Scandit Data Capture SDK 6.14 Release Notes (August 29, 2022)

See also the System Requirements of the Scandit Data Capture SDK across all platforms.

New Features


  • Reduced the size of the id & text artifacts. As a result, the apps that depend on these artifacts are significantly smaller compared to 6.13. For example both IdCaptureSimpleSample and TextCaptureSample are more than 20% smaller in 6.14 than in 6.13. See also the FAQ for details.

  • IdCapture now supports capturing information from a Machine Readable Zone (MRZ) of the following documents issued by People’s Republic of China - Mainland Travel Permit for Hong Kong & Macau Residents (港澳居民來往內地通行證), Mainland Travel Permit for Taiwan Residents (台灣居民來往大陸通行證), Exit-Entry Permit for Travelling to and from Hong Kong and Macau (往来港澳通行证), and Exit-Entry Permit for Travelling to and from Taiwan (往来台灣通行证).

  • Added SDCIdCaptureOverlay.defaultIdLayoutStyle, SDCIdCaptureOverlay.defaultIdLayoutLineStyle and SDCIdCaptureOverlay.defaultIdLayout.


Behavioral Changes



  • Errors raised by SDCParser when a failure of some sort happens, now contain an error-specific code that can be read programmatically.

  • Now only one control per anchor and per type can be added to the data capture view. Adding a control to an anchor which already has another one will replace it. Adding a control of a type where there is already one in the data capture view will remove the previous one. To add multiple controls at the same anchor, check SDCLinearControlGroup.

Performance Improvements


  • Improved blurry barcode decoding on iPhone 13.

Bug Fixes


  • Fixed the dimming that was sometimes not removed when switching from TapToSelect to AimToSelect.

  • Fixed a bug that prevented view-based overlays from being removed from the DataCaptureView when removing the overlay.

  • Fixed a bug that caused number of selection codes in aimer selection limited with MatrixScan light license.


  • Fixed an issue which caused field SDCMrzResult.capturedMrz to return data inconsistent with the individual MRZ data fields.

  • Fixed a bug that prevented some Colombian ID to be captured.



Scandit Data Capture SDK 6.14.1 Bug Fixes (September 27, 2022)

  • Fixed a crash when scanning MRZ documents that do not contain month and day of birth.