Single Scanning
Implementing single scanning of barcodes using the Scandit Data Capture SDK can be done in two ways:
- (Recommended) Implementing SparkScan, our pre-built UI and workflow for barcode scanning.
- Implementing the low-level Barcode Capture API.
The SparkScan API provides pre-built UI elements (trigger button, camera view, camera controls), a complete scanning workflow (visual, audio, and haptic feedback, and UI transitions on scan) and offers additional functionality needed to achieve optimal scanning UX, such as:
- Triggering scans via a hardware trigger (volume or dedicated hardware button)
- UI to activate an aimer for precise scanning in crowded scenarios
- pre-built code rejection and error handling options
- Option to choose between single and continuous scanning, programmatically or with hold gesture
- Battery-optimizing features such as idle timeout and camera standby
Scanning to a list with SparkScan
All of the above functionality is available out-of-the-box, without having to create it yourself via the low-level API.