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Version: 6.28.4

Advanced Configurations

MatrixScan Pick is optimized by default for efficiency, accuracy, and a seamless user experience. However, there are multiple advanced settings available to further customize MatrixScan Pick to best fit your needs.

BarcodePick Listener

You may want more fine-grained knowledge over the different events happening during the life of the BarcodePick mode, such as when the search starts, pauses, and stops.

To do this, you can directly register a BarcodePickListener on the mode itself, keeping in mind that these listeners are called from a background thread.

extension ViewController: BarcodePickListener {
func barcodePick(_ barcodePick: BarcodePick, didUpdate session: BarcodePickSession) {
// This callback will be invoked on a background thread every frame. The session object contains
// updated the newly tracked items.

BarcodePickAction Listener

You may want to be notified when a user interacts with the UI of the BarcodePick mode, which can then be used to reject specific pick/unpick actions.

extension ViewController: BarcodePickActionListener {
func didPickItem(withData data: String, completionHandler: @escaping (Bool) -> Void) {
// Perform the needed checks, and invoke completionHandler(true/false) to allow/reject
// the current pick action

func didUnpickItem(withData data: String, completionHandler: @escaping (Bool) -> Void) {
// Perform the needed checks, and invoke completionHandler(true/false) to allow/reject
// the current unpick action

BarcodePickScanning Listener

You can register a BarcodePickScanningListener on the mode, which can be used to listen to every time the pick state changes.

extension ViewController: BarcodePickScanningListener {
func barcodePick(_ barcodePick: BarcodePick, didUpdate scanningSession: BarcodePickScanningSession) {
// This callback will be invoked on a background thread every time the picked state of some item changes.
// The session object contains the list of picked and scanned items.

func barcodePick(_ barcodePick: BarcodePick, didComplete scanningSession: BarcodePickScanningSession) {
// This callback is invoked when all the registered items needing picking have been picked.