APEC Business Travel Card MRZ Result
Defined in package com.scandit.datacapture.id.capture
- ApecBusinessTravelCardMrzResult
class ApecBusinessTravelCardMrzResult
Added in version 6.16.0
Information obtained from the Machine Readable Zone (MRZ) present on the back of an APEC (Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation) Business Travel Card.
- documentCode
@NonNull String getDocumentCode()
Added in version 6.16.0
The document type code. Always “CP”.
- capturedMrz
@NonNull String getCapturedMrz()
Added in version 6.16.0
The full MRZ text as it appears on a document.
- passportIssuerIso
@NonNull String getPassportIssuerIso()
Added in version 6.16.0
The ISO code of the issuing jurisdiction.
- passportNumber
@NonNull String getPassportNumber()
Added in version 6.16.0
The passport number of the document holder.
- passportDateOfExpiry
@Nullable DateResult getPassportDateOfExpiry()
Added in version 6.16.0
The expiry date of the holder’s passport.
- equals(other)
equals(@Nullable Object other)Added in version 6.16.0
Indicates whether some other object is equal to this one.
- hashCode()
hashCode()Added in version 6.16.0
Returns a hash code value for the object.