarcode is newly tracked or newly recognized.


Using this listener requires the MatrixScan AR add-on.

static Brush DefaultRecognizedBrush { get; }

Added in version 6.17.0

Returns the default brush to use for a recognized barcode. When setting a BarcodeCountCaptureList to the mode, this brush will be used for recognized barcodes that are part of the target list. Only used when setting the view Style to BarcodeCountViewStyle.Dot.

static Brush DefaultUnrecognizedBrush { get; }

Added in version 6.17.0

Returns the default brush to use for an unrecognized barcode. Only used when setting the view Style to BarcodeCountViewStyle.Dot.

static Brush DefaultNotInListBrush { get; }

Added in version 6.17.0

Returns the default brush to use for a recognized barcode that’s not part of the target BarcodeCountCaptureList. Only used when setting the view Style to BarcodeCountViewStyle.Dot.

static Brush DefaultAcceptedBrush { get; }

Added in version 7.0.0

Returns the default brush to use for accepted barcodes. Only used when setting the view Style to BarcodeCountViewStyle.Dot.

static Brush DefaultRejectedBrush { get; }

Added in version 7.0.0

Returns the default brush to use for rejected barcodes. Only used when setting the view Style to BarcodeCountViewStyle.Dot.

Brush RecognizedBrush { get;set; }

Added in version 6.17.0

The brush applied to recognized tracked barcodes if IBarcodeCountViewListener is not implemented. When setting a BarcodeCountCaptureList to the mode, this brush will be used for recognized barcodes that are part of the target list. Setting this brush to null hides all tracked barcodes.

Used only when the view uses the BarcodeCountViewStyle.Dot style.

Brush UnrecognizedBrush { get;set; }

Added in version 6.17.0

The brush applied to unrecognized tracked barcodes if IBarcodeCountViewListener is not implemented. Setting this brush to null hides all tracked barcodes.

Used only when the view uses the BarcodeCountViewStyle.Dot style.

Brush NotInListBrush { get;set; }

Added in version 6.17.0

The brush applied to recognized tracked barcodes that are not part of the target BarcodeCountCaptureList, and only if IBarcodeCountViewListener is not implemented. When BarcodeCountCaptureList is not set, this method will never be called. Setting this brush to null hides all tracked barcodes.

Used only when the view uses the BarcodeCountViewStyle.Dot style.

Brush AcceptedBrush { get;set; }

Added in version 7.0.0

The brush applied to accepted tracked barcodes if IBarcodeCountViewListener is not implemented. Setting this brush to null hides all accepted barcodes.

Used only when the view uses the BarcodeCountViewStyle.Dot style.

Brush RejectedBrush { get;set; }

Added in version 7.0.0

The brush applied to rejected tracked barcodes if IBarcodeCountViewListener is not implemented. Setting this brush to null hides all rejected barcodes.

Used only when the view uses the BarcodeCountViewStyle.Dot style.

bool ShouldShowScanAreaGuides { get;set; }

Added in version 6.17.0

When set to true, this view will visualize the active scan area used for BarcodeCount. This is useful to check margins defined on the DataCaptureView are set correctly. This property is meant for debugging during development and is not intended for use in production.

By default this property is false.

BarcodeCountViewStyle Style { get; }

Added in version 6.17.0

The view style. Defaults to BarcodeCountViewStyle.Dot.

string StatusModeButtonContentDescription { get;set; }

Added in version 6.18.0

Gets or sets the content description for the status mode button provided by the view.

string ClearHighlightsButtonText { get;set; }

Added in version 6.17.0

Use this property to access or modify the text of the clear button label provided by the view.

string ListButtonContentDescription { get;set; }

Added in version 6.17.0

Use this property to access or modify the content description of the list button provided by the view.

string ExitButtonContentDescription { get;set; }

Added in version 6.17.0

Use this property to access or modify the content description of the exit button provided by the view.

string ShutterButtonContentDescription { get;set; }

Added in version 6.17.0

Use this property to access or modify the content description of the shutter button provided by the view.

string ClearHighlightsButtonContentDescription { get;set; }

Added in version 6.17.0

Use this property to access or modify the content description of the “clear highlights” button provided by the view.

string SingleScanButtonContentDescription { get;set; }

Added in version 6.17.0

Use this property to access or modify the content description of the “single scan” button provided by the view.

string FloatingShutterButtonContentDescription { get;set; }

Added in version 6.17.0

Use this property to access or modify the content description for the floating shutter button provided by the view.

string TextForUnrecognizedBarcodesDetectedHint { get;set; }

Added in version 6.17.0

Use this property to access or modify the text of the hint displayed when one or more unrecognized barcodes are detected.

string TextForTapShutterToScanHint { get;set; }

Added in version 6.17.0

Use this property to access or modify the text of the hint which suggests to tap the shutter button.

string TextForScanningHint { get;set; }

Added in version 6.17.0

Use this property to access or modify the text of the hint displayed while scanning is in progress.

string TextForMoveCloserAndRescanHint { get;set; }

Added in version 6.17.0

Use this property to access or modify the text of the hint displayed when camera should be moved closer to rescan.

string TextForMoveFurtherAndRescanHint { get;set; }

Added in version 6.17.0

Use this property to access or modify the text of the hint displayed when camera should be further away to rescan.

string ExitButtonText { get;set; }

Added in version 6.17.0

Use this property to access or modify the text of the exit button label provided by the view.

BarcodeFilterHighlightSettings FilterSettings { get;set; }

Added in version 6.17.0

Use this property to access or modify the current view settings for barcode filtering.

void ClearHighlights()

Added in version 6.17.0

Clear all currently shown barcodes highlights. This only affects screen rendering, and all detected barcodes will still be available in the BarcodeCountSession.

void SetBrushForRecognizedBarcode(TrackedBarcode barcode, Brush brush)

Added in version 7.0.0

Set a Brush to be used for a particular recognized TrackedBarcode. This will override any other applicable brush for this particular barcode.

Used only when the view uses the BarcodeCountViewStyle.Dot style.

void SetBrushForUnrecognizedBarcode(TrackedBarcode barcode, Brush brush)

Added in version 7.0.0

Set a Brush to be used for a particular unrecognized TrackedBarcode. This will override any other applicable brush for this particular barcode.

Used only when the view uses the BarcodeCountViewStyle.Dot style.

void SetBrushForRecognizedBarcodeNotInList(TrackedBarcode barcode, Brush brush)

Added in version 7.0.0

Set a Brush to be used for a particular recognized TrackedBarcode that doesn’t belong to the capture list. This will only be applicable when using a capture list, and will override any other applicable brush for this particular barcode.

Used only when the view uses the BarcodeCountViewStyle.Dot style.

event EventHandler<ExitButtonTappedEventArgs> ExitButtonTapped

Added in version 6.17.0

Occurs when the exit button is tapped. Called from the main thread.

event EventHandler<ListButtonTappedEventArgs> ListButtonTapped

Added in version 6.17.0

Occurs when the list button is tapped. Called from the main thread.

event EventHandler<SingleScanButtonTappedEventArgs> SingleScanButtonTapped

Added in version 6.17.0

Occurs when the single scan button is tapped. Called from the main thread.

void EnableHardwareTrigger(int hardwareTriggerKeyCode)

Added in version 7.0.0

Enables the BarcodeCountView to react to clicks on the hardware button specified in hardwareTriggerKeyCode. Pass a null value to use the default button (The default button will be the dedicated HW button on XCover devices, and Keycode.VolumeDown for other devices).


This feature is only available on devices with api >= 28. Whether a device supports this can be checked at runtime with the HardwareTriggerSupported flag.

static bool HardwareTriggerSupported { get; }

Added in version 7.0.0

Returns whether the device supports listening for hardware button events. This is true for devices with api >= 28.

bool TapToUncountEnabled { get;set; }

Added in version 7.0.0

Enable this feature to be able to deselect items by tapping on the highlights.

By default this property is false.

string TextForTapToUncountHint { get;set; }

Added in version 7.0.0

Text of the hint displayed when the user deselects an item.

bool ShouldShowTorchControl { get;set; }

Added in version 7.0.0

Indicates whether the torch control button should be shown to the user.

Default is false.

Anchor TorchControlPosition { get;set; }

Added in version 7.0.0

Updates the position of the torch control button.

Only Anchor.TopLeft, Anchor.TopRight, Anchor.BottomLeft and Anchor.BottomRight, are supported.

Any other value will default to Anchor.TopLeft.

BarcodeCountNotInListActionSettings BarcodeNotInListActionSettings { get; }

Added in version 7.0.0

Use this object to customize barcode not in list actions.