SparkScan View

Defined in namespace Scandit.DataCapture.Barcode.Spark.UI


Added in version 6.22.0

The capture mode type of the SparkScanView.


Added in version 6.22.0

Barcode capturing session is stopped after each scan.


Added in version 6.22.0

Keeps the barcode capturing session active for longer time.


Added in version 6.23.0

The preview behavior type of the SparkScanView.


Added in version 6.23.0

After a scan with scanning behavior SparkScanScanningBehavior.Single, or stopping scanning with scanning behavior SparkScanScanningBehavior.Continuous, camera moves to standby state and preview is hidden for maximum efficiency.


Added in version 6.23.0

After a scan with scanning behavior SparkScanScanningBehavior.Single, or stopping scanning with scanning behavior SparkScanScanningBehavior.Continuous, camera stays active and preview is visible for maximum precision.


Added in version 6.22.0

The hand mode type of the SparkScanView.


Added in version 6.22.0

Optimizes the layout for right-hand use of the SparkScanView.


Added in version 6.22.0

Optimizes the layout for left-hand use of the SparkScanView.


Added in version 6.22.0

The scanning precision type of the SparkScanView.


Added in version 6.22.0

Default precision. Depending on the configured scanning mode and behavior, it results in the following behaviors:




  • Tapping the trigger button starts the camera and the scanning process.

  • A barcode is scanned as soon as it is visible on the camera frame.

  • After a successful scan, the scanning process is stopped, and the camera is frozen on the last frame.

  • Tapping the trigger button starts the camera and the scanning process.

  • A barcode is scanned after pointing the viewfinder at it for a short time.

  • After a successful scan, the scanning process is stopped, and the camera is frozen on the last frame.


  • Tapping the trigger button starts the camera and the scanning process.

  • A barcode is scanned as soon as it is visible on the camera frame.

  • Camera and scanning process keep running until the user taps the trigger button, or the SparkScanViewSettings.ContinuousCaptureTimeout expires.

  • Tapping the trigger button starts the camera and the scanning process.

  • A barcode is scanned after pointing the viewfinder at it for a short time.

  • Camera and scanning process keep running until the user taps the trigger button, or the SparkScanViewSettings.ContinuousCaptureTimeout expires.


Added in version 6.22.0

Accurate precision. Depending on the configured scanning mode and behavior, it results in the following behaviors:




  • Expanding the trigger button starts the camera, and tapping it starts the scanning process.

  • A barcode is scanned after pointing the viewfinder at it.

  • After a successful scan, the scanning process is stopped, but the camera keeps running.

  • Tapping the trigger button starts the camera and the scanning process.

  • A barcode is scanned after pointing the viewfinder at it and tapping the trigger button.

  • Camera and scanning process keep running until the trigger button is collapsed.


  • Expanding the trigger button starts the camera, and tapping it starts the scanning process.

  • A barcode is scanned after pointing the viewfinder at it.

  • Camera and scanning process keep running until the user taps the trigger button, or the SparkScanViewSettings.ContinuousCaptureTimeout expires.

  • Expanding the trigger button starts the camera, and tapping it starts the scanning process.

  • A barcode is scanned after pointing the viewfinder at it for a short time.

  • Camera and scanning process keep running until the user taps the trigger button, or the SparkScanViewSettings.ContinuousCaptureTimeout expires.

Deprecated since version 6.23.0: Replaced by SparkScanPreviewBehavior because accurate workflow have been simplified.

interface ISparkScanScanningMode

Added in version 6.22.0

The base class for setting a default scanning mode to SparkScanViewSettings. Can be either SparkScanScanningModeTarget or SparkScanScanningModeDefault.

class SparkScanScanningModeTarget : ISparkScanScanningMode

Added in version 6.22.0

Target scanning mode. This is meant and optimized to scan codes further away.

SparkScanScanningModeTarget(SparkScanScanningBehavior scanningBehavior, SparkScanScanningPrecision scanningPrecision)

Added in version 6.22.0

Constructs a new target scanning mode with the provided capture mode and scanning precision.

Deprecated since version 6.23.0: Replaced by the constructor that accepts SparkScanPreviewBehavior instead of deprecated SparkScanScanningPrecision.

SparkScanScanningModeTarget(SparkScanScanningBehavior scanningBehavior, SparkScanPreviewBehavior previewBehavior)

Added in version 6.23.0

Constructs a new target scanning mode with the provided capture mode and preview behavior.

SparkScanScanningBehavior ScanningBehavior { get; }

Added in version 6.22.0

The scanning mode provided in the constructor.

SparkScanPreviewBehavior PreviewBehavior { get; }

Added in version 6.23.0

The preview behavior provided in the constructor.

SparkScanScanningPrecision ScanningPrecision { get; }

Added in version 6.22.0

The scanning precision provided in the constructor.

Deprecated since version 6.23.0: Replaced by PreviewBehavior.

class SparkScanScanningModeDefault : ISparkScanScanningMode

Added in version 6.22.0

This is the standard scanning mode for SparkScan.

SparkScanScanningModeDefault(SparkScanScanningBehavior scanningBehavior, SparkScanScanningPrecision scanningPrecision)

Added in version 6.22.0

Constructs a new default scanning mode with the provided capture mode and scanning precision.

Deprecated since version 6.23.0: Replaced by the constructor that accepts SparkScanPreviewBehavior instead of deprecated SparkScanScanningPrecision.

SparkScanScanningModeDefault(SparkScanScanningBehavior scanningBehavior, SparkScanPreviewBehavior previewBehavior)

Added in version 6.23.0

Constructs a new default scanning mode with the provided capture mode and preview behavior.

SparkScanScanningBehavior ScanningBehavior { get; }

Added in version 6.22.0

The scanning mode provided in the constructor.

SparkScanPreviewBehavior PreviewBehavior { get; }

Added in version 6.23.0

The preview behavior provided in the constructor.

SparkScanScanningPrecision ScanningPrecision { get; }

Added in version 6.22.0

The scanning precision provided in the constructor.

Deprecated since version 6.23.0: Replaced by PreviewBehavior.

class SparkScanCoordinatorLayout : FrameLayout

Added in version 6.22.0

SparkScanCoordinatorLayout is a FrameLayout.

SparkScanCoordinatorLayout is intended to be used as a container of your layout and where the SparkScanView will be used.

class SparkScanViewEventArgs : EventArgs

Added in version 6.22.0

Provides data for the SparkScanView.BarcodeCountButtonTapped and SparkScanView.BarcodeFindButtonTapped events.

SparkScanViewEventArgs(SparkScanView view)

Added in version 6.22.0

SparkScanView View { get; }

Added in version 6.22.0

class SparkScanView : RelativeLayout

Added in version 6.22.0

SparkScan comes with a ready-to-use UI and scanning modes that are purpose-built to tackle high-volume scanning at close range. The SparkScanView integrates with any app without requiring app redesign or customization. It includes:

  • camera preview screen

  • large-sized scan button

  • quick access toolbar to adjust scanning settings

void OnPause()

Added in version 6.22.0

Function to call on Fragment/Activity OnPause callback. You have to call this for the correct functioning of the SparkScanView.

protected override void OnPause()
void OnResume()

Added in version 6.22.0

Function to call on Fragment/Activity OnResume callback. You have to call this for the correct functioning of the SparkScanView.

protected override void OnResume()
void EmitFeedback(ISparkScanViewFeedback feedback)

Added in version 6.22.0

Deprecated since version 6.23: Use Feedback instead.

Displays the ISparkScanViewFeedback feedback and emits a SparkScanFeedback based on the feedback type.

ISparkScanFeedbackDelegate Feedback { get;set; }

Added in version 6.23.0

Sets the feedback delegate. If no delegate is set, the default SparkScanBarcodeFeedback.Success feedback is emitted.

static bool HardwareTriggerSupported { get; }

Added in version 6.22.0

Returns whether the device supports listening for hardware button events. This is true for devices with api >= 28.

static SparkScanView Create(View parentView, DataCaptureContext context, SparkScan sparkScan, SparkScanViewSettings settings)

Added in version 6.22.0

Constructs a new SparkScan view and adds it to the provided parentView. When the settings are provided, those will be used to set the default behaviour and look of the view.

SparkScanCoordinatorLayout container = this.FindViewById<SparkScanCoordinatorLayout>(Resource.Id.spark_scan_coordinator);
var sparkScanView = SparkScanView.Create(parentView: container,
                                         context: context,
                                         sparkScan: sparkScan,
                                         settings: viewSettings);
void StartScanning()

Added in version 6.22.0

Starts the scanning process. You can call this method if you want to trigger the scanning process without any user interaction.

void PauseScanning()

Added in version 6.22.0

Pauses the scanning process. You can call this method if you want to trigger pausing the scanning process without any user interaction.

void ShowToast(string text)

Added in version 6.22.0

Shows a toast with text inside the mini preview.

bool ShouldShowScanAreaGuides { get;set; }

Added in version 6.22.0

Whether to show scan area guides on top of the preview. This property is useful during development to visualize the current scan areas on screen. It is not meant to be used for production. By default this property is false.

Deprecated since version 6.26: This property is deprecated as it’s no longer needed.

Brush Brush { get;set; }

Added in version 6.22.0

Deprecated since version 6.23: The brush is now specified for each detected barcode. See SparkScanBarcodeFeedback and Feedback.

The brush used for visualizing captured barcodes in the UI. To turn off drawing of locations, set the brush to use both a transparent fill and stroke color. By default, the brush has a transparent fill color, a white stroke color, and a stroke width of 1.

static Brush DefaultBrush { get; }

Added in version 6.22.0

Returns the default brush used by the overlay.

event EventHandler<SparkScanViewEventArgs> BarcodeCountButtonTapped

Added in version 6.22.0

Invoked whenever a barcode count button is tapped from the toolbar.

event EventHandler<SparkScanViewEventArgs> FastFindButtonTapped

Added in version 6.22.0

Invoked whenever a barcode find button is tapped from the toolbar.

Deprecated since version 6.26: This event was renamed. Use BarcodeFindButtonTapped instead.

event EventHandler<SparkScanViewEventArgs> BarcodeFindButtonTapped

Added in version 6.26.0

Invoked whenever a barcode find button is tapped from the toolbar.

bool BarcodeCountButtonVisible { get;set; }

Added in version 6.22.0

Indicates whether the barcode count button should be shown to the user.

Default is false.

bool BarcodeFindButtonVisible { get;set; }

Added in version 6.26.0

Indicates whether the barcode find button should be shown to the user.

Default is false.

bool FastFindButtonVisible { get;set; }

Added in version 6.22.0

Indicates whether the barcode find button should be shown to the user.

Default is false.

Deprecated since version 6.26: This property was renamed. Use BarcodeFindButtonVisible instead.

bool TargetModeButtonVisible { get;set; }

Added in version 6.22.0

Indicates whether the target mode button should be shown to the user.

Default is true.

bool ScanningBehaviorButtonVisible { get;set; }

Added in version 6.22.0

Indicates whether the scanning behavior button should be shown to the user.

Default is false.

bool TorchButtonVisible { get;set; }

Added in version 6.22.0

Indicates whether the torch button should be shown to the user.

Default is true.

bool SoundModeButtonVisible { get;set; }

Added in version 6.22.0

Indicates whether the enable sound button should be shown to the user.

Default is false.

Deprecated since version 6.26: This property is deprecated as sound mode button will be removed in the future.

bool HapticModeButtonVisible { get;set; }

Added in version 6.22.0

Indicates whether the enable haptic button should be shown to the user.

Default is false.

Deprecated since version 6.26: This property is deprecated as haptic mode button will be removed in the future.

bool HandModeButtonVisible { get;set; }

Added in version 6.22.0

Indicates whether the hand mode button should be shown to the user.

Default is false.

bool ZoomSwitchControlVisible { get;set; }

Added in version 6.22.0

Indicates whether the zoom switch control should be shown to the user.

Default is true.

bool PreviewSizeControlVisible { get;set; }

Added in version 6.23.0

Indicates whether the mini preview size control should be shown to the user.

Default is true.

bool CameraSwitchButtonVisible { get;set; }

Added in version 6.24.0

Indicates whether the camera switch button should be shown to the user.

Default is false.


This API is still in beta and may change in future versions of Scandit Data Capture SDK.

string StopCapturingText { get;set; }

Added in version 6.22.0

Sets the default text to display in the button for the stop capturing action.

Default is null.

string StartCapturingText { get;set; }

Added in version 6.22.0

Sets the default text to display in the button for the start capturing action.

Default is null.

string ResumeCapturingText { get;set; }

Added in version 6.22.0

Sets the default text to display in the button for the resume capturing action.

Default is null.

string ScanningCapturingText { get;set; }

Added in version 6.22.0

Sets the default text to display in the button when scanning in SparkScanScanningBehavior.Single.

Default is null.

Color CaptureButtonBackgroundColor { get;set; }

Added in version 6.22.0

Sets the background color of the capture button.

Default is null.

Color CaptureButtonActiveBackgroundColor { get;set; }

Added in version 6.22.0

Sets the background color of the capture button when scanning.

Default is null.

Color CaptureButtonTintColor { get;set; }

Added in version 6.22.0

Sets the capture button icon and text color.

Default is null.

Color ToolbarBackgroundColor { get;set; }

Added in version 6.22.0

Sets the toolbar background color.

Default is null.

Color ToolbarIconActiveTintColor { get;set; }

Added in version 6.22.0

Sets the toolbar icon active color.

Default is null.

Color ToolbarIconInactiveTintColor { get;set; }

Added in version 6.22.0

Sets the toolbar icon inactive color.

Default is null.

string TargetModeHintText { get;set; }

Added in version 6.22.0

Sets the target mode hint text.

Default is null.

Deprecated since version 6.23: This property is not used as target mode hint is not shown anymore see ShouldShowTargetModeHint.

bool ShouldShowTargetModeHint { get;set; }

Added in version 6.22.0

Indicates whether hints in target mode should be shown to the user.

Default is true.

Deprecated since version 6.23: This hint is not displayed anymore due to changes in SparkScanScanningModeTarget scanning mode.