Barcode Find View
Defined in namespace Scandit.DataCapture.Barcode.Find.UI
- FinishButtonTappedEventArgs
class FinishButtonTappedEventArgs : EventArgs
Added in version 6.21.0
Provides data for the BarcodeFindView.FinishButtonTapped event.
- FinishButtonTappedEventArgs()
FinishButtonTappedEventArgs(ICollection<BarcodeFindItem> foundItems)
Added in version 6.21.0
- FoundItems
ICollection<BarcodeFindItem> FoundItems { get; }
Added in version 6.21.0
- BarcodeFindView
class BarcodeFindView : RelativeLayout
Added in version 6.21.0
BarcodeFind comes with a ready-to-use search UI that uses augmented reality overlays to highlight items that match predefined criteria. The BarcodeFindView integrates with any app in just a few lines of code.
- Create()
static BarcodeFindView Create(View parentView, DataCaptureContext dataCaptureContext, BarcodeFind barcodeFind, BarcodeFindViewSettings settings)
Added in version 6.21.0
Constructs a new BarcodeFind view and adds it to the provided parentView. The provided settings will be used to set the default behaviour and look of the view.
- OnResume()
OnResume()Added in version 6.21.0
Function to call on Fragment/Activity onResume callback. You have to call this for the correct functioning of the BarcodeFindView.
- OnPause()
OnPause()Added in version 6.21.0
Function to call on Fragment/Activity onPause callback. You have to call this for the correct functioning of the BarcodeFindView.
- StopSearching()
StopSearching()Added in version 6.21.0
Method to call for stopping the mode. For instance, it can be called when the view controller containing BarcodeFindView is about to disappear (i.e., UIViewController’s viewWillDisappear).
- StartSearching()
StartSearching()Added in version 6.21.0
Starts the searching process. You can call this method if you want to trigger the searching process without any user interaction.
- PauseSearching()
PauseSearching()Added in version 6.21.0
Pauses the searching process. You can call this method if you want to trigger pausing the searching process without any user interaction.
- ShouldShowUserGuidanceView
ShouldShowUserGuidanceView { get;set; }Added in version 6.21.0
Indicates whether guidance should be shown to the user.
Default is true.
- ShouldShowHints
ShouldShowHints { get;set; }Added in version 6.21.0
Indicates whether hints should be shown to the user.
Default is true.
- ShouldShowCarousel
ShouldShowCarousel { get;set; }Added in version 6.21.0
Indicates whether the item carousel should be shown to the user.
Default is true.
- ShouldShowPauseButton
ShouldShowPauseButton { get;set; }Added in version 6.21.0
Indicates whether the pause button should be shown to the user.
Default is true.
- ShouldShowFinishButton
ShouldShowFinishButton { get;set; }Added in version 6.21.0
Indicates whether the finish button should be shown to the user.
Default is true.
- ShouldShowProgressBar
ShouldShowProgressBar { get;set; }Added in version 6.21.0
Indicates whether the progress bar should be shown to the user.
Default is false.
- ShouldShowTorchControl
ShouldShowTorchControl { get;set; }Added in version 6.21.0
Indicates whether the torch control button should be shown to the user.
Default is false.
- TorchControlPosition
Anchor TorchControlPosition { get;set; }
Added in version 6.21.0
Updates the position of the torch control button.
Only Anchor.TopLeft, Anchor.TopCenter, Anchor.TopRight and Anchor.BottomLeft are supported.
Any other value will default to Anchor.TopLeft.
- ShouldShowZoomControl
ShouldShowZoomControl { get;set; }Added in version 7.1.0
Indicates whether the zoom control should be shown to the user, allowing them to switch between the normal and ultra-wide lenses.
Default is false.
The zoom control requires a device with an ultra-wide camera. On devices without an ultra-wide camera, setting this property to true has no effect.
- TextForCollapseCardsButton
TextForCollapseCardsButton { get;set; }Added in version 6.21.0
Overrides the default text displayed in the button for collapsing the item carousel.
Default is null.
- TextForAllItemsFoundSuccessfullyHint
TextForAllItemsFoundSuccessfullyHint { get;set; }Added in version 6.21.0
Overrides the default text displayed in the green confirmation view shown when all items have been found.
Default is null.
- TextForPointAtBarcodesToSearchHint
TextForPointAtBarcodesToSearchHint { get;set; }Added in version 6.21.0
Overrides the default text for the “Point at barcodes to search” hint.
Default is null.
- TextForMoveCloserToBarcodesHint
TextForMoveCloserToBarcodesHint { get;set; }Added in version 6.21.0
Overrides the default text for the “Move closer” hint.
Default is null.
- TextForTapShutterToPauseScreenHint
TextForTapShutterToPauseScreenHint { get;set; }Added in version 6.21.0
Overrides the default text for “Tap shutter to pause” hint.
Default is null.
- TextForTapShutterToResumeSearchHint
TextForTapShutterToResumeSearchHint { get;set; }Added in version 6.21.0
Overrides the default text for “Tap shutter to resume” hint.
Default is null.
- TextForItemListUpdatedHint
TextForItemListUpdatedHint { get;set; }Added in version 7.1.0
Overrides the default text displayed in the confirmation view shown when the item list has been updated.
Default is null.
- TextForItemListUpdatedWhenPausedHint
TextForItemListUpdatedWhenPausedHint { get;set; }Added in version 7.1.0
Overrides the default text displayed in the confirmation view shown when the item list has been updated and search is paused.
Default is null.
- FinishButtonTapped
event EventHandler<FinishButtonTappedEventArgs> FinishButtonTapped
Added in version 6.21.0
Occurs when the finish button is tapped from the view. The FinishButtonTappedEventArgs.FoundItems property contains all the items found since the start of the searching process. Called from the main thread.
- HardwareTriggerSupported
HardwareTriggerSupported { get; }Added in version 7.1.0
Returns whether the device supports listening for hardware button events. This is true for devices with api >= 28.