Tracked Barcode
Defined under the namespace Scandit.Datacapture.Barcode.Batch
- TrackedBarcode
class TrackedBarcode
Added in version 6.8.0
A barcode tracked over the course of multiple frames.
The state of a TrackedBarcode can be observed using a BarcodeBatchListener.
The BarcodeBatchListener.didUpdateSession() callback will be invoked every time a new frame is processed and at least one of the following events took place:
A track is established.
A track location has changed.
A track is lost and can no longer be tracked.
- location
get location(): Quadrilateral
Added in version 6.8.0
The location of the code. The coordinates are in image-space, meaning that the coordinates correspond to actual pixels in the image. For display, the coordinates need first to be converted into screen-space using the data capture view.
The meaning of the values of Quadrilateral.topLeft is such that the top left point corresponds to the top left corner of the barcode, independent of how the code is oriented in the image. Same for the other conrners.
Using this property requires the MatrixScan AR add-on. In case the feature is not licensed, a quadrilateral with all corners set to 0, 0 is returned.