South Africa DL Barcode Result
Defined under the namespace Scandit.Datacapture.Id
- SouthAfricaDlBarcodeResult
class SouthAfricaDlBarcodeResult
Added in version 6.8.0
Information obtained from the PDF417 barcode present on the back of a South Africa Driver’s License specific to this kind of document.
- licenseCountryOfIssue
get licenseCountryOfIssue(): string
Added in version 6.8.0
The name of the country, where the Driver’s License was issued.
- personalIdNumber
get personalIdNumber(): string
Added in version 6.8.0
The personal ID number of this Driver’s License holder.
- personalIdNumberType
get personalIdNumberType(): string
Added in version 6.8.0
The kind of personal ID number used - “02” means the number of the South Africa ID card.
- documentCopy
get documentCopy(): number
Added in version 6.8.0
Identifies if this document has been duplicated, starting from 1.
- professionalDrivingPermit
get professionalDrivingPermit(): ProfessionalDrivingPermit | null
Added in version 6.8.0
Whether the holder of this License is allowed to transport goods, dangerous goods or passengers for an income.
- vehicleRestrictions
get vehicleRestrictions(): VehicleRestriction[]
Added in version 6.8.0
The categories of motor vehicles that the holder of this License is permitted to drive.
- ProfessionalDrivingPermit
class ProfessionalDrivingPermit
Added in version 6.8.0
The professional driving permit (PrDP) of the Driver’s License holder.
- dateOfExpiry
get dateOfExpiry(): DateResult
Added in version 6.8.0
The date when this permit expires.
- VehicleRestriction
class VehicleRestriction
Added in version 6.8.0
- vehicleCode
get vehicleCode(): string
Added in version 6.8.0
The category of motor vehicle the Driver’s License is valid for. Check the information printed on the Driver’s License for the list of valid codes.
- vehicleRestriction
get vehicleRestriction(): string
Added in version 6.8.0
The restriction that applies to the motor vehicle category. Check the information printed on the Driver’s License for the list of possible restrictions.
- dateOfIssue
get dateOfIssue(): DateResult
Added in version 6.8.0
The date when this vehicle restriction starts to apply.