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Version: 6.28.2

About ID Validate

ID Validate builds upon the functionality provided by Scandit ID Capture to enable the verification of personal identification documents. ID Validate provides the capability to conduct complex analysis of identity documents to verify if they are real or fake.

Scandit ID Capture and Validation software captures data from IDs using a combination of text recognition (optical character recognition/OCR), barcode scanning, and image recognition. This data can be instantly analyzed, on-device, to determine if the ID is authentic.

ID Validate runs on any smart device with a camera, including smartphones, tablets, and dedicated scanners.

Supported ID Types

ID Validate supports documents that follow the Driver License/Identification Card specification by the American Association of Motor Vehicle Administrators (AAMVA). The following ID types are supported:

Barcode ID Formats

ID Validate supports the following documents with PDF417 barcodes:

CountrySupported Document
USAAAMVA-compliant documents: ID Validate supports all versions of the Driver License and Identification Standard published by AAMVA. Some pre-Standard barcodes (documents issued before 2000) may also be successfully parsed, if their format doesn’t differ much from version 1 of the Standard. Encrypted barcodes issued in the US State of Georgia before 2012 are currently not supported. More information can be found in the API documentation of CapturedId and AAMVABarcodeResult.

Human-Readable Text

North America

Country - StateSupported Document Types
USA - AlabamaDriver’s License*
USA - AlaskaDriver’s License
USA - ArizonaDriver’s License*
USA - ArkansasDriver’s License*
USA - CaliforniaDriver’s License*
USA - ColoradoDriver’s License*
USA - ConnecticutDriver’s License*
USA - DelawareDriver’s License*
USA - District Of ColumbiaDriver’s License*
USA - FloridaDriver’s License*
USA - GeorgiaDriver’s License*
USA - HawaiiDriver’s License*
USA - IdahoDriver’s License*
USA - IllinoisDriver’s License*
USA - IndianaDriver’s License
USA - IowaDriver’s License*
USA - KansasDriver’s License*
USA - KentuckyDriver’s License*
USA - LouisianaDriver’s License
USA - MaineDriver’s License*
USA - MarylandDriver’s License*
USA - MassachusettsDriver’s License*
USA - MichiganDriver’s License*
USA - MinnesotaDriver’s License*
USA - MississippiDriver’s License*
USA - MissouriDriver’s License*
USA - MontanaDriver’s License
USA - NebraskaDriver’s License*
USA - NevadaDriver’s License*
USA - New HampshireDriver’s License*
USA - New JerseyDriver’s License*
USA - New MexicoDriver’s License*
USA - New YorkDriver’s License*
USA - North CarolinaDriver’s License*
USA - North DakotaDriver’s License*
USA - OhioDriver’s License*
USA - OklahomaDriver’s License*
USA - OregonDriver’s License*
USA - PennsylvaniaDriver’s License*
USA - Rhode IslandDriver’s License*
USA - South CarolinaDriver’s License*
USA - South DakotaDriver’s License*
USA - TennesseeDriver’s License*
USA - TexasDriver’s License*
USA - UtahDriver’s License*
USA - VermontDriver’s License
USA - VirginiaDriver’s License*
USA - WashingtonDriver’s License*
USA - West VirginiaDriver’s License
USA - WisconsinDriver’s License*
USA - WyomingDriver’s License

* Vertical IDs are supported