Advanced Configurations
MatrixScan Find is optimized by default for efficiency, accuracy, and a seamless user experience. However, there are multiple advanced settings available to further customize MatrixScan Find to best fit your needs.
Set up a listener on the BarcodeFind mode
You may want more fine-grained knowledge over the different events happening during the life of the BarcodeFind mode, such as when the search starts, pauses and stops. To do this, you can directly register a BarcodeFindListener on the mode itself.
Be aware that these listeners will be called from a background thread.
class BarcodeFindListenerImpl implements BarcodeFindListener {
void didPauseSearch(Set<BarcodeFindItem> foundItems) {
// The mode was paused
void didStartSearch() {
// The mode was started
void didStopSearch(Set<BarcodeFindItem> foundItems) {
// The mode was stopped after the finish button was clicked
UI configuration
The BarcodeFindView will by default show a set of UI elements, which can be optionally hidden:
- A play/pause button
- A finish button
- A searched items carousel
- Guidance hints
There is also a progress bar but this is hidden by default.
Each of these elements can be shown or hidden at will.
barcodeFindView.shouldShowCarousel = false;
barcodeFindView.shouldShowProgressBar = true;
// …